This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]




''Barbie Browning''


shania aka dog head

Melessia’s Profile · Melessia’s Wall

Melessia Thompsonam sadddd an lonely feel like cry
Wednesday at 11:32pm ·  · 

    • Ricardo Edwards Y lessia???Wednesday at 11:34pm · 
    • Melessia Thompson mi jus cah badda nuh more a ting mi need a work mi home 2 long now an a ting bout sumtin an it a stress mi out manWednesday at 11:39pm · 
    • Nichoa Henry hush mum!! u soon gone bk on u foot!Wednesday at 11:45pm · 
    • Melessia Thompson hmmWednesday at 11:49pm · 
    • Meka Don afta dat deh slam….u get wey day … ur lonely…..sumting no right mi fren…hmmmYesterday at 12:01am · 
    • Jamar Starboy Purge Pray mel pray it happens to everyone prob com an go god see us tru jus believe..Yesterday at 12:01am · 
    • Melessia Thompson ok jimmyYesterday at 12:02am · 
    • Melessia Thompson yeh nino sumtin rongYesterday at 12:04am · 
    • Meka Don wats wrong mammieYesterday at 12:04am · 
    • Melessia Thompson mi nuh kno a gest mi need a work a suh mi can get fi be single mi caah badda ninoYesterday at 12:07am · 
    • Meka Don jus di other day u get di wickedest slam now u sad…..wat u doin 2 u self yooYesterday at 12:09am ·  ·  1 personLoading…
    • Nichoa Henry dwl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yesterday at 12:10am · 
    • Melessia Thompson a dat mi wah ask mi self 2Yesterday at 12:11am · 
    • Meka Don u neva know u nufi mek love pon hungry belly….weh u a go do when u done dagga?Yesterday at 12:12am ·  ·  2 peopleLoading…
    • Melessia Thompson u out of oder mi neva hungry mi belly di full suh nuh badda try style mi cuz it nah work sorryYesterday at 12:15am · 
    • Meka Don mi nah stile u babes…mi jus a sey sort out u ting zimmi….a u name mel..Yesterday at 12:17am · 
    • Melessia Thompson it dun sort outYesterday at 12:18am · 
    • Meka Don so jus gwan bil denYesterday at 12:20am · 
    • Melessia Thompson y u tag mi u gal picYesterday at 12:20am · 
    • Meka Don wrong tag hun hushYesterday at 12:21am · 
    • Ronnique Beasley Don’t worry mel things Ina place jus trust in god.Yesterday at 8:40am · 
    • Melessia Thompson i willYesterday at 11:42am · 
    • Davia Thompson dnt do it jus be strong gurl u can dO IT DNT tell u self dat***Yesterday at 11:53am · 
    • Melessia Thompson am tryin not 2Yesterday at 1:46pm · 
    • Davia Thompson ok then dats betterYesterday at 1:47pm · 

Now Met this is very surprising to me how you don’t have these girl on JMG…..These girl sort-out most on the the bus man them on the down town, duhuney park, water house and white hall route…..Can I say taxi punnany!!!! They call themselves avalanche girl aka gaza girls….Them go a club every night and wine up on the ole man fi buy them drinks….(Edited out)….The one wey name melissa a jeffery hype woman all the F way she a give she don’t have nothing but clothes an hair to show….The first pic a shania aka dog head from duhuney park dnt have shit is a orginal tekka can I say…..Tansuh the song writer fi Vado, Flexx frm gully squad, shane-o, ding dong, bounty etc caan to remember right now….Pic 2 Melissa aka hair n clothes she tek the ole man them!!! The girl in the purple is decoda aka not nice the producer when him want a piece gal and still don’t have shit and don’t live no where….The last pic a popcaan gal cody aka barbie brownie she is a tekka too can I say dancer boy groupie, and still ain’t got shit……The fat one is them new recruit can I say duhuney park king size bed!!!! All of these girl are groupies and mately go dung a big yaad anyday and u will see them….Melissa a now you just a know sey yuh want a work ? And them sey cody a wife and her past clean if a laugh mi belly hurt mi…..she is a hoe like the rest of them only tru sey poppi like when she do the tings….



