This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]





Psalm 22
1My God, my God, why have you
deserted me?

Why are you so far away?

Won’t you listen to my groans

and come to my rescue?

2I cry out day and night,

but you don’t answer,

and I can never rest.

3Yet you are the holy God,

ruling from your throne

and praised by Israel.

4Our ancestors trusted you,

and you rescued them.

5When they cried out for help,

you saved them,

and you did not let them down

when they depended on you.

6But I am merely a worm,

far less than human,

and I am hated and rejected

by people everywhere.

7Everyone who sees me

makes fun and sneers.

They shake their heads,

8and say,

“Trust the LORD!

If you are his favorite,

let him protect you

and keep you safe.”

9You, LORD, brought me

safely through birth,

and you protected me

when I was a baby

at my mother’s breast.

10From the day I was born,

I have been in your care,

and from the time of my birth,

you have been my God.

11Don’t stay far off

when I am in trouble

with no one to help me.

12Enemies are all around

like a herd of wild bulls.

Powerful bulls from Bashan [a] are everywhere.

13My enemies are like lions

roaring and attacking

with jaws open wide.

14I have no more strength

than a few drops of water.

All my bones are out of joint;

my heart is like melted wax.

15My strength has dried up

like a broken clay pot,

and my tongue sticks

to the roof of my mouth.

You, God, have left me

to die in the dirt.

16Brutal enemies attack me

like a pack of dogs,

tearing at [b] my hands and my feet.

17I can count all my bones,

and my enemies just stare

and sneer at me.

18They took my clothes

and gambled for them.

19Don’t stay far away, LORD!

My strength comes from you,

so hurry and help.

20Rescue me from enemy swords

and save me from those dogs.

21Don’t let lions eat me.

You rescued me from the horns

of wild bulls,

22and when your people meet,

I will praise you, LORD.

23All who worship the LORD,

now praise him!

You belong to Jacob’s family

and to the people of Israel,

so fear and honor the LORD!

24The LORD doesn’t hate

or despise the helpless

in all of their troubles.

When I cried out, he listened

and did not turn away.

25When your people meet,

you will fill my heart

with your praises, LORD,

and everyone will see me

keep my promises to you.

26The poor will eat and be full,

and all who worship you

will be thankful

and live in hope.

27Everyone on this earth

will remember you, LORD.

People all over the world

will turn and worship you,

28because you are in control,

the ruler of all nations.

29All who are rich

and have more than enough

will bow down to you, Lord.

Even those who are dying

and almost in the grave

will come and bow down.

30In the future, everyone

will worship

and learn

about you, our Lord.

31People not yet born

will be told,

“The Lord has saved us!”




Psalm 39

A Prayer for Forgiveness

1I told myself, “I’ll be careful

not to sin by what I say,

and I’ll muzzle my mouth

when evil people are near.”

2I kept completely silent,

but it did no good, [a] and I hurt even worse.

3I felt a fire burning inside,

and the more I thought,

the more it burned,

until at last I said:

4“Please, LORD,

show me my future.

Will I soon be gone?

5You made my life short,

so brief that the time

means nothing to you.

“Human life is but a breath,

6and it disappears

like a shadow.

Our struggles are senseless;

we store up more and more,

without ever knowing

who will get it all.

7“What am I waiting for?

I depend on you, Lord!

8Save me from my sins.

Don’t let fools sneer at me.

9You treated me like this,

and I kept silent,

not saying a word.

10“Won’t you stop punishing me?

You have worn me down.

11You punish us severely

because of our sins.

Like a moth, you destroy

what we treasure most.

We are as frail as a breath.

12“Listen, LORD, to my prayer!

My eyes are flooded with tears,

as I pray to you.

I am merely a stranger

visiting in your home

as my ancestors did.

