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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Woman who has up to 100 orgasms a DAY left in agony as even doing housework can trigger a climax
Kim Ramsey, 44, has incurable Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder

Orgasms brought on by slightest pelvic movement

Kim Ramsey, 44, has a medical condition which can cause up to 100 orgasms a day
Some people fake them, others ache for them but for one woman, the big ‘O’ is the bane of her life… as she has to endure up to 100 orgasms a day.
Kim Ramsey, 44, has a medical condition which makes her feel constantly aroused.
Even the slightest pelvic movement – on a train, in a car, doing domestic chores – can trigger a climax, but the sheer volume has left her tired, in pain and unable to have a normal relationship.
Ms Ramsey, a nurse originally from Hitchin, Hertfordshire, suffers from Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD).
Doctors believe the incurable syndrome was caused by an accident in 2001 when she fell down some stairs.
This may have led to a Tarlov cyst on her spine, at the point where a woman’s orgasm originates.
‘Other women wonder how to have an orgasm – I wonder how to stop mine,’ she told The Sun.
Ms Ramsey, who has since moved to Montclair, New Jersey, first noticed the problem in 2008 after having sex with a new boyfriend.
She said: ‘I had constant orgasms for four days. I thought I was going mad.
‘We tried everything to make it stop. Squats, deep breathing, I even sat on frozen peas but the orgasms and sexual arousal continued for 36 hours – I must have had around 200 orgasms during that period. The pain and exhaustion was excruciating.’
Ms Ramsey said she now finds it hard to go about her daily life as she is worried she will not be able to control the sexual arousal.
She said she no longer feels like she has control over her own body: ‘Imagine feeling aroused for no reason other than you got up that day.
‘I’ve even had one in public. I was travelling home on the train and it was a bit of a bumpy ride.
‘Every jerk of the train or vibration made me more aroused and it was a 40-minute journey so there was nothing I could do.
‘I just had to bite my lip and sit on my hands and hope no one noticed.’

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Although the sensations experienced during PGAD may seem like arousal, they are not actually based in any sexual desire, thoughts or behaviour, and it is unconnected to libido.
Any pressure on the genitals can result in increased intensity – and also bring on the urge to urinate.
Due to shame, guilt and fear of rejection, it is not clear how many people have the condition, as some patients may suffer in silence.
Ms Ramsey added: ‘Both women and men just don’t seem to get it – they seem to think it’s a great thing and, believe me, it’s really not.’

Even a train journey has become a nightmare for Ms Ramsey. She said: ‘Every jerk of the train or vibration made me more aroused and it was a 40-minute journey so there was nothing I could do’ (file photo)
Despite going to several specialists about her condition, doctors remain unable to help.
The condition is very rare and there has so far been very little research into it.
Ms Ramsey only received an official diagnosis, in Pennsylvania, in June and will travel to London next month to see a PGAD expert.
She said: ‘At the moment I am able to work. But without the correct treatment this condition can limit my ability to work. I don’t want that. It’s already destroyed my chance of having a relationship.’
Dr David Goldmeier, an expert on sexual medicine at Imperial College in London said: ‘Persistent genital arousal disorder is a newly recognised condition, where the sufferer complains of long periods of genital arousal that are not associated with sexual desire.
‘PGAD sufferers experience intrusive, unsolicited and spontaneous genital arousal that can be unrelenting. This arousal can persist for hours, days or even longer.
‘This can be highly distressing for a woman and despite attempts to relieve it with sexual activity or orgasm, this often doesn’t help or can worsen the symptoms.
‘Tarlov cysts are small jelly like cysts that form around the sacral area of the spine. They are a common finding in normal people. One current research paper suggests that a lot of women who have PGAD have Tarlov cysts, but this is contentious.
‘There is very little research into Tarlov cysts and PGAD. But due to the relatively high occurrence of Tarlov cysts currently observed in women who suffer from PGAD symptoms, it would seem advisable to suspect Tarlov cysts as a possible underlying factor in the cause of PGAD.
‘Tarlov cysts can cause problems with the pelvic nerves and are reported to produce genital symptoms that bear similarities to those described for PGAD.
‘Spontaneous genital arousal is quite common but it’s those women who can’t control the arousal which is uncommon.
‘I see around 20 women a year with this condition, it may be as common as one in 100 we just don’t know.
‘Sometimes it may resolve on its own, there is no cure but there are a number of ways to manage the symptoms such as meditation and pelvic floor exercises along with pain medication for the patient.’

