This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


This is sidonie…i’m asking you kindly to take down all the pictures you post on your site from my birthday party.
Those pictures i’m positive you took from my facebook and i didnt give anyone permission to do so.


Excuse you??? Am I on your facebook to take pictures off it? Please
rephrase your email and refrain from accusing me of taking your
pictures. What would I be doing on your facebook page when you are not
on my friends list? Do not email be with irrational claims THANK YOU


I will not be responding to you further on this matter. Have a good evening

Ok you wont have to be dealing with me on this matter anymore my lawyer will contact you.
Have a wonderful evening too my dear

No problem. Since its your lawyers pictures

**Now I really a get tired a dem people yah. A nuh di fus or second time Sidonie pictures a rinse pan yah.. Sidone a cause di people dem seh u flop and yuh get wrong bang why yuh vex dis year yuh run come ina mi mailbox..when yuh file rinse out yuh neva reach but yuh reach dis year 2011? Now, mi nuh deh pan dis girl page, she come seh mi tek dem off. Mi tell har rephrase and she put it ina caps as if she a try insult mi. Sidonie what grounds yuh have?**


One em kill hem …and Amanda one stab sure did breed you ..Wi seh six day yuh seh tree …yes when yuh did lef yuh 5 munt ole go pan di gaza yuh did seh 3 day doe? Addie doe have di majik stick (kaw yuh know it kyaa seh 12’30)…But him have di majik bullit…fah sho… I doe tink if a dandy shandy yuh did a play yuh hudda owt suh quick…is like yuh pack up yuh breeding choob set it pan di gaza…and all a di likkle spermz whey Lisa Hype lef a it yuh choob ketch and yuh head right back out…Big 2011 yuh a sen out bbm bout my dawta…a  suh mi know when shame did a gi whey yuh did tink a let me tame my ole and run go ina dash di pussy henny whey henny time …seet yah now… two baby unda di age a two and yuh a skin u grin like it cute…. yuh si how under yuh eye black like yuh nuh sleep since yuh pick up u breeding choob offa di gaza…Yuh gwaan man…When yuh dash it pan Assassin ( a yuh seh suh nuh mayy) him seh condom dubble an tripple cause is a entertainer belly yuh did well a look… Join di enfamil line now cause…Addi still rentin an di cyaar is a well used secon han………….. nuh big plate a go share roun yere



Di face browna , di jaw plumpah ….Tashamay yuh nuh  si seh di ten turbo dem pred whey a grung and dem nuh deh nuh whey near Mandela Highway Tashamay? Yuh know mi waa know if a really di wrong size shoes yuh buy/tuh much lotion or a style…. since yuh a stylist/boutique shopper…right? If yuh check any addy latter Tashamay mi dussa tell yuh seh it nuh mek it… toe fi up ina shoes like wow…Mi sit back and a wonda when yuh lip get dah extra frill deh like Nemo an yuh jaw get dah extra ice up deh like Nemo, yuh farrid a glisten like Nemo..Tashamay mi really a wonda if yuh get a Nemo transplaant kaws a nuh human surgery yuh get …it nuh fit fi land at alllllllllll..Yuh go do di bres an di lipo…all anna sudden jaw sprout out a nowhere like a yuh name brussle sprout..Not even di $300 lace wig cudda bring dat out Neemy Neemz unno too bad man… cyaa satisfy..Unno allergic to good bag? mi haffi ask cause mi si Sidonie ina one furry one…Kieva ina one great granny one…an now yuh come plaps dis madda aunty one under yuh arm …bwaay unno really did gwaan bad  dah night deh mon…alll di baby hair whey yuh did waa mek outaddy wig but it bite yuh bod fi cut a likkle chumps outa di $300 doe?..Guh cut di wig Cleopatra go cut di wig and layer it/ cut yuh toe nail dem/find yuh right size shoes mon..chuh…aftah yuh bres job did look so wonderful yuh haffi go di extra mile an wi seh no amphibians roun yereeeeeeeeeeeee mammals please!


Shot kill, stop   and damij… dat mi know..What me neva know a dat shot tun tatoo…2011 bummmmmm…yeah man soring to new heights…a mean shots..L.A., New York, Florida dem twin yah dung cova dem grungs deh arredie till dem baby fawda haffi shot dem ina dem foot… yes shot come ina twos unno nay know? Ask dem two yah man..A dow believe seh dem deestant lookin ooman yah a walk wid bullet print pan dem ooo… florida people, new york people.. la people…unno come confirm ooo


Man a sing bout Benz dis Benz dat..bbm a sen out Benz nuh crash an all dese tings…Man a sing seh dem a hero an money a mek  …employees stock an pile..Kartel why yuh neva tell di people dem seh a used Benz yuh dee a drive all dis while? Yuh so brite an ray tay rhum  yuh neva know seh when dem sen used Benz go places more time a crash cyar? Suh di poor man sell yuh di Benz now and di Benz did a gi likkle chubble…after yuh tek up bare picho ina it news mek an yeah…all dese tings….Yuh claim man neva menshan di Benz prablem dem ina di conchak but yuh is a dunce fi nuh know seh when yuh a buy used veekle yuh fi run in wid a mechanik??…oh mi figet a only lolipop sucking yuh verse pan……….an all now di hood nuh hawd……yeah man..Dem seh Addi di God fawda get hupset and bare tings and a bag a complaining…So now dem sed di Benz dealer lights wennout..Is dat di peoples dem are seding..can hennyone kunferm?

