This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]




Met this story need some exposure, police kill di youth in cold blood, after dem pull him ova wid some ganja an money, and di youth a beg fi him life, dem still kill him and put gun pan because dem want to theif di youth ganja an money and talk bout a shout out..people did a watch dem and si everything wah gwaan..

Lacovia residents protest fatal police shooting in Kingston
Jamaica Observer

Monday, July 23, 2012

LACOVIA, St Elizabeth — Scores of people from the Cuffes Pen community in Lacovia demonstrated early today to protest what they say was the unjustified killing of one of their number by police in Kingston on Saturday.

The placard-waving protestors impeded traffic on occasions before the police, led by Superintendent Dezeita Taylor head of the St Elizabeth police division, was able to calm them.

“We have been doing some work building relationships in the Lacovia area and that helped us a lot today,” Taylor later told the Jamaica Observer. Taylor said news that the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM), which has responsibility for the probing of police killings, had taken over the investigation was relayed to the demonstrators and helped to bring calm.

The dead man identified as 25 year-old Ferron Baker was shot dead during a confrontation with a police party on Oakland Road in Kingston. Police say they seized a Glock pistol with two rounds of ammunition and 68 pounds of ganja.

Demonstrators yesterday freely admitted that Baker would have had ganja in the car in which he was travelling but insisted he had no gun and was not involved in any shoot out. They appeared to suggest that their anger and frustration was heightened by news reports, which they claimed only gave the police version of events.

“They are saying they knew his (Baker’s) activity and that it was illegal but they say he was killed in cold blood and there was nothing on the news to say what really took place,” Pinceroy Blake, councillor for the Lacovia Division told the Observer.


It is common belief in mainly the Southern African culture that a murdered person will return from the dead for a second chance to track down his killers and bring them to justice.
This is true to the goings on in the Makaha family in Mutasa District where the spirit of their late grandfather, Raphael Zvenyika Makaha is manifesting itself through his namesake and grandchild, Lincoln Zvenyika Makaha, demanding to be accorded a peaceful rest as well as exposing the hands behind his mysterious disappearance in 1977.
His family is leaving no stone unturned to put all pieces of their grandfather’s disappearance jig-saw puzzle together. To them, justice has to be done and the exhumation of his remains will bring to finality the case that has brought a lot of suffering to the family. Some family members even claimed that they are suffering a lot of misfortunes because of the wandering Sekuru Makaha’s spirit.
The family converged last week at their rural home and embarked on the gruesome exhumation exercise, which had entered its fourth day. Sekuru Makaha’s medium claimed that his remains were buried last Saturday and the family members were busy at work as they had been briefed by Lincoln on the exact spot where their late relative had been buried.
Digging the rocky area proved to be a challenge, but the families were buoyed by the fact that they had managed to retrieve a sack, which their grandfather claimed to have been in possession of when he was allegedly murdered. Lincoln claimed that the work to exhume Sekuru Makaha’s remains was being derailed by some family members who were using charms to blindfold others. He also claimed that those with dirty hands were working round the clock to ensure that his spirit was kept wandering in the wilderness.
“I have told you on numerous occasions that some of you have dirty hands and are doing everything possible to stop my exhumation. They are also sowing seeds of division in the family and are even declaring this a futile mission, but I will not rest until the truth is unveiled. Some are trying to send you on a wild goose chase by pointing at another place saying this is where I was buried, but that is all nonsense. I have suffered enough and I will fight to the bitter end. You should not cry foul when I unleash my wrath. What I urge is unity among family members because I also want my medium to rest,” said Sekuru Makaha through his medium Lincoln.
In an interview, the family spokesperson, Edson Makaha, said they were prepared to find their grandfather’s remains for proper reburial.
“We are determined to last the distance and ensure that our grandfather is accorded the rest he deserves. We have even bought a casket for the reburial. Despite the setbacks that we are facing, victory is certain. Our grandfather disappeared in 1977 after he was summoned to appear before a ‘court’ at Mundenda. It was at the height of the liberation struggle and he was summoned by war collaborators to the ‘court’. His medium is naming Dubura Mundenda, Chekacheka and Pfidzai as the people who murdered him. Some of them have since confessed to their sins and we have video evidence to that effect.”
“However, some of them are right now shifting goalposts and denying their involvement. We will explore all avenues to ensure that our grandfather’s wishes are granted,” he said.



