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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Elonia and David Reynolds fled crack-flooded Miami Gardens soon after the murder of their daughter. They were afraid– but not of the drug dealers perched on every corner. It was their own rage that scared them, explains Elonia now: “I felt that I would see young boys on the street and run my car over them. My feeling was, Why are you able to be alive and not my child?”

As Riptide previously reported, the bloody standoff that has paralyzed Jamaica, as reputed drug lord Christopher “Dudus” Coke resists extradition to the United States, has local roots. In the 80s and 90s, Coke’s ultraviolent Shower Posse, then helmed by his father Lester Lloyd Coke, terrified cocaine hub South Florida with the gang’s trademark mass shootings.
Hilda LaToy Reynolds, killed by stray gunfire eighteen years ago as she celebrated her seventeenth birthday on a Miami-Dade dance floor, was one of an estimated 1400 people killed by the Shower Posse in the United States during that era.
“I think about LaToy every day,” Elonia– a gravely soft-spoken, strong-boned professional nurse– tells Riptide in her comfortable Pembroke Pines living room as her husband, also a nurse, sleeps off a night shift in the bedroom. “People say you get over it as time passes. How could I ever get over it?”
Near 4 a.m. on August 15, 1992, aspiring teacher LaToy was at Taste of the Islands, a Caribbean restaurant/nightclub at 20316 NW Second Ave, when gunmen opened fire on the crowded dance floor. They were apparently gunning for a single target, a rival gangbanger, but the shooting left five dead, including LaToy, and seventeen wounded.
One of shooter’s guns clicked empty as he pointed it at LaToy’s sister Natalie, says Elonia, which is “the only reason we didn’t have two caskets.”
The slaughter was the deadliest in state history and pure Shower Posse– the crew that was also implicated in similar mass shootings in crackhouses, in a packed Fireman’s Benevolent Hall, in a warehouse in a shootout with cops, and on a soccer pitch where a professional player was left dead.
LaToy’s murder tore apart her close-knit, conservative family, immigrants from South Jamaica. Her sister Natalie blamed herself since she had convinced honor student Hilda to go to the club for one dance: “She just couldn’t even spell her name right for about a year afterwards,” says Elonia.
The streets solved the murder, she says. While nobody was tried for the Taste of the Islands shootings, all of the players suspected by detectives were eventually either locked up for other crimes or murdered.
The Shower Posse was finally crippled by a RICO prosecution, and Elonia is no longer tempted to use her coupe as a revenge-seeking tank. But she’s watched with disgust as “Dudus” Coke has made himself a folk hero in her native country, just as his father Lester Lloyd did– by plying impoverished Jamaicans with cheap hand-outs of food and cash.
When a photo of ‘Dudus’ flashes on CNN, Elonia, a firm believer in the death penalty, sees the gangster who stole her daughter’s life. “Anybody who has anything to do with the drug trade has blood on their hands,” she says. “This boy [“Dudus”] needs to be put on the next boat over here, to face all of the horrors that he wrought.”
CLICK YASSO  ( Original Article)


–This is a clip from New York1
Coke is charged with federal drug and weapons offenses in New York and could be sentenced to life in prison if convicted.

He will be held in a federal lockup in lower Manhattan until his arraignment Friday.
While being escorted outside the airport, Coke told NY1’s Ruschell Boone, “I love the people in Jamaica.”
A statement was released after Coke’s brief first appearance before a Jamaican judge, saying his decision not to fight extradition was best for his family, his country and his community.
Coke maintains his innocence with regards to the drug charges.
He was captured Tuesday after a month-long manhunt, in which 76 people were killed during a four-day assault in the Tivoli Gardens section of Kingston, Jamaica, where Coke was hiding.
Through a statement, the U.S. Attorney’s office said, “Drugs and guns were the bread and butter of Coke’s ‘Shower Posse.’ We are relieved that Coke’s arrest and transfer to New York was not marked by violence.”

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Jamaica and US to fight over captured drugs lord
Almost twenty years ago, Michael Christopher “Dudus” Coke heard that his father, Lester, had died in a mysterious jail fire while awaiting extradition to the US on drug charges. Today, as he wakes up in a prison cell somewhere in Jamaica, the Caribbean’s most wanted man is aware of just how keenly some of the local business and political élite would now like history to somehow repeat itself.
Coke was captured on Tuesday evening, when the car in which he and Al Miller, an evangelical minister, were travelling to the US embassy was stopped at a police roadblock on the outskirts of Kingston. He had been on his way to surrender to US officials, who are seeking his extradition.
The arrest followed more than a month of violent clashes which have left at least 73 people dead and turned the Tivoli Gardens neighbourhood of Kingston into a virtual war zone.Though Coke’s detention may temporarily bring peace to their streets, it now also represents a serious headache for the Jamaican government, which is believed to be lukewarm about the prospect of having their country’s most notorious underworld figure flown to New York. US prosecutors intend to charge him with running a vast criminal and cocaine-smuggling empire.
Coke, 42, controls many of the lucrative narcotics routes from South America to the east coast of the USA. He has also built a successful business empire, and managed to cultivate political connections in the Caribbean. As a result, as they say in the world of organised crime, he knows where an awful lot of bodies are buried. Even the country’s Prime Minister, Bruce Golding, owes him a debt of gratitude. Golding represents Tivoli Gardens, a ramshackle slum district of western Kingston where Coke was born, and where his notorious “Shower Posse” – which owes its name to its habit of showering rivals with bullets – is now based.
During the most recent election, Golding’s ruling Jamaica Labour Party were publicly supported by the posse, who are quietly paid protection money by most of the area’s businesses. They used their influence to ensure locals turned out in force to cast their vote.
It was hardly surprising, then, that in recent months Golding and many members of his government have not exactly rushed to make sure that Coke ends up in US. When American officials first filed their extradition request, in August, Golding blocked it, saying the case against Coke was gained by illegal wire-tapping and other flawed evidence. But after months of delay, and facing growing international pressure, he eventually signed an arrest warrant in May.
That led to widespread civil unrest in which two policemen and a soldier were killed, along with scores of locals. Coke is now scheduled to make his first court appearance today, and government lawyers seeking to buy time for their political masters may seek to have him tried for murder in relation to those recent deaths before the US extradition request is dealt with.
Either way, Coke’s current circumstances are something of a mystery. Following his arrest on Tuesday he was initially taken to a local police station. But when crowds started to gather outside, he was evacuated by helicopter to an as-yet undisclosed location.
Jamaica’s Police Commissioner, Owen Ellington told the BBC that Coke had been arrested by policemen “acting on intelligence” at a vehicle checkpoint. “Coke is being held now in a secure facility, and the security forces are taking every step possible to ensure his safety and well-being while he is in our custody,” he said.
“I would like to appeal to the families, friends and sympathisers of Christopher Coke to remain calm and to allow the law to take its course. We would also like to reassure the country that we will continue our efforts to defeat organised crime and to restore law and order in this country while, at the same time, turning around the crime and security situation.”
Coke faces life in prison if he is convicted of the charges that have been filed against him in New York, where prosecutors contend that since the mid-1990s he has run a network that uses women on flights from Jamaica to smuggle crack cocaine onto the streets of cities such as New York. He is also accused of gun-running.
In his defence, his legal team is likely to argue that he is a legitimate businessman and philanthropist, who provides services to many of his country’s slum dwellers and helps impose law and order in a way that the police, who are largely distrusted in poor neighbourhoods, are unable to achieve.
original article here

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