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– A 10 year old class four pupil at a public school in Kisumu is alleged to have delivered twins at a local hospital in the area. The girl is said to have been impregnated by her father who has been using her as his wife after her mother died.

The young girl has been a subject of ridicule by other children in the area as she stopped going to school to deliver her babies first. Neighbors said that the girl declined to confide in them on the man responsible for her pregnancy when they discovered she was expectant.
According to a neighbor the family of three lives in poverty and the father works as a construction worker. Since the death of her mother who died out of HIV related illnesses; the girl only identified as Akinyi has been supporting her siblings by doing all the chores at home and being a mother figure.
The neighbors suspected the father to be responsible but had no proof until she went into labor and they forced her to say who the father of her child was. To their shock and amazement Akinyi confided in them that her father was responsible.
Akinyi delivered twins (both boys) at a local hospital but is still under medical care due to her age as the doctors fear she may suffer complications. It is still not clear whether Akinyi has been infected with HIV virus but a test was conducted though results kept private.



Blanket of Snow
by Cara Hanson

I think I lost my appreciation for science while dissecting a cow’s eyeball in biology class. As I examined the bovine remains under a microscope, I saw my loathing for science magnified somewhere underneath the vitreous humor, the jelly-like substance of the eye. My teacher tried to tell me that it was just like grape jelly, but he really just ruined my ability to eat PB&J sandwiches for years. It wasn’t until I had children that I could get excited again about studying science. Their infectious curiosity has me back in the lab again, although this time, I’m studying in the laboratory of God. After a recent snowstorm, I gained more understanding and wisdom from observing His creation than I ever could behind the microscope in my high school.

They say that no two snowflakes are ever alike. Skeptics might ask, “Who are ‘they,’ and how do they know for sure?” But more importantly, why didn’t I think of making a vocation out of studying snowflakes? Where was that guy, the snowflakeologist, on Career Day? Who would have thought that snowflake physics could be so complex. I imagined a lab with a bunch of guys folding white construction paper over and over again and cutting out snowflakes with safety scissors. After reading some research by physicists, however, my mind is boggled by the awesome power of God.

Psalm 147:15-18
(15) He sends his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly.
(16) He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes.
(17) He hurls down his hail like pebbles. Who can withstand his icy blast?
(18) He sends his word and melts them; he stirs up his breezes, and the waters flow.

It’s amazing how much smaller we feel when we put God’s creation under a microscope. The number of possible ways for making a complex snowflake is beyond our imagination. A typical small snow crystal contains 1018 water molecules, which are arbitrarily spread throughout the crystal, giving it a distinctive design. [1] As one scientist summarized,

“… it’s unlikely that any two complex snow crystals, out of all those made over the entire history of the planet, have ever looked completely alike.” [2]

In his poem, “The Snow-Storm,” [3] Ralph Waldo Emerson described the scene left by the snow as the work of “the fierce artificer (craftsman),” who “curves his white bastions with projected roof round every windward stake, or tree, or door.” Of course, Emerson wrote this long before snowplows started blocking people into their driveways and sand trucks turned pristine white snow into massive piles of fudge swirl ice cream. In order to capture the glory of God’s creation, you have to witness it early in the morning, before man can adulterate it. When sunlight sparkles on the virgin snow and ice, covering every crevice of nature on the morning after a snowstorm, it creates a beauty unparalleled by any artist. How can anyone look out on such a sight and not be completely humbled by God’s wisdom and might?

Job 37:5-12
(5) God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding.
(6) He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’
(7) So that all men he has made may know his work, he stops every man from his labor.
(8) The animals take cover; they remain in their dens.
(9) The tempest comes out from its chamber, the cold from the driving winds.
(10) The breath of God produces ice, and the broad waters become frozen.
(11) He loads the clouds with moisture; he scatters his lightning through them.
(12) At his direction they swirl around over the face of the whole earth to do whatever he commands them.

