This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


10 Days after the arrest warrant was signed for Jamaican Don, Chris Coke known as DUDUS he has still not been captured by Jamaican law enforcement. However, the upheaval in Jamaica has caused the death of more than 70 people and at one point 500 had been arrested. Most of them have been released, but the fact is that Dudus is nowhere to be found. Now CBS News in the United states has reported that he may be headed to Belize. Here’s that report.

Jay Dow, CBS News

Tivoli Gardens in Kingston Jamaica, a neighborhood still consumed in violence. For the last week, Jamaican Security Forces have been battling armed rebels who support this man, 40 year old accused drug kingpin Christopher Coke who investigators say runs the “Shower Posse” an international cartel with operations in several American cities including New York. But according to an internal intelligence document obtained by CBS News Coke and his cohorts, using fishing boats and small planes “may attempt to flee the violence and enter the United States illegally to fight another day and control Jamaican criminal activity in the United States.” The document also states Coke and his crew may attempt to go through Belize in Central America in order to sneak into the US and settle down in one of several major cities with established Jamaican criminal networks.”

Jay Dow, CBS News

“Coke who goes by the aliases ‘Dudus’, ‘Shortman’, and President is regarded by justice officials as one of the world’s dangerous drug lords. He is already the subject of a federal indictment and has a long history of operating with the kind of freedom that comes with cozy political connections.”

Jay Dow

“Those connections to Jamaica’s Labour Party date back to the time when Coke’s father held the title of ‘Don’ in Jamaica’s mafia. He dies in a fire while in police custody.”

Patrick Maitland, Publisher – Street Hype

“Jamiacan police are known to be very brutal. He knows that perhaps they would want to kill him.”

Jay Dow

“Back in Tivoli families are still mourning and in some cases trying to find their loved ones. So far over 70 people had died many of them civilians caught in the cross fire.”

*Original Article click yasso*


Reporting from Kingston, Jamaica — Anger over Prime Minister Bruce Golding’s handling of police operations last week against a suspected drug lord that left 73 people dead pushed Jamaica’s Parliament to introduce a no-confidence measure Tuesday that could have cost the beleaguered leader his job.

The weeklong police and military search for alleged drug lord Christopher “Dudus” Coke, which also saw 700 people detained, had drawn widespread criticism and calls for Golding’s resignation, including from longtime rival and former Prime Minister Edward Seaga.

Yes sir/madamclick yasso original article

* people mi stop read deeply ina di Jamaican news… di farrina dem have it locked mi sorry…. Portia all u can tink bout  no confidence vote huh? Wha happen to di ppl dem whey dead without dem family being identified?..UNNO SICK STOMACH*




KINGSTON, Jamaica, June 1 (UPI) — Jamaica’s justice minister said she considered a lot of evidence in signing a request to extradite a suspected drug kingpin to the United States.

Dorothy Lightbourne, also the country’s attorney general, said she was not acting under orders of Prime Minister Bruce Golding in signing the document against Christopher “Dudus” Coke, who has been charged by the the United with drug-trafficking and gun-running, The Gleaner reported Tuesday.
“It is not true that I acted under the direction of the prime minister,” Lightbourne said in court documents filed in response to Coke’s request that his arrest warrant be stayed.
A hearing Monday on Coke’s request was postponed until Wednesday so Coke’s attorneys could review Lightbourne’s filing.
Police and military troops last week clashed with Coke’s supporters in fighting that left 73 dead.
Coke’s charity programs have earned him strong support among Kingston’s poor.
For nine months, the Jamaican government refused to comply with the U.S. government’s extradition request, arguing that Jamaica needed more information because proffered evidence obtained through wiretaps violated the Interception of Communications Act, the newspaper said.
In his affidavit, Coke alleged Lightbourne acted under Golding’s direction when she signed the extradition papers, but the minister said the claim wasn’t true. She said she told the prime minister and Cabinet members May 17 she would sign the authority to proceed, and the prime minister announced the decision later that day, The Gleaner said