The ABC’s of God
(Lessons from my children)

Clothe Yourselves
by Cara Hanson

“Mommy, I can’t get my shirt on!”
“Mommy, I can’t do this by myself!”
“Mommy, my arm is stuck!”
“Mommy, help! My head is caught in the zipper!”
“Mommy? Mommy? Why did you go back to bed?”

Getting three small children dressed in the morning is no small feat. If I let them do it all themselves, it would take hours, and they would probably have to start getting dressed the night before. There are too many potential mishaps, including the “elephant” (getting the arm stuck in the sleeve over the head), the “potato sack” (putting two legs into one hole), and the “superhero” (putting underwear on the outside of the pants). I’ve survived missions to rescue heads trapped in sleeves, hair stuck on Velcro, and skin caught in zippers. I keep laboring in love, knowing that one day, hopefully before college, they will all get dressed on their own.

I try to give our kids some responsibility for getting dressed, but there are always buttons to snap and zippers to pry. I imagine that animals hibernate and birds fly south for the winter simply to avoid winter apparel. After hours of struggling to dress my children in boots, snow pants, bulky coats, scarves, hats, and mittens, I say, “Forget it. We’ll go outside when spring comes.” When it comes to God, however, He has infinite patience with His children. He wants us all to “get dressed” successfully, and He is always there to help.

When we confess Jesus as Lord, we clothe ourselves with the “dress for success” attire that God provides. Since everyone stands “naked” before Him [1], He probably says, “Whoa, there, let’s put some clothes on!”

Galatians 3:26 and 27
(26) You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus,
(27) for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

If only our spiritual clothes were as obvious as our physical ones. When God said, “Be holy, because I am holy [2],” I don’t think He meant for us to walk around with more holes in our jeans than a golf course. Our clothes should give God the glory, but we should never forget the complete outfit–inside and out. We want people to see the Christ in us and say, “What a beautiful outfit! Where can I get it?”

When our daughter Grace wanted to touch silk, I showed her some dresses shoved way in the back of my closet. “These are so beautiful, Mommy,” she said, running her tiny hands over the smooth material. “Why don’t you ever wear them?” An image popped into my mind of our two year old son covered from head to toe in pasty oatmeal and running towards me with arms outstretched for a hug. “I only wear them on special occasions,” I responded. “That’s too bad,” she said wistfully. I made a mental note never to leave my “new self” in a garment bag shoved in the back of the closet.

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Every morning, we open our spiritual closets and make decisions that will affect us for the rest of the day. With children, it is always wise to lay out their clothes the night before. I try to give our kids some freedom, but I match the outfits and limit the choices. A lack of experience results in mixing polka dots with plaids. Just think about the ugly “outfits” we don when we avoid God’s choices. Talk about a fashion nightmare! When we return to our ugly sin nature, it is the equivalent of a hideous fashion trend making a comeback. The heavenly realms must groan when we bring back the retro look they hoped we had set aside. As our Father, God has to lay our clothes out for us as well:

Colossians 3:12
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

1 Peter 5:5b
All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

Romans 13:13 and 14
(13) Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy
(14) Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.

Imagine God presenting each of us with hangers in the morning, giving us the best options to wear that day. He has already chosen our “clothes” for us to have a victorious day, but we need to put them on. If we need help, He is ready and willing to assist. Think of Him as your personal stylist. (“No, honey, that “Bitterness” doesn’t look good on you. Try this…it’s from the new spring line called “Thankfulness.” Now, if you want to play up your eyes a bit, try this shade of joy called “Radiance.”;) Sometimes we don’t even realize that we need help. We saunter down the runway of life like a confident kid emerging from his room with mismatched socks and clothes that clash worse than a living room from the 1970s.

Children always think they know what they need to wear. Sometimes I let our kids make their foolish choices, just so they can learn from experience. Like the time they thought it would be a good idea to play with socks on in the wet grass. They all came slinking back inside tracking muddy puddles on the carpet and crying, “Mommy! Our socks are wet!” (Hmmm. You think?) God gave us all free will, and sometimes He must cringe at our choices.

