This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


World War 2 “German – Russian War” of 1941-1945


She is BEAUTIFUL, CARING and very intelligent but she CANNOT COOK

Dear DAILY POST Readers,

Its less than a year that I met this lovely gal, she very beautiful, caring, very religious and we love each other so much, she is actually the first lady I will ever love with my whole heart as I always dream of keeping her as a wife.

But the problem am having with her is that she can’t cook, she can’t prepare any meal at all and she’s also very lazy when it comes to domestic works and any time I raise the issue, she always reacts as if she never cares to learn how to do them, at times she tell that I shouldn’t worry that she will change and learn how to cook very soon, that is when she notices am very serious or not happy about the issue.

I now want DAILY POST readers to advise me on what to do that can force her to learn how to cook and do other domestic works…Thanks


MEN!! are these the TOP qualities of a WOMAN who is a “WIFE MATERIAL”

1. She is not sexy, fine, or hot. She is beautiful at heart and therefore encompasses all of
these descriptions.

2. She is intelligent, sassy, funny, outgoing, determined, strong and classy-knows herself-worth and comports herself accordingly.

3. She can cook or at least order a meal that tastes home-made.

4. Her personality is just as beautiful as her body.

5. She believes in God and follows his virtues.

6. She knows that a relationship requires a 200% quota yet she gives her man an extra 10%.

7. She can please her man in anyway. Mentally, spiritually, and sexually when it’s time.

8. She makes you recognize your full potential as a man and completes you.

9. She’s always there for you, no matter what your dreams are or how long they take to materialize.

10. She’s not afraid to tell you the truth and set it straight.

11. You can talk to her and confide in her, without thinking of what she may do with them if peradventure you breakup. She is your best confidant & best friend.

12. You love being around her more than my crew.

13. You can share & enjoy my most intimate moments with her without thinking of sex.

14. You can have a really silly bad argument with her and have the BEST Mind Numbing and passionate date after.

15. She’s always willing to find a way to work out our problems. But she’s also intelligent enough to leave, if they become TOO unbearable

16. She’s UNIQUE – nothing like any other girl you’ve met.



BULAWAYO(ZimEye) – A Mberengwa woman shocked all and sundry during a trial after she defecated her herself while answering to charges of assaulting her husband’s lover.

Rosina Moyo, 32, of Vanguard compound in Mberengwa was dragged before magistrate Christopher Maturure facing charges of assault as defined in Section 89 (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23.

The woman was found guilty by the magistrate and while awaiting sentence, she soiled herself as she panicked over a lengthy jail sentence. Moyo, had to be dragged to the showers by prison guards before she was brought back for sentence.

Matuture slapped her with 36 months in prison and 10 months were suspended on condition of good behavior.

It is the State’s case that in February, Moyo who was imbibing at Vanguard Bar, noticed her husband sharing beer with the suspected lover. She confronted the two and attacked the woman with an iron bar.

The complainant sustained a deep cut on the head and fell unconscious. The husband fled the scene and has not been seen since the incident.
(Zimbabwe, ZimEye)


What Can We Learn from the Bible About the Devil?

Things We Know about Satan, The Devil: More on the Spiritual Battle at

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There is quite a bit of information that we can glean from the Bible about the Devil. Although there is a lot of folklore and legend about evil beings passed down through the ages in many cultures, we believe that God’s Word gives the best and most accurate information concerning him. We can learn about this spiritual creature from the Bible in two different manners. The first method is by understanding the various terms God uses when referring to him and the second is through a close examination of the various records that describe his interactions with God and mankind.

In our first approach we want to study the various terms God’s Word uses when referring to this spiritual being. As we study these references we need to know that they are not his name, but appellations, which are titles or descriptive terms. If no one knew my name, you could learn a lot about me by the various ways in which others referred to me. Sometimes this might involve the use of my titles, or reference to my roles, occupations, or actions. If someone referred to me as a brother, then you would know I was a male, had siblings, and that I had parents. If I was called a father you could discern I had children, and if I were called a husband you would know I had a wife. You would also be able to know a lot about me if someone called me intelligent, honorable, or a cheater. In just the same way, we can learn a vast amount by the various appellations and descriptive terms God uses when He speaks in His Word about His nemesis.