Original article click yasso


Kandi a one a di wickedis battyman all him do a  walk n obeah people and mek vodoo dolly wid pin… it even did obeah one battyman name betti,him call himself kandi exquiste , a bare doll him walk n tie man wid an a  obeah man him did tie har ex-man n her ex frens dem take him to a next obeah man n release the tie what a stressss  …one night  him go party  n come home n the boy move himself outa him house……him full a std n GD.  Him n delano whey jus  change him name to yohji goodlife soho, when yuh go fi him yard all you see is burning dust n candles in a all different colours an all  him involved in lottery scam and fraud weh scam old people of their hard working money it use it mine man, bekaw nuff man  refuse him cause di skin  stay well  bad full a spot, skabies n kratch kratch because di std stay long ting it bruck out pan him skin.  Him  all go jail n the police them tek weh him cyar because dem seh a  organise crime so police  still have him info n everything and him a go panama todeh..Yes das di Kandi file


Jamaican drug king’s father found fertile ground in Miami

The father of Christopher `Dudus’ Coke — at the center of a deadly gun battle in Kingston — found a fertile ground in Miami in the 1980s for his criminal activities.
Bullets, bodies haunt Jamaica Jamaican leader under fire over violent siege By JENNIFER LEBOVICH AND TRENTON DANIEL

[email protected]

It was 1988 and Lester Lloyd Coke’s Shower Posse — a notorious Jamaican drug gang — was deep into gun and drug running. He was wanted in a South Florida courtroom to answer to murder and drug charges, but never made it to Miami to stand trial.

Now, two decades later, another Coke is accused of running the Shower Posse.
It’s Lester’s son, Christopher “Dudus” Coke, the man wanted for extradition by the U.S. on drug and weapons charges and the object of a manhunt that has touched off a bloody battle between Jamaican authorities and his supporters in Kingston. The government announced last week that the violence had claimed 73 lives.
“All of this old stuff is coming up again,” said Len Cartor, a former Miami-Dade police sergeant who worked in the department’s warrants bureau and arrested the father, also known as Jim Brown, in the 1980s.
Though the father has been dead for 18 years, there’s still a painting of him in Tivoli Gardens, where some of the fiercest fighting between government troops and gunmen loyal to Christopher Coke took place last week. It reads: “Legend Jim Brown, don of dons.”
The violence that erupted in Jamaica has its roots in 1980s Miami, when Jamaicans and Colombians were the soldiers in the cocaine wars, say those who worked to put them behind bars.
Under Lester Coke, the Shower Posse — so-named because it rained bullets down on rival gangs — was centered in Jamaica, but its tentacles reached far into the United States
“It seemed like Miami was their secondary base of operations,” said retired Miami-Dade police Sgt. Kevin Dougherty, who tracked Coke while working with MDPD’s Warrants Bureau.
Coke was well-known to Jamaican law enforcement and was an activist in the Jamaica Labour Party long before he was indicted in 1988 along with dozens of others by a federal grand jury.“It was a whole gun-running and drug-running operation going up and down the East Coast,” said Andrew Reich, an assistant U.S. attorney who handled the case. “Coke was one of the lead players.”
Then, as now, the gangs enjoyed backing from political parties on the island.
“Tivoli Gardens residents looked to Jim Brown for leadership,” said David Rowe, who represented Vivian Blake, a Shower Posse leader indicted with Coke. “He was a well-known and notorious enforcer and that reputation followed him. He was always hounded by federal authorities when he was here. Once they became aware of the activities of the Shower Posse, Jim Brown was always under some degree of scrutiny.’
Rowe, who never met father or son, said there appears to be a difference in leadership styles between the two men.
“The father was a little more abrasive, prominent individual,” said the Jamaican-born Rowe, an adjunct law professor at the University of Miami and an extradition expert. “The son is a better educated person, and he’s quiet.”
In the summer of 1985, a U.S. Marshals’ task force was searching for dangerous fugitives in the Miami area. The Jamaican government had put out wanted flyers for Lester Coke, sought in the “mass murder” of 12 in May 1985 in Kingston. He was also sought in two other shootings.
That July 17, Doughtery got a tip that led authorities to a house in the Norland neighborhood in northern Miami-Dade County. A morning drive by the house revealed that a 5’10, 240-pound man believed to be Coke was inside.
Read more:


Tellmepastor Fact:” kandi obeah working is not exquiste so go n release your exes from bondage, set them free kandi, your like a maroon from maroon town a voodoo working, only if obeah could let your std go bye bye nasty kandi exquiste doll flithy delano goodlife soho n infested macka prosperity you guys need to stop”

Tellmepastor Fact :”kandi not even your std is exquiste n a doll has no infection because it’s plastic so that name dont stick, kandi go let delano soho goodlife jump you from behind you two losers can exchange your infectious diceases n if your in the mood to spread it go see macka prosperity, you guys are a three pack of distruction with devastation”


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