This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


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Message Body:
Mek mi start by sayin girl chile Nuh run bakka man yuh booth will pop in this case chev a run bakka bin soo long inna the same booth the booth both dry rotten and pop pan har. Su last nite mi Stan up outta wet Sunday a wait pan mi fren MOTIVES fi park wen mi look up the road Nuh bin dat mi see a hustle a com wid a piece a slippers inna him hand wen mi look Nuh chev itch up inna the bush den mi see bin hand har the duty slippers and chev tek off the booth and a hide it inna the bush the booth heel bruk off ooooo god so mi seh wen mi a com outta di paaty mi ago tek a pics of the ole booth een mi tek a stack chev gone and the booth gone nuttin more than chev carry the booth gone a shoe mekka . But mi a seh to mi self wen she see the booth heel bruk off she Nuh tek har self home man .. But noo chev has to stay and watch bin she need fi watch bin more and si seh him Eva clean and fix up har self man CHEV AND BIN FROM ALLIANCE!!!!








MIDTOWN — A ripoff involving hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cocaine from Mexico was the motive behind the brazen execution of Los Angeles law student Brandon Woodard in the heart of Midtown earlier this month, New York has learned.
Law enforcement sources said that the killers — believed to be part of a Queens drug crew — paid “a substantial amount of cash,” but never received their shipment of cocaine from the West Coast and were fed up waiting for it.
Woodard was lured to his death on West 58th Street near Seventh Avenue where he was shot in the back of the head in broad daylight.
Sources said the federal Drug Enforcement Administration has joined the probe, considering the bicoastal aspects of the slaying, and its ties to other violence and murders.
“It is really not a homicide investigation,” one source said. “It has become a major narcotics case involving a big operation and substantial money, perhaps millions of dollars.”
The DEA is providing intelligence and resources to the NYPD about drug trafficking here and on the West Coast, and into possible connection reaching to drug distributors out of the nation of Jamaica, sources said.
Meanwhile, sources told “On the Inside” the NYPD is getting closer to identifying the cold-blooded killer who calmly pumped a bullet from a .9mm handgun into the back of Woodard’s head as he was lured to his death last week.
The NYPD has already identified the driver of the getaway car, New York previously reported.
Authorities suspect both the killer and the driver of the rented Lincoln MKZ are low-level Queens thugs with arrest records for drugs who are part of a powerful crew whose members they are trying to identify.
Neither of the possible suspects has been picked up and questioned as authorities are taking their time gathering evidence to make sure they have a strong case against them and that no false steps are made.
Woodard, who also has a lengthy criminal record including for dealing cocaine, was apparently a middleman or courier in the drug deal that went bad, sources explained.
“The Los Angeles guys thought they were tough, and could f— with the boys from New York,” one source told “On The Inside.”
They were dead wrong.
“They screwed with the wrong people,” the source said.
“These guys move a lot of money and a lot of product,” another source said. New York previously reported that Woodward’s killing had ties to several other murders and shootings.
One of three cellphones found on Woodard was linked to a Brooklyn club promoter, who was an acquaintance of three men who were assassinated earlier this year after a party.
Those victims, each packing guns, were lured to a Queens schoolyard and executed in a fusillade of AK-47 automatic gunfire as they sat in a Jeep.
Investigators believed those killing had ties to marijuana and possibly cocaine trafficking out of the island of Jamaica — and the DEA is also providing intelligence related to Caribbean traffickers.
In addition, a single shell found at the West 58th Street crime scene matched bullets sprayed into a Queens home in 2009. A man who lived there at the time — and was a possible target — was involved in a fight on Staten Island earlier this year. A few days later, his attacker with was shot and killed.
Woodard’s brutal assassination was captured on several videos that were released by the NYPD. Images of the Lincoln getaway car were later captured heading into Queens from the Queens-Midtown Tunnel, police said.
The woman who rented the car told investigators she gave it to another man, who in turn insists he lent it to someone else. Neither is considered a suspect.
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900G heist in triple slay
Last Updated: 2:46 AM, July 11, 2012
Posted: 2:46 AM, July 11, 2012
One of the men killed in a triple slaying in Queens over the weekend had apparently been taunting a drug dealer — throwing around some of the $900,000 he stole from the thug, sources said yesterday.

James Bussereth, 33, had boasted of a $20,000 bounty on his head after the theft — and apparently didn’t care who saw him flaunting his new wealth.

Friday night, Bussereth and three pals were ambushed by at least two thugs armed with AK-47-like assault rifles.

Bussereth and two pals died. The other man survived.


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A Harare man who reportedly urinated in a family drinking well following an altercation with his wife became hysterical in court after his application was dismissed.

Nyasha Zvoushe had made a protection order application at the Harare Civil Court against his estranged wife Diana Manjeyese.

Zvoushe told resident magistrate Mr Brighton Pabwe that he sought protection from the law against his wife who abuses him.

“This woman beats me up and shouts at me, telling me that I am not a real man who can make her pregnant,” he said.

“I almost lost my life when she pulled my genitals, only to wake up at Harare Hospital.

“She sold all my clothes and is barring me from my house where she is now cohabiting with her boyfriend.

“She told me that the child we have is not mine and she has had other men who satisfy her in bed.”

In her response, Manjeyese told the court that her husband was a liar.

“We started having problems when he wanted to take another wife,” she said.

“I denied that he marries another wife, prompting him to leave our matrimonial home.

“He returned and found me in the company of my sister and brother.

“He insisted that the man is my boyfriend.”

Mr Pabwe dismissed Zvoushe’s application for lack of merit and advised him to seek advice from his in-laws and aunties.

Zvoushe, who could not stomach the judgment, became hysterical and started shouting.

“I am scared of her, I am scared of her.

“Where will I stay?” he said.

“From here, I am going home.

“I will deal with whatever happens when I am there.”


“And when we give each other Christmas gifts in His name, let us remember that He has given us the sun and the moon and the stars, and the earth with its forests and mountains and oceans–and all that lives and move upon them. He has given us all green things and everything that blossoms and bears fruit and all that we quarrel about and all that we have misused–and to save us from our foolishness, from all our sins, He came down to earth and gave us Himself.”
― Sigrid Undset



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