13Stop being angry with me

and let me smile again

before I am dead and gone.”


mettt plz post this sum fight on friday wit kelly mafia, shining star,blackie & badda badda & sexy shauna….
Ok where do i begin.. Sexy Shauna was dancing and she slip & fall, while falling she grap up pon shining star (she been on d blog b4) by accident (natural reflex) and shining star did fall also.. Shining star get up and punch sexy shauna in har breast and fight did break out.. badda badda attack kelly mafia outta no where and dem soon start fight, blackie stab up kelly mafia but wha me whaan know is kisha gangsta neva jumb in (guess she get enough of kelly beating har).. oh yeah gangsta kisha,badda badda, blackie & shining star is good good friend… badda badda get arrested (where dem fight was ah white neighborhood  weh nuh play no games)…
skilly get shot d same 1 weh play ah whole heep ah flippa at saun sharp party…..
anything meh miss let dem come dash it out
Upper Darby bar-mayhem victims shot, stabbed
Philadelphia Daily News
[email protected] 215-854-4225
The co-owner of Traxx Sports Bar and Grille, in Upper Darby, was one of two victims of violence there early Saturday, but police say he may have shot himself.
An officer patrolling near the bar, on Garrett Road near West Chester Pike, saw hundreds of people running out of the establishment about 3:25 a.m.
Patrons told police that someone had gotten shot inside, but officers first came upon a woman who had been stabbed outside the bar, Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said.
The 25-year-old stabbing victim allegedly had been in a fistfight with Shannale Boscoe, 24, inside the bar earlier in the evening, police said.
When the victim left the bar, Boscoe’s sister allegedly stabbed her several times in the arm.
The victim, whose name was not released, was taken to Delaware County Memorial Hospital, where she was treated and released. Boscoe, of Christian Street near 59th in West Philadelphia, was charged with simple assault and harassment for the fight.
While investigating that incident, police received a call from SEPTA police who had pulled over a car with an injured man at Garrett Road and Huntley.
The man was the bar’s 35-year-old co-owner, who was suffering from a gunshot wound to his left thigh, police said. He was taken in serious condition to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, where he remained yesterday, according to police.
Chitwood said that police are skeptical of his story.
“He claims he’s in the back of the bar and he feels pain in his left thigh, looks down and sees he’s bleeding,” Chitwood said.
“We believe he accidentally shot himself, but he’s not saying it because he’s not supposed to own a gun.”

mettt plz post this sum fight on friday wit kelly mafia, shining star,blackie & badda badda & sexy shauna….

Ok where do i begin.. Sexy Shauna was dancing and she slip & fall, while falling she grap up pon shining star (she been on d blog b4) by accident (natural reflex) and shining star did fall also.. Shining star get up and punch sexy shauna in har breast and fight did break out.. badda badda attack kelly mafia outta no where and dem soon start fight, blackie stab up kelly mafia but wha me whaan know is kisha gangsta neva jumb in (guess she get enough of kelly beating har).. oh yeah gangsta kisha,badda badda, blackie & shining star is good good friend… badda badda get arrested (where dem fight was ah white neighborhood  weh nuh play no games)…

skilly get shot d same 1 weh play ah whole heep ah flippa at saun sharp party…..anything meh miss let dem come dash it out

Upper Darby bar-mayhem victims shot, stabbedBy STEPHANIE FARRPhiladelphia Daily [email protected] 215-854-4225The co-owner of Traxx Sports Bar and Grille, in Upper Darby, was one of two victims of violence there early Saturday, but police say he may have shot himself.An officer patrolling near the bar, on Garrett Road near West Chester Pike, saw hundreds of people running out of the establishment about 3:25 a.m.Patrons told police that someone had gotten shot inside, but officers first came upon a woman who had been stabbed outside the bar, Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said.The 25-year-old stabbing victim allegedly had been in a fistfight with Shannale Boscoe, 24, inside the bar earlier in the evening, police said.When the victim left the bar, Boscoe’s sister allegedly stabbed her several times in the arm.The victim, whose name was not released, was taken to Delaware County Memorial Hospital, where she was treated and released. Boscoe, of Christian Street near 59th in West Philadelphia, was charged with simple assault and harassment for the fight.While investigating that incident, police received a call from SEPTA police who had pulled over a car with an injured man at Garrett Road and Huntley.The man was the bar’s 35-year-old co-owner, who was suffering from a gunshot wound to his left thigh, police said. He was taken in serious condition to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, where he remained yesterday, according to police.Chitwood said that police are skeptical of his story.”He claims he’s in the back of the bar and he feels pain in his left thigh, looks down and sees he’s bleeding,” Chitwood said.”We believe he accidentally shot himself, but he’s not saying it because he’s not supposed to own a gun.”

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