Just reading this makes me cry so much. Met i cant even trust the shoe i wear becuz i feel it will lead me to a wrong place. I have sacrificed myself for every single soul. I am workin good money, but i have nuthn becuz i easily feel sorry for everybody else but myself. I stay without food to help people out and one by one they stab me in the back. I am so hurt till all i want to do is hug my mom and cry. She isnt near me now so all i have is my Bible and God pulling me through each day. I ask God to help me to understand that i need to take care of myself and then others. I do not have a child so there isnt anyone before me than him, but im just not gettn it. Then im confused becuz when i see ppl in their issues i wonder if God wud be happy that i said no.

Met i am not perfect and neither am i any deep christian but i believe in God and his existence. I try to live the way i kno he wud. Believe me if i have anyone who did me wrong and they fall into a really bad situation i still go ahead and help becuz he said i shud forgive. I take time to think about ppls feelings becuz i am afraid of what God will do to me if i hurt somebody or take advantage of them. And yet, my desires arent coming to me. I do have the patience, but i feel so lost and hopeless. Im crying so much right now

Everybody has gone thru their heartbreak. I did six yrs ago but i was able to go in and out of relations/ relationships since then. During that time, by onean I have been abused, black eyed constantly, infections, wounds to body, locked in rooms, knife to my neck and the blades actually leave a scratch on me… You name it. Burned with a cigarette in my face, embarrased infront of a whole lot of ppl. But i was able to get out of it. And i thank God

After that i decided to take a different approach to this thing. And i liked someone a whole lot. I waited on sumthn that wasnt gonna happen. And now i am so hurt becuz he jus got up and walked away becuz i guess there wuz someone else who he wanted to give his attn to. I have been there for him becuz i considered him my best friend more than anything else and he hurt me sooooo bad Met its been 4 minths since i last heard a word from him and i cry every single day. I have let it go. But my tears come becuz i have loving men riggt at my finger tips but i cant do it again. I cant be with anybody ever. I dont kno how to love someone again. I have given up on it. Im 25 so i have a long way to go but i just cant. People gettn close and i am ready to push them away caz i prefer to protect my heart than have someone kiss me or make love to me or take me out. Becuz i am afraid of them being a good man today and the worst tomorro. I am not someone who rush into things… Cuz i spent over two yrs gettn to understand him, but it still wuz nuthn.
I am not ready for kids yet becuz i still wanna be a free spirit. I am the “wash belly” for both parent so u kno they are awaitin the family… But its like i dont even wanna go there. I really wanted kids but now i dont jus becuz i dont even want to have to deal with a man to the extent where i have to call them to tell them their child is sick.

Never in my life have i ever imagined that i wud want to spend the rest of my life alone, becuz i realise i have to be away from ppl to be better.

And ita funny that when u need someone to talk to nobody is there for you, becuz it aint about money so they dont wanna hear. The funny thing is i got up this morning with the intentions of saying this to someone but never thought it wud be on JMG.

I have done alot to get over my pain and one of them is to come on this site and comment and watch wats up. Always guaranteed a good laugh. Contributed to me smiling when i wuz down. I still am but not that bad. I am getting better. But i jus dont kno if my heart will ever change the way it is right now.

* I am so sorry I didn’t respond to you yesterday, I saw your comment and truly forgot to respond. I will not do a topic like this on a day when I will be distracted into not responding again. You know sometimes men really put us in that place, the place where we give so much and get back almost nothing, I believe we as women have all been in this same place and I came to the conclusion that when we make men the center of our lives God always removes them, in the simplest way. It could be a breakup over nothing but they are moved. I can’t tell you to trust anyone but it will take time, never let anyone tell you when to be over the situation, take your time. Healing takes time. The good thing about this experience is that it will teach you  not to love as freely again, and we shouldn’t . We should not love anyone unconditional, we are not God. Our love has to have limitations and conditions. The reason is that we are all human, we change and make mistakes, our mistakes may cause others to hurt and someone’s change may cause your hurt. Men tend to lose interest when they feel that the ”chase” has ended. When they feel too secure. You will not be alone, you are just not healed enough to allow someone else in your life right now.   There are a few unselfish people out there, most people are in our lives for what they are able to get out of us, whether its our emotional, physical  or financial support. There is hardly anyone out there who will be there just to be there and that is why you have to really turn to God because at the end of it all he is the one who will lend a listening ear and if it it comes to the point where you need a physical ear he will ALWAYS send someone.  *





Police personnel from Spanish Town, St Catherine, were left shocked recently when they found out that a sexy woman with bountiful breasts they arrested was in fact a man who is going through a sex change.