A reader needs your HELP

I would just like outside opinion and help on this issue i have.
I have been dating my boyfriend for a year now and we are very much in love. I’m not one of those girls who claim that the man love me when he does not. But we spend everyday together, he gives me anything i desire as long as he has the money. We are both 21, just born 6 days apart and he is my cousins best friend, i knew him since we were 16 and i have always had a quiet crush on him. He lives in New York and i live in Connecticut, but i have alot of family in NY and travel there quiet frequently. I moved to NY in 2010 to go to college because i was tired of Connecticut and i was very excited when he revealed to me that he had a crush on me also. Since that day we have been inseparable spending everyday together. We both agreed that we wouldn’t talk to anyone else because it would just bring complications into our relationship. I do not ask about his past relationships because i really don’t care about who was before me. We had a few arguments but we always make up shortly after reminding ourselves that we love each other whether good or bad and we will not just up and leave our relationship. I recently had to move back to Connecticut for financial reasons with school and we agreed that we would continue our relationship because i have every intention of moving back to NY. Its been two months that i have been back home and a month ago he admitted to cheating on me in the beginning of the relationship, and also a couple months before i left NY. I had no idea so he really didn’t have to tell me anything but he said he told me because he loves me and it was nothing but sex with the other girls. I told him that we could talk about it and work it out. He don’t want me talking to any guys and tells me how much he loves me and how happy i make him. Now, a week before our anniversary he tells me that he has a girl friend, a co-worker, from his job that he chills with after work and they like each other but agreed that they wouldn’t further their relationship because he is in a relationship and she is also talking to someone. He also told me that he doesn’t want to be in a relationship with anyone right now but he does not want to lose me. He wants to be able to do his own thing without worrying of the consequences of feeling guilty for doing his dirt. I’m not sure if i should move on and try my best to get over him which would be hard because for the past year i have shut everyone out my life and he did the same but now he wants to meet new people. Or should i be his friend and wait for him to get over this stage although its not a guaranteed that we will get back together. I’m very heartbroken because after all that he has said to me, it’s hard to believe that someone will just allow love to walk out their life. Opinions are needed, whether you think i am stupid for still loving him just please be honest and i appreciate it.
From a brokenheart


Sexual Abuse Survivor – Accepting The Past
Sexual abuse survival involves accepting the past abuse – facing the fact that it happened. No matter what type of sexual abuse (whether incest or a by stranger) or how tragic its consequences, acceptance of the past is vital. Accepting the past is an essential step toward not only surviving, but to overcoming.

Examine your past, with a trained professional, if possible. Look at how you coped with the abuse while it was occurring.

  • What were your thoughts? Did you feel anger, hatred, or melancholy?
  • Did you blame yourself or perhaps feel guilty (or unclean)?
  • Did you turn inward, living in your own world?
  • Did you tell someone? Did that person ignore you?
  • Did you ignore the abuse and hope it would go away?
  • Did you pray to God and ask Him to intercede, but the abuse continued?
  • How did you feel about yourself? About others? Were there trust issues? If so, with whom?
  • Were there problems with authority?
  • Were you distant and aloof, perhaps shy – struggling to communicate like other children?
  • Or did you hide by being outgoing when you were really in a state of denial? Maybe you were afraid to turn inward and deal with the onslaught of feelings and thoughts. Maybe you just didn’t know what to do or how you felt.

Not surprisingly, what happened to us in the past is often carried into the present.

Sexual Abuse Survivor – Living In The Present
If you’re a sexual abuse survivor, how are things going now? As a survivor myself (incest/homosexual activities by my grandfather), I confess that I struggle with the effects of sexual abuse – feelings of anger, hatred, sadness, guilt, and shame toward my abuser and indirectly toward myself. Sometimes these feelings and thoughts can get in the way, interfering with other relationships. As a sexual abuse survivor, do you experience similar feelings? Do you ever wonder why me, what did I ever do to deserve the abuse? If so, you are not alone.

Unfortunately, these feelings and thoughts do not magically disappear. From personal experience and from talking with other adult survivors of sexual abuse, I’ve discovered we share and exhibit similar thoughts and feelings, yet struggle to find an outlet. As a survivor, I simply want to be heard and understood. I want someone I can identify with. I want to be told that I am okay. When a person has been abused sexually, thoughts likeI’m not ok and I will never be okay seem to become ingrained in the psyche. In addition, there are often problems with self-acceptance, guilt, condemnation, feelings of never measuring up, and so on. Those feelings are incorrect. We are okay, and we can live a life of victory!

A proactive approach to dealing with past abuse involves getting help and taking an introspective look at what happened. Tragically, many sexual abuse survivors choose to avoid help. The confusion of unresolved sexual abuse can lead some people to go from victim to perpetrator. Or the survivor learns to cope through self-abuse, like drugs and alcohol or develops an addiction to sex or pornography. Many abuse survivors believe they cannot get past what happened to them.

If the abuse came from the same sex, this may unfortunately lead to later interaction with same sex. If the abuse was perpetrated by someone of the opposite sex, such as a father and daughter, the daughter often seeks to fill this void through promiscuity. She is really looking for love, and has learned that she will find it through sexual activity. Of course, she does not find love, but heartache and sometimes more abuse or even disease. These lies can only lead to shattered hearts and lives.

If the need or void is not dealt with proactively, the abuse often survives in the survivor. Shadows of the abuse live on in various forms, because the abuse victim looks for satisfaction in the wrong ways or places. Having never known genuine love, the abuse survivor can only imitate love in return.

Is there a way to overcome the past? I believe there is. Let’s take a look at some possible solutions for healing sexual abuse.

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