This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]





Claire’s Corner ” SMARTER WAR”

Smarter WAR!

Mastering your own emotions being congenial yet cunning and democratic yet devious…. *evil smile* dwl…, Yup! if yu can’t control your own emotions how yu ago survive this cruel world that keeps throwing things at yu from all angles???
Learn to be civilized, decent and fair without giving too much of yourself cause anybady dat try to be good ALL the time is bound to fail in this world that is in abundance of the “NOT SO GOOD”. Yes huni ,there is greed ,envy, lust and hatred fighting a spiritual warfare(unseen war) and your only weapon is to charm seduce, deceive and outmanuver the competition, without them knowing it. ……cause if dem notice yu strategies it will certainly cause resentment so be careful not to be obvious .
Do not attempt to fool yuself and treat everyone the same cause firstly that is an insult. Yup! it would seem you can’t recognize “difference” so it would be like your rewarding the less skillful and suppressing those who excel.

Its great that you may think honesty is the best policy but in fact and truth its most times better to reserve your judgment. ..* as mi granny sey ANUH EVERYTING GOOD FI EAT GOOD FI TALK*

The truth is an offense but not a sin BUT does that make an “offense” better than a “sin” ??? A sin is against God and an offense is against Man but di two a dem bring “JUDGEMENT” …*God own a fire an brimstone an Man own a shot a fire an big stone* lololol ..

No one will see your honesty as completely free of some personal motivation suh jus figet dat
Let me tell you a lil bit about ‘Truth’ ….honesty is a strategy intended to convince people of how noble , good hearted an selfless you are ok,… suh yu can spear me all that lolol
Don’t play with fire!! .Look at the world as “shifting of perceptions” ,meaning :- always be able to see things through other people’s eyes .Yup! .. wat yu want fi yuself other ppl want the same , how you want to be treated , treat others , and learn to see things from every angle b4 yu open yu mouth *wink*

Emotions cloud reason
An emotional response, to a heated situation is a big mistake, that will cost you more dan di temporary satisfaction it brings you
When yu get overly emotional you cannot clearly assess a situation and respond with control
Anger is the most destructive emotion cause it has wat you would call a ripple effect ,that makes any situation less controllable and send yu opponent to a heighten state of resolve.
If its any enemy that ur trying to overcome its best to feign friendly and keep them off balance than to show anger.
Work harder on concealing your intentions from others, practice luring ppl into traps . Patience is your greatest weapon , this saves you from making foolish mistakes.

Nuh watch ppl intentions, what’s more important is the effect of their actions. Look into it …..sometimes ppl intend to do or say one thing and end up getting a different result than the one they intended , so the intent is not as important…. nuh true??? Dwl
Take nothing personal , observe ppl and muster all the calm you can find in you, that will enable u to see clearly wat the opponent is working with. Train your eye to follow the results of their actions and the circumstances. Do not be distracted by anything else . People spend a life time studying plants and animals so don’t u think it would be beneficial to study people with whom you must live and die among ??
Be a master psychologist.
You must be able to see through smoke screens an read ppls motivations from a distance, …. once yu kno wat dem up to dem cyah hurt yu….. Never discriminate as to whom you study, never trust anyone fully , watch everyone including friends and loved ones.
Disguise ur cunning wid nuff nod and smile dwl . Every move yu mek must be planned out perfectly, train yu moves to be indirect…. ok love lolol
Your power over them is determined by wat you do NOT do and wat u do NOT say .Yup!…. its not the goals u achieve that are memorable, it the price you pay to achieve them that counts . Apply this to every aspect of your life .
LIFE IS SHORT, AND OPPORTUNITIES ARE FEW , you have only so much energy to draw on , so time is precious .Never waste valuable time or mental peace of mind on the affairs of others. That’s too high a price to pay ….


Arthur Hall, Senior Staff Reporter

Email correspondence involving Solicitor General Douglas Leys, local attorney Harold Brady, and officials of the law firm Manatt, Phelps & Phillips confirms that the United States law firm was working on behalf of the Golding-led Government of Jamaica, even if it had been engaged by the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP).

The emails also suggest that the claim by Manatt that it had not been engaged to address the extradition request involving Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke was not true.

Using the Access to Information Act, The Sunday Gleaner acquired copies of the emails, which span a seven-month period from September 2009 to March 2010.

In a statement to Parliament in April of this year, Prime Minister Golding said he had sanctioned the retention of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips on condition that it was “undertaken by the party, not by or on behalf of the Government.” However, not only was the solicitor general, a senior government officer, giving instructions to the law firm, he was actioning instructions from its officials.

The emails also indicate that the prime minister and the attorney general were updated at intervals on the discussions and were apparently involved in the next-steps decisions as the Government sought to lobby the US on the Coke issue.