One of the most common ways people refer to God’s enemy is by using the word “Devil.” The English word devil is a transliteration of the Greek word, diabolos. The Greek word diabolos, or a form of it, appears over one hundred times in the New Testament, and from these various uses we can glean quite a bit of information about him. Although most people understand that this is God’s archenemy, what they do not realize is that “Devil” is actually not his name. The word diabolos actually means “the slanderer,” which gives us insight into some of his character because we know that a slanderer is someone who maligns and defames others by attacking their reputations through lies and deceit.

In addition to the various descriptive terms God uses for this spiritual being, we can also gain valuable insights into his methods and purposes by closely examining the scriptural references to him. The first use of the Greek word diabolos, “Devil,” is found in the gospel of Matthew. There are a number of things we can learn from the record in Matthew 4, the first of which is that one of the Devil’s methods is to tempt people. The record begins by telling us that Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil (v. 1). As this record develops we see that the Devil tempted Jesus in a number of ways. In his first statement to Jesus he says, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread” (v. 3). After fasting for forty days Jesus would have been very hungry. The Devil’s temptation was an appeal to Jesus’ basic human need for food and nourishment. Many times the Devil tempts us to satisfy our most basic physical and emotional needs, but to do so in a way that is not godly.

This appeal of the Devil is also a temptation for Jesus to misuse his authority. Jesus was not at the point of starvation, and there was no need for him to prove that he was the Son of God to the Devil. This temptation also includes a sense of an appeal to Jesus’ personal ego, which is really a temptation to be prideful. Had Jesus commanded the stones to turn into bread, his Father, God, would have probably honored it. After all, the record concludes by saying that when the Devil left him, “angels came and attended him” (v.11). God’s enemy often attempts to get us to meet our needs not by trusting in God, but by taking matters into our own hands.

In the second temptation in Matthew Chapter 4, the Devil “took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple” (v. 5). This reveals that the Devil has some very powerful supernatural abilities. Whether the Devil actually took Jesus to the temple, or gave him a vision of being at the temple, he had to use great spiritual power to accomplish this. The Devil once again begins this temptation by questioning Jesus’ sonship, and then proceeds to quote Scripture.

Matthew 4:6
…”throw yourself down. For it is written: ” ‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’ ”

We must note that the Devil knows and will quote Scripture in his attempts to get us to sin. What is also very revealing is that he quotes God’s Word, but does so by questioning its integrity. Slanderers have a way of speaking that leaves a godly listener with an unsettled feeling, even if they cannot quite figure out the problem with what was said. A closer examination of the Devil’s question shows that he takes this section of Psalm 91 out of context, which always leads to error. Whenever we misquote or misapply Scripture, we no longer have the Word of God. This Psalm actually says, “If you make the Most High your dwelling— even the LORD, who is my refuge – then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent” (Psalm 91:9 and10). It is in the context of making God our dwelling that He will command His angels to guard us (Psalm 91:11). Once again the Devil appeals to Jesus’ sense of self-identity, or personal pride, and attempts to get him to misuse his authority.

In his third temptation, the Devil takes Jesus to a “very high mountain” where he “showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor,” (Matt. 4:8), which was another powerful spiritual feat. The Devil, having demonstrated his great powers, now presents Jesus with his great temptation: “all this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me” (v. 9). Finally the Devil reveals his true agenda, which is to be worshipped as God. The Devil is God’s archenemy, and he stands in direct opposition to God. He is often very bold and blatant in his attempt to get mankind to worship him. This is completely contrary to the first commandment that God, and God alone, is to be worshipped (Deut. 5:7). The practice of desiring worship is a demonic theme that occurs throughout the Old Testament, which often shows demons involved in idolatry and false worship (Lev. 17:7; Deut. 32:17; 2 Chron. 11:15; and Psalm 106:37).

The Devil was really not offering Jesus anything that he would not inherit anyway by staying faithful to God and His commands. Unfortunately, many times our sin involves our lack of patience to wait for God’s proper timing. For instance, we know that God has created sexual pleasure for men and women to enjoy, but He wants us to do so within the bounds of the covenant of marriage. We sin when we lack the patience to abide by His instructions in this area.

We have seen from the record in Matthew 4 that there are many characteristics of the Devil that we can learn from the Scriptures. Every Christian is in the center of the battlefield between God and the Devil, who are in direct opposition to each other. God desires His children to grow up, so we are able to stand against the methods of the Devil. To do this we must each discipline ourselves to study and learn all we can about the Devil, his methods, and his tactics. Jesus’ defense against the attack of the Devil involved his knowing and quoting Scripture accurately. Like Jesus, we too will be able to successfully stand against God’s enemy when we follow his lead in our dealings with the Devil.

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