Reports reaching THE WEEKEND STAR are that about 3 a.m. on Wednesday a police party spotted a silver Honda Civic motor car driving carelessly.

The lawmen are said to have stopped the vehicle and asked the driver for her licence. She was not able to produce it or any other identification card and was taken to the police station.

It was while she was at the station and plans were being made to transfer her to the Central Village Police Station that it was discovered that she was really a man who was going through a sex change.

The accused reportedly told the cops that he went to the United States where he did hormone treatment to change his body.

“This is how I want to go to court; this is who I am and it’s only in Jamaica that it is a problem,” the man supposedly told the cops.

He further stated: “I just want to go home and get some needed rest; this is a drag.”

The police told THE WEEKEND STAR that the man said that he is scheduled to return to the United States to remove his private parts as his desire to be a woman is overwhelming.

He also reportedly told the cops that he does private parties abroad and travels extensively. “She really look hot with nice clothes and false eyelash and want to teach persons how to dress,” a policeman told THE WEEKEND STAR.

The accused man was charged with various traffic violations and granted bail to appear in court later this month


Let me suggest that you read Job 4:12-21. It speaks of the appearance of a spirit, but what kind of spirit was it? Various commentaries assume that God sent this spirit to correct Job. But was it? No one seems even to question whether it was from God. This is in direct contradiction to the words of John, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone into the world” (I John 4:1).

A evil spirit that comes to us does not announce, “I am from the Devil and I have come to lie to you and make you believe that lie.” That would be ridiculous! Most of us would immediately turn that spirit off and command that it leave. The enemy is more deceptive than that. He often comes to us disguised as a messenger from God. He may also come to us in the first person, “I” to make us think that we are talking to ourselves. He may say, “I am depressed.” Then we may say in our minds, “Yes, I guess I am really depressed.” When we are thinking we are having a monologue, we may be actually having a dialogue with the enemy.

How do we test the spirits? I John 4:2-3 gives one test. It says that every spirit that does not confess that Jesus is the Anointed One who came in the flesh is not of God. We can also demand that the spirit declares that Jesus is Lord (I Corinthians 12:3). Another practical application of discernment is to reword the statement of the spirit and add “in the name of Jesus.” Using the above example we would say, “I am depressed in the name of Jesus.” That sounds rather insane. We have blown the enemy’s cover! One of the best ways to discern the nature of a spirit is to check the Word of God. Does what the spirit says match up with the Word of God?

The Word says that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. We are to cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (II Corinthians 10:4-5). I have in my file about a page and one half of lies that the enemy has used on people to make them become suicidal in their thinking. We must answer each lie with the truth of the Word of God.

Now looking at the spirit that came to the friend of Job, we find [1] the spirit appealed to his desire for special revelation (verse 12). This is what the serpent did with Eve in the Garden when he said, “You will become as gods, knowing good and evil.” [2] The spirit came in the night, evidently the form of a nightmare (verse 13). [3] The approach of the spirit was intimidation (verses 14-15). Fear is not God’s approach to Believers. God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Whenever people were fearful of angels, the angels said, “Fear not.” [4] There is an obscurity of the form (verse 16). We do not find obscurity in the appearance of angels in Scripture. [5] The message begins with an accusation. Who is the accuser, but Satan?

[6] Does God trust His servants (verse 18)? God often intrusted his Word to His angels. Why was this spirit so sensitive about God charging some of His angels with folly? This was one of the angels that rebelled with Satan. It is no wonder that this evil spirit was bitter and carried a grudge against God. [7] Does God trust man with anything (verse 19)? Yes! He has trusted His Church to carry His precious Gospel into all the world. [8] Is man destroyed without God caring about him (verse 20)? Look at the

hopeless implications. God, however, keeps record of the sparrows that falls and the deaths of His saints are precious in His sight. [9] Is life upon this earth futile and without purpose as this spirit would have us believe (verse 21)? The obvious answer is, “No!” We have a purpose to serve the Lord. Furthermore, God works all things together for our good.

As a Christian and also as a Christian Counselor, I find it essential to have discernment of spirits. We are not to be ignorant of the devices of the enemy. Therefore, I pray this exercise in discernment is helpful.


Nuttin beat a good 5 yawd a lastik hee?  Only five yawds fi drape yuh up and mek under yuh look like yuh a wear a pad pandy outa skirts a di lastic…Now if dis a nuh madniss a dow know wha it really is

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