This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Douglas My motto to life is that “There is nothing more wonderful in the world than to achieve success in life for the things we do, recognition for the goals we achieve and to be FAMOUS for our accomplishments”. NONE A DEM NUH PASS ME, WHEN DEM SEE ME A BETTER DEM ASK ME. Dougie “Good Life” Platinum was Born Douglas (Edited out) to 2 wonderful people (Edited out) and (Edited out)on April 9th 1983 in Kingston, Jamaica out of the Duhaney Park community Kingston 20. After living in Jamaica for 7 years between Duhaney Park n Barbican; It was then January of 1990 when likkle Dougie Platinum at the age of 6 migrated to New York from the streets of Jamaica on a mission to set it, lock it, start it, dun it and then conquer it all. Since then Dougie has made numerous moves in his life from progressing and excelling as one of the most popular male figures in the jamaican entertainment world as a promotor/dancer to and Entrepreneur with 2 buisness endeavors where one is in the travel agency field and the other is in the clothing field. Known for being a man who takes high pride in the way he looks, A man with high self-esteem, and self-confidence and one of, if not the most controversial name in the dancehall world; Dougie At his young age is growing to fight the struggle of badmind and overcome all negativity and always aim to excel at his best in anything he does, also a force to be reckoned with and by the looks of things he cannot be stopped. I live my life to please no one but myself, putting god first and my family 2nd my aim in life is to 1 day find the cure for badmind. Dougie is the individual whom is LOVED BY SOME, HATED BY MANY, ENVIED BY MOST, YET WANTED BY PLENTY. Ladies and Gentleman It is with distinct honor I introduce myself to you as Fashion Icon Sir Dougie Platinum The Great!


Yuh haffi be real tuff fi nuh feel breeze …. a mean rock solid…ole bowd tuff fi nuh feel yuh two bres dem outa door…Now people dis was di bres dem when milk did still ina dem last month…. memba last week a di purple an white dem drap dung wid a swiftniss…Roxanne a yuh seh baby cole come breed me ? yeah man cool…Yuh gi birth Septembah an mi nuh tink nuh pawty miss yuh since October… Yuh tuff mi nah lie but fram mi si yuh pawk off ina di dus unda di maskitah net mi shudda know..


28 gay Jamaicans granted asylum in US last year
Saturday, February 12, 2011

NEW YORK, United States — Immigration Equality, an organisation which works to secure asylum for individuals persecuted in their home country based on their sexual orientation, gender identity or HIV-status, said it won dozens of cases for clients from the Caribbean in 2010.
The organisation said that it won a record 101 cases last year.
“An overwhelming number of the victories, 38, were for clients from the Caribbean, with 28 of those for individuals from Jamaica,”; it said. There were four successful cases from Grenada.
“Other cases included 24 asylum seekers from Central and South America; 16 from Eastern Europe (including seven Russian clients); nine from the African continent and five from the Middle East.”
The organisation, which maintains the largest network of