Why is it that the older we get, the less we like snow? During my youth, snow was enchanting, but somewhere along the way, it lost its charm. I’m not certain, but I think it happened somewhere between enjoying a day off from school and scraping the glacier off of the car in subzero temperatures to get to work. Regardless of its exact origin, you start as a child trying to be King of the Hill on top of the tallest snow pile, and you end up later in life trying to find the tallest mountain of mashed potatoes at an air-conditioned restaurant in Florida.

Our kids look at snow and think about sledding and snowmen and all kinds of winter fun. They don’t think about how much work it takes to bundle up and go outside to clear off the driveway and walkways. Even the arrival of the first few flakes brings a high level of excitement. The world looks completely new to them, which makes me wonder what God was trying to tell us with His creation of snow.

Why did God give us snow? A simple question by my five year old prompted a flood of childhood memories that helped me recapture the magic of snow. I can remember when I was a child, escaping outside into the dark abyss of a winter night. As I exhaled, I watched my breath form icy clouds that hung in mid-air. My senses came alive with raw cheeks, chapped lips, and the intoxicating smell of wool and mothballs as I breathed through my scarf. My mittens could never quite keep the tips of my fingers from freezing, so I used to curl my hands into a ball just to keep them warm. It was so hard to move with all those layers: sweater, coat, snowpants, scarf, mittens, and the hat that would later make my hair stand on end as static sent fireworks of electricity through the air.

It was the sounds that I loved. Snow pants smacking together sounded even better than corduroys. Boots crunched loudly on the hardened snow. I even loved the sound of silence, the fact that no matter how hard it was snowing, it was utterly and completely quiet. Lying on my back in the snow, I would gaze up at the darkness punctured by millions of twinkling stars. For a brief moment, I forgot all about fingertips, mothballs, and static. Losing myself in the vastness of the universe, I flapped the wings of my coat, made angels in the snow, and sent them up to Heaven in my mind.

When I was a child, I always thought it was the being outside part that I loved. It wasn’t until years later that I realized what it really was–the big, familiar house that loomed behind me, warm light softly radiating through the windows. Even though I wasn’t looking at the house, I always felt its presence. It was letting me know that everything was safe…that I was safe. I would never have to be too cold for long. Soon the wet socks would come off, my hair would lose its static, and my face would tingle with burning numbness. Soon I would be scorching my tongue on hot chocolate, which would ruin the taste of food for a week, but I didn’t care. I would be laughing into the crackling fire that was too hot but too comforting to move away from anyway. I would be telling stories about my lopsided snowman and how it was snowing so hard there probably wouldn’t be school tomorrow. It was everything on the inside that made the outside worthwhile.

As we get older, we tend to forget about the inside and focus on the outside, as in how cold we feel as we’re scraping and shoveling the snow and ice. Maybe I need to come out from my electric blanket long enough to appreciate the positive aspects of snow. Snow purifies all that it covers, much like God has purified us by the sacrifice of His son. After David comitted adultery with Bathsheba, he pleaded with God to cleanse his sins in this manner:

Psalm 51:7
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

Only through the death and resurrection of Jesus can anyone be truly purified. Blood is perhaps the most challenging of all stains to remove, yet Isaiah prophesied of how even the blood-red stains of our sins would one day be cleansed:

Isaiah 1:18
“Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

As we shovel and scrape, perhaps we should think about what this symbolizes. God has cleansed our sins, leaving us as spiritually white as if we were covered by a deep blanket of snow, and underneath that covering lies newness of life. And as we watch the silent sifting of snow from the clouds, we should remember that every snowflake is unique, much like we are in the eyes of God. Just as each snow crystal contains innumerable design possibilities, every human being throughout history has been given a unique fingerprint. With so many profound messages in one tiny flake, I think I’ll keep my microscope on the world for a while longer. Maybe science isn’t so bad after all.



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