This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Hi how are you?

I am fabulous

Do you consider yourself straight or gay?


How long have you known you were gay?

From around the age 10

Did your family accept this from jump?

No they didnt cause by nature their perception is that GOD made Adam and Eve, so they didnt accept at jump but eventually they understood what exactly i was going through and eventually accepted me.

How do you feel about being gay and serving God, what are your views?

He made me, i asked him to changed me if this lifestyle is supposingly wrong and he didnt so guess am just made like this. i have strong belief in GOD.

Have you ever had a girlfriend?


Studies show over 90% of gay men were molested, were you?


If you had the opportunity to become a straight man would you choose to become one?


How has life been in Jamaica been as a gay man , do they accept you dressing as a female?

well honestly speaking they are generally amused by my crossdressing

Is it true that most gay men are jealous of real females?

In some cases because its more likely for real females to get accepted by any and everyone.

How do you feel about the hypocracy of our music, the fact that most dj’s sing songs condemning gays and some of them are gay?

Doesnt bother me as long as they dont call my name

What kind of men do you prefer?

Raw thuggy guys

If you knew the time in which you would die would you repent from the sin of homosexuality?

I think that question doesnt refer if he retrack to my answer for question no.5

You seem to be someone full a confidence how did you get to this point?

It all starts with loving yourself and accepting yourself. SELF ESTEEM

Describe the perfect man for you?

There isn’t anyone perfect so rather not answer that question



This is the First Lady of Dancehall , Lady Ann.

Hi Lady VETRAN Ann how are you
We have had you on J.M.G numerous times and you are always witty and funny but who is Lady Ann?
When did you make your first song and who were your role models?
I made my first song in 1978
How long have you been in the music business?For one of the first lady’s if not the first female D.J you have been somewhat unpopular amoung the younger generation why is that?

more than 30 years  cause they lock game on me because of my mouth.
6.) Who is the lady behind the music?
 What do your children think of you being dancehall’s first lady?

my children laugh and say me show off cause am the first lady
 At one point Beenie man was heard saying that he would help you re-launch your career, did he help and why haven’t we still heard you on stage like we would want to?

beenie did only a hype. im nuh help no one
 What has changed in the music over the years?

the younger artists come with a bag a joke songs and spoil the thing. and a lock gate and us. when a we started it.

 Last but not least do you like JMG and why?

as for jmg what i lkie a bout it how the ppl them up ina the ppl business.and a done them pon top of it. lol it keeping me going when am having a bad day






Dudus’ yet to get new date for court appearance

Harold Bailey

Thursday, November 18, 2010


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NEW YORK, USA — Former Tivoli Gardens strongman Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke is yet to receive a new date to appear in court to answer to drug and gun charges.

Coke was scheduled to appear in court Tuesday but the court appearance was postponed at the last minute. However, officials at the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York did not provide a reason for the postponement.


Coke, who remains in solitary confinement in a jail here, is facing charges on allegations of illegal drug dealings and gun-running.

He was extradited here after waiving his extradition rights to an hearing in a Jamaican court.

Meanwhile, there are indications that the question as to whether or not Jamaica’s

interception law is admissible in a US court is likely to play an important part of Coke’s defense.

Steve Zissou, a member of Coke’s defence team, confirmed that the matter could form part of motions to be filed by the defence.

United States authorities have maintained that the evidence against Coke were obtained in accordance with Jamaican laws.



Psalm 29

 1Ascribe to the LORD, O heavenly beings,[a]
   (A) ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
2Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
   worship the LORD in(B) the splendor of holiness.[b]

 3The voice of the LORD is over(C) the waters;
   the God of glory(D) thunders,
   the LORD, over many waters.
4The voice of the LORD is(E) powerful;
   the voice of the LORD is full of majesty.

 5The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars;
   the LORD breaks(F) the cedars of Lebanon.
6He makes Lebanon to(G) skip like a calf,
   and(H) Sirion like a young(I) wild ox.

 7The voice of the LORD flashes forth flames of fire. 8The voice of the LORD shakes the wilderness;
   the LORD shakes the wilderness of(J) Kadesh.

 9The voice of the LORD makes(K) the deer give birth[c]
   and strips the forests bare,
   and in his temple all cry, “Glory!”

 10The LORD sits enthroned over(L) the flood;
   the LORD sits enthroned(M) as king forever.
11May the LORD give(N) strength to his people!
   May the LORD bless[d] his people with(O) peace!

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