This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


hello met, today i give you the religious secret scoiety called the knights templar. these men started out as professional soldiers, which were called knights back then, in the 12th century they added the religious aspect to their structure, and saw themselves as mile christi meaning soldiers of christ. by the 13th century they had become more exclusive and it was mostly only children of knights who could join. kinghts have been shown in movies to be righteous and defenders of the poor and needy, in truth alot of them would murder,rape,pillage and destroy entire communities in the name of religion and their greed. this group would fight with the muslims and were known for being extremely ruthless, even if the muslims surrendered, they would still kill the man, rape the women etc and the church supported them because they claim it was God`s will. the muslims on the other hand would give safe amnesty to the people in the city they conquered. they were basically what we called terrorists now, who claim to kill in the name of God. this is where its gets intersting. the knights use to look for old artifacts, like the ark of the covenant and the holy grail etc. they dug beneath the old temple of solomon and found an item, that has never been spoken of in any historical book……….. they found writings from JESUS christ himself, in these writings jesus wrote about his life from childhood to his ministry….now some of you will be shocked about now, but think of it this way, back then there was no internet,tv, radio etc, it was normal for men to keep journals of their lives. now have you never stop to wonder why the greatest man thats ever lived(some religions might disagree) does not have any first hand writing about himself. you really think jesus would have lived his whole life without writing down his thoughts, opinions etc. anyway back to the juicy part; some historians(fancy word for trickster) say that all they found was lost riches and jewellery. as you read on you will see why this is not so. they copied the scripture word for word and sent a copy to the pope at the time, when he saw it he was furious and sent his best scholars to read the original copy. they were blindfolded and taken to the location. what they saw turned the church on its head. when they returned to the pope, he realised what they could do with the knowledge they found. they instantly moved from, knights to some of the most wealthiest people around. this is why historians say they found riches, but think of this. they were immediately given the status of legal autonomy, which is similar to what we know as diplomatic immunity, except they were told they only answer to the pope and God himself. they used their knowledge to blackmail the church and were granted anything they want. they built alot of new churches, most of them in europe, with the help of the freemasons(hope you remember my piece on them) these two groups shared their knowlodge, and thus freemasonry also know some of what was in Jesus writings but not all. they also got rich in another way. heres another peice of history for you. the knights templar, started what we come to know as banking. they gave people a chance to deposit their money, give them a coded receipt and then they can collect it later, which was state of the art at the time and everybody loved it because they use to travel with their money and get robbed. they collected a fee for this service and this made them even richer. then came a king called king phillip and pope clement started to torture them to get the scriptures from them and to get them to admit that the rumours that they were from jesus were false. he would tie them up in the town squares and often burn them alive, and other techniques at that time that were ruthless. most of the knights died without agreeing to deny what they found, some of them couldnt handle the pain and agreed. he made them say they didnt find anything and that they hate god and they are devils etc, obviously extreme pain can make a man say aything. one of the knights name Jacques de molay, while he was getting burned screamed out that the pope and the king would be dead soon for their actions on hiding the truth. THEY both died within a year and to this day the documents have never been brought to the light, however they still exist and im sure one day it will be. some scholars think the church did capture them and are hididng them in the vatican. i have given you freemasonry, skull and bones and now knights of templar. there is alot more to it than this and anybody who wants to know more can contact MET, and she will contact me. i will point you towards where and how you can find all these information. until then, keep your eyes posted. got a couple more before i work my way up to the illuminati(forget most of the shit you see on youtube etc, they only give what they want you to believe, obviously they would have found a way to stop it a long time ago if it was the full truth).



GOODMORNING- Thank you Kia!

6We do use wisdom when speaking to people who are mature in their faith. But it isn’t the wisdom of this world or of its rulers, who will soon disappear. 7We speak of God’s hidden and mysterious wisdom that God decided to use for our glory long before the world began. 8The rulers of this world didn’t know anything about this wisdom. If they had known about it, they would not have nailed the glorious Lord to a cross. 9But it is just as the Scriptures say,

“What God has planned

for people who love him

is more than eyes have seen

or ears have heard.

It has never even

entered our minds!”

10God’s Spirit has shown you everything. His Spirit finds out everything, even what is deep in the mind of God. 11You are the only one who knows what is in your own mind, and God’s Spirit is the only one who knows what is in God’s mind. 12But God has given us his Spirit. That’s why we don’t think the same way that the people of this world think. That’s also why we can recognize the blessings that God has given us.

13Every word we speak was taught to us by God’s Spirit, not by human wisdom. And this same Spirit helps us teach spiritual things to spiritual people. [b] 14That’s why only someone who has God’s Spirit can understand spiritual blessings. Anyone who doesn’t have God’s Spirit thinks these blessings are foolish. 15People who are guided by the Spirit can make all kinds of judgments, but they cannot be judged by others. 16The Scriptures ask, “Has anyone ever known

the thoughts of the Lord

or given him advice?”

But we understand what Christ is thinking. [c]





For those of you who are abroad, if you had to go back to Jamaica tomorrow how would your life be? Have you made those plans? It has been brought to my understanding that there have been immigration raids going on in New York, where the police have been getting up early to get people who have had prior arrests and offences in order for them to face an immigration hearing and then be deported. This has not made the news. There are about 40 police on board who surround the house where the person supposedly lives in order to capture and arrest them, has anyone heard of this?

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