“We have to talk on Monday after we have had a chance to brief the PM and the AG (Dorothy Lightbourne),” said Brady in an email to Manatt, which was copied to Leys.

That conference call was requested on December 23 by Susan Schmidt of Manatt who indicated to Leys and the others that she would like to talk about meetings and the next steps.

Seeking clearance

The emails also include directions from Manatt for the solicitor general to write to a high-ranking member of the US Justice Department seeking clearance on a proposed press release to be issued locally during the heat of the ‘Dudus’ controversy.

The first email contact between Leys and Manatt came on September 19, less than one month after the Government received the extradition request for Coke.

At that time, Leys sent the law firm an email outlining his suggested questions and other legal issues pertaining to the request.

But in a cover statement to The Sunday Gleaner, Leys declared that the email was sent to Manatt for the attention of Brady because efforts to send it to the local lawyer’s email address had failed.

Unaware of MPP

“At the time I sent this email, I was not aware of the existence of the firm MPP (Manatt, Phelps & Phillips) or who were the owners of these email addresses. Therefore, the first email to MPP was done at a time when I did not know of the existence of the firm,” Leys said.

However, three months later, Leys invited a representative of Manatt to sit in on a meeting he had in Washington with US officials to discuss the Coke extradition request.

Schmidt later prepared two versions of a press release, which she indicated the law firm wanted to “run by the US government”.

“If the US government agrees, then it can say the two governments are committed together. If they don’t want the Government of Jamaica to speak for it, then the version we would provide to the US government for its information is … ,” Schmidt said.

Leys had previously told The Sunday Gleaner about the draft press release, which he claimed he decided not to issue, although in his response to Schmidt the solicitor general indicated that he would prefer the first release, which represented the position of the two countries.

“Why don’t we put the joint one first, and if they object, we could always say we will reconsider and then come back with the last option as an alternative?” said Leys in a December 28 email to Schmidt.

Leys also wrote the law firm, giving permission to go ahead with the release following questions from officials of the company if “further review or approval at your end is required … ”

With the release not issued by December 31, Brady pointed his colleagues at Manatt to an editorial in The Gleaner which was biting in its criticism of the Government’s handling of the Coke extradition request.

“Any feedback from your end? Please see page A6 of today’s Daily Gleaner. It would be helpful if we could put something out from this end,” Brady said.

Return call

The response from Manatt was that it was awaiting a return call from ranking member of the US Department of Justice, Justice Molly Warlow.

Two weeks later, Manatt official Kevin Di Gregory wrote to Leys indicating that the US Department of Justice wanted any discussion to be with a Jamaican government official.

Di Gregory recommended that Leys send the Justice official the proposed release.

The Manatt official also suggested the language that Leys should use and requested that he be informed of the response from the Justice Department.

“… Because of the intense media and public interest in the Coke extradition, we feel it necessary to inform our citizens that a process is under way to reach a mutually satisfactory conclusion … ,” read a section of the text proposed by Di Gregory.

With that release apparently going nowhere, Manatt wrote to Leys in February, pointing to an extradition hearing taking place in the US, and argued that a ruling by the judge could be considered in the Coke case.

The emails end on March 8, 2010, when Manatt sent Brady and copied to Leys the US narcotics report, with the references to the Dudus extradition request highlighted.

[email protected]

DI GIRL DO UP WE %^&*())(

fi di badmind ppl dem whe deh pon mi facebook whe put mi up pon jamaicangroupiemet unnuh too bad mind mi nuh wear fake brand and if unnuh did know so much about mavado unnuh woulda a know him house watch di video wid him and drake mi work too hard fi wear fake unnuh outta order and brite bad mind jamaican ppl unnuh fi stop hateAdd a caption
fi di badmind ppl dem whe deh pon mi facebook whe put mi up pon jamaicangroupiemet unnuh too bad mind mi nuh wear fake brand and if unnuh did know so much about mavado unnuh woulda a know him house watch di video wid him and drake mi work too hard fi wear fake unnuh outta order and brite bad mind jamaican ppl unnuh fi stop hate..Added yesterday

2 people like this..
Anna-kay Lee Rennicks give it to dem kady dem too bright
5 hours ago · .Yanice Davis U no know sah a so dem tan dem no love see ppl progress inna life,,, dem want u and dem fi dah pan the same level.. but nuh watch dem, dem a fi lata…. my girl do u thing dem caan hold u
5 hours ago · .Goodie Good Good dem really brite Anna Kay
a dat mi say 2 yanice badmind unscrumptious

mi brand real mi nuh wear ray, move, badmind scrumptious ppl get up and a study bare evil dats all dem can do dem cyan do mi nothing
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mi brand real mi nuh wear ray, move, badmind scrumptious ppl get up and a study bare evil dats all dem can do dem cyan do mi nothing..Added yesterday



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