This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



The police in Britain are searching for a Jamaican man who is suspected to have knowingly infected his former lover with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

According to reports in the British media, the police there have been seeking the whereabouts of 27-year-old Jermaine Scott, after his ex-girlfriend claimed that he intentionally infected her with the virus.

The police have been searching for him since mid-January.


Reports summarise that Scott, who is believed to have lived in the United Kingdom for the past 10 years, has links to Merseyside, Wolverhampton, Huddersfield and London.

An article posted late last month on said that the woman who lodged the complaint about Scott fears that he might have also infected other women.

“When she confronted him it is alleged he confirmed he was infected. She was tested and discovered that she also had the virus,” the article stated.

The article continued, “The woman from Cheshire has two young children from previous relationships. Neither child has the virus. She believes Scott knew he had the virus for more than four years.”

The woman is also said to have considered suicide, but is determined to stay strong for her children.

“If it was not for my children I wouldn’t be here today.” she was quoted as saying.

When THE STAR made checks with the Bishop Gate and Snowhill police stations in London, where Scott is said to frequent, we were told that the police are still looking from him. “An appeal is out for Scott to surrender to the nearest police station,” an officer said.


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Healing a Broken Heart – Is there hope?
Is there hope for healing a broken heart? Something or someone has just broken your heart. You were caught off-guard by a betrayal, a shocking behavior, or loss of a loved one. Suddenly you are feeling like you’ve lost all hope . . . you can feel a physical aching in your chest that leaves you wounded and scarred. How can you ever hope to recover or discover what steps will end this suffering?

We all know that emotions are a vital part of the way we are made. Yet we can’t understand why it takes so long to heal from emotional injuries. We would never prematurely remove a cast or sutures until the broken bone or skin was fully restored. We must realize complete emotional healing requires time. The book of Psalms offers great comfort when experiencing long-term emotions like sadness, fear, and grief. “He heals the brokenhearted, binding up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3).

Are some circumstances beyond healing? What about these situations:

In the beginning, Dawn and Leo’s marriage seemed so secure. Then alcohol and Leo’s advances towards his sister-in-law, Lori, resulted in a bitter divorce.
Louise wept uncontrollably as her daughter recounted her molestation as a child.
After Dave and Yvonne’s second miscarriage, they severed all relationships that reminded them of their two lost sons.
Healing a Broken Heart – The key is trust
Our human tendency is to avoid painful situations, even burying them. Can we ever trust those who hurt us so deeply? There are steps to healing a broken heart.

Release – “. . . First forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against . . .” (Mark 11:25). Lori chose to let go of past hurts. Years later her nephew (Dawn and Leo’s son) was married. Lori recalls, “My bad experience had driven a wedge between two families. Miraculously, when I forgave Leo, the wedding brought everyone together and healthy relationships were created.”

Refocus – “. . . By [God’s] mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope” (Ephesians 3:20). Initially, Louise punished herself for not being more protective. She tried to keep her broken heart hidden from everyone. She shares, “Guilt and shame clouded my perspective. As our daughter and I openly discussed the incident, we helped other victims and now readily see positive results in their lives.”

Receive – “[God] comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us” (2 Corinthians 1:4). Last year, Yvonne gave birth to a handsome baby boy. “We may never understand the reason we had to endure such heartbreak. Gradually, the emptiness is now being filled with Daniel’s toddler antics.” David and Yvonne will receive their nursing degrees this year. “We want to help others through hard times.”
Healing a Broken Heart – There is a reason
Once there was a young man who proclaimed to have the most beautiful, flawless heart. An old man challenged him. The crowd looked at the old man’s heart. It was beating strongly, but full of scars. Some pieces had been removed and others had been put in, but didn’t fit quite right. The old man looked at the young man, “I would never trade my heart for yours. Every scar represents a person I’ve given my love — I tear out a piece and give it to them. Sometimes they give me a piece of their broken heart, which I fit along jagged edges. When the person doesn’t return my love, a painful gouge is left. Those gouges stay open, reminding me that I love these people too. Perhaps someday they will return and fill that space.”

We would never choose to have a broken heart! The agony and recovery time is just too unbearable. There is Someone, however, who had a flawless heart and chose to have it broken. Medically when a heart ruptures (breaks) water gushes out (John 19:33-34). In every way, Jesus experienced a broken heart. He understands betrayal, temptation, and loss (Isaiah 53:3; Luke 22:33-34; Matthew 14:10-13). He is our Comforter, Counselor, and Companion who fills our heart’s empty spaces.


Wendy Pretty!!! but ur life nah PRETTY again!

JMG this is wendy! aka Wendy Pretty
She is a regular longtime now, she eva ah walk n brag bout her Dare tings n clothes dem!
But now she nah brag n boas cause she get short ah clothes n money! she cuss out everybody
inna party all Myspace bout her man n him end up cheat pon her n left her! she walk n talk
all her friend dem all her so call Best friend Gina Spectacular! Her man diss her now Wendy nah
stop repeat her clothes dem, all pieces fr 4yrs back n point mout boots wey outdated she start back
ah wear! Tru her babyfadda shorten her food ah mine nextgal Wendy cant keep up wit di lastest
trend! nuttin nah wrong fi repeat ur tings dem! but 2 `FASHION GODDESS’ Wendy is a fashion
fail! cause she walk n chat how ppl look n live, now her life waan sawtout all her breast dem waan
Re-do 2 how she get stressout fr her man problems n bankrupt livin!! Wendy is wht really happen
how ur Hottest turn Flopness ova nite!

Hey met, it seems like twin pauls neice is due this month to give birth to wendy’s husband Jr. She’s 19yrs old and having a boy, wendy looks so stressed out mi nuh know why she still deh wid Jr he put tamica up inna one nice condo and nuh stop spend pon har she’s a pretty girl thats giving wendy a run for her money. Gina and wendy frienship of more than 15yrs mash up cause dem seh gina did ah fren up di likkle girl while she an wendy was suppose to be bench an batty p.s. I myself got money off ah SMALL HOOD JR.


Congratulations to Grace ”Spice” Hamilton and Family on the birth of their baby girl

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