Maybe it takes a while for kids to peel off never-ending layers of clothes like an obstinate onion, but they can do it. Choosing the right clothes and putting them on is the challenge, and it takes years of practice to be successful. Anyone who has ever tried to teach a child to put on his own socks can understand the value of unlimited patience.

MOTHER: You have to roll up the sock first, like this.

CHILD: Like this?

MOTHER: No, don’t just put it over one toe. Watch Mommy.

CHILD: (frustrated) I can’t do it!

MOTHER: Don’t give up!

CHILD: Ugh! (Sock sails like a slingshot across the room. Dog whimpers.)

MOTHER: Good effort, but try not to hit the dog next time. Okay, let’s just go barefoot today.

How amazing that God never gives up on us. What an inspiration to parents everywhere! He has a plan and purpose for each of us, and He encourages us every step of the way. When we make smart decisions, God must feel like I did the first time Grace got dressed all by herself. I was so proud of her that she had reached a new maturity level. And I was relieved that I could finally say, “Clothe yourselves…” and have someone be able to do it.

In Ephesians 6, God gives us thorough and specific dressing instructions, because He knows that when it comes to the raging spiritual battle, it is imperative that we select the proper wardrobe.

Ephesians 6:11-13
(11) Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
(12) For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
(13) Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

God instructs us to dress in the full armor that He has laid out for us, for He knows that the only way to truly protect ourselves is with the Word of God and prayer. Even though dressing in armor requires more patience and effort, God knows that this is the best wardrobe to keep us stainless and protected. How much easier my job would be as a parent if I dressed my children in armor! No more grass stains! No more holes in socks! No more fear of spaghetti sauce or chocolate ice cream or raspberry jam! And best of all, no more mixing polka dots and plaids. What a wise Father we have.




 This is from a reliable source about FAMOUS LEXX PERRY OF OUCH CREW AKA Picharrie very last cousin
Attached is a story allegedly originally submitted to STAR Magazine and they reached out to Kavelle for her response who then reached out to LEXX people and was a screaming LUNATIC saying how they looking to extort Spice for FAME and MONEY and  STAR saying they are hurting SPICE image with unsupported stories….BUT when i saw this on your “PINK WALL”  and being a LADY SAW FAN I said NO SAH! She need a new planting cause her spice DRY!




The purpose of this email is to clarify the reason behind Me Lexx Perry shedding light on certain practices reggae artists have in regards to “Pro-Bono” or “Quid quo Pro” business dealings.


Shottas “Ah escort yuh ah try Escort Meh Biggs”

May 2009 I was introduced to Spice via a Fashion Show at Borough of Manhattan Community College. After her performance she said she wanted to meet the designers and I was escorted to her dressing room. When Spice saw my designs and I informed her that I also designed the for the OUCH Crew and the Dancehall Queen Clothing line in Montego Bay, Spice was weak over my style and designs and dismissed the other designers and only remained in contact with me. Upon meeting each other she immediately loved what Lexx Perry’s unique sense of style was and felt they could work together on  things she had in the pipeline including her anticipated Reggae Sumfest Performance. Shortly after because I am a fashion expert and had the hottest store in Brooklyn at that time Supernova Boutique, I introduced Spice to hot brands like Radii footwear to carry in her store and consulted her on the fashion retail business. One day she was in my store and while we were talking business, she brought up that Reggae Sumfest was coming up and for me to create a performance outfit similar to Britney Spears for her.  I pulled up some images on the computer and Spice said she wants something different and referred to a gold outfit that Britney was wearing.

They collaborated on the look and Lexx made the performance piece. She insisted that the outfit must be shocking and outlandish. I made sure that Spice achieved the effect. I informed her that shocking colors are best effective and she agreed with me to do the outfit in Black and Hot Pink. It was 2 weeks to Sumfest. Spice said she would be back the next weekend to fit the outfit. She never came back. I spoke to her and she requested that I send the outfit down because Sumfest was the next week and she needs something to wear. I spoke to Spice directly and informed her that the outfit will cost $900 and that she needed to wear a corset, girdle or body suit to hide her belly. Spice told me that was okay and she will see when she gets the outfit I told her that I would send it down with my cousin that was flying down the next day. Spice picked up the outfit from my cousin’s workplace in Kingston.


Dancehall Night 2009- Spice wore a piece that was a Michael Jackson influences jacket over the Lexx Perry outfit and performed in the outfit. She was interviewed by Chris Goldfinger BBC radio personalities and was quoted Ramesh designer as who designed her outfit. Majority of the photos after the event that was posted throughout the net was that of her in the Lexx Perry Outfit, and nowhere was his name mentioned as credit for designing the piece.



I did not hear from Spice until I reached out to her days after the performance and media blasts to clear the balance that was owed. When I spoke with her, I told her I saw a picture of her in the outfit and she said “Lexx the outfit made my belly look big.”  (Considering at the time of the performance she was pregnant) I immediately asked her if she didn’t try on the outfit before the performance and why wouldn’t she have a tailor make adjustments down in Jamaica before she went on stage. Due to her dissatisfaction I said ok Spice just give me $600, which would cover materials and labor. She said ok when I reach New York, I will deal with you. That is the last communication I had with Spice. After the conversation I made several unsuccessful attempts to reach out the Spice for payment to no avail.


Fast-forward to 2012  I recently made a trip to Jamaica for some well needed R&R and upon my arrival I was flooded with requests and love for my eclectic fashion sense. Considering I wasn’t there on a business trip I wanted to still leave my mark on my native Jamaica Buff Bay I was forced to virtually sell the clothes off  my back to individuals who couldn’t wait for me to make my signature pieces for them. At that time it began to dawn on me that I had an opportunity to be a strong fashion force in Jamaica when I created a performance piece for Spice when her career was in the highest of her success and never got credit. I then began to tell the people who was commenting on his clothes that I did designs for American Hip Hop Celebrities as well as Reggae Artists such as Spice. They then began to ask me what outfit I did for the artists and that’s when the “BOMB’ was dropped, Unbeknownst to me when he mentioned to people he created the costume Spice wore for Reggae Sumfest 09 everyone said she noted herself for the creation of the outfit and only mentioned Ramesh as the designer for her performance that night. At this point I became INFURIATED and this is what has brought about me bringing this story to light.


Upon speaking with STAR magazine rep it was suggested to contact Spice Public Relations Rep to “iron out” exactly what transpired between  us. I enlisted his Manager/PR Rep to contact Kavella directly to “clear the air”. However it was clear the reception was that of resilience and total dissolution. Immediately Miss Christie came to defense mentioning there are several methods of contact to reach Spice via website booking agent etc. However, in Kavellas defense she was not privy to the business dealings Spice and I made, so contacting them would be pointless. At that point Kavella instructed me to “send me all documents supporting an invoice for services rendered”, because this sounds like an EXTORTION!’ “Why contact STAR MAGAZINE?”  The purpose of the call was a “courtesy call” to advise her PR people of the situation that transpired in 2009. I do not expect Kavella or BluePrint to be held responsible for business decisions artist they represent to held liable for. Realistically speaking how the relationship was going there was never any mention of invoice or introduction to PR persons or managers. It is also to my knowledge that typically within the Image Consulting Culture in Jamaica artists are rarely invoiced its majority verbal agreements.


My products are carried in over 60 stores worldwide and at the moment I was working heavily making pieces for real stars like Ciara, Keri Hilson, LL Cool Jay and  Missy Elliot and the list goes on.

Every time I do an interview with Jamaican press, I always mention this situation, as the whole thing didn’t sit right with me. that on top of not paying me even one cent for service she couldn’t even give me a mention.

IF SHE DIDN’T LIKE THE OUTFIT WHY DID SHE WEAR IT. I DIDN’T FORCE HER TO WEAR MY WORK. She could have easily returned it back to my cousin or shipped it back to me. She knew what I wanted for the outfit before it was even shipped. If she couldn’t afford it, she shouldn’t have agreed to have the outfit shipped.

For the short time that we were in good standing, everything was very cool. When she stopped responding to my efforts to close the verbal agreements that we made, I felt like an idiot, because people always say Lexx don’t do it, she is going try to take advantage. I love and respect all the leading women of the dancehall. Even if I got my mention in the paper, at least I would have had some type of promotion that could have led to future business with others, to make up for the delinquency of her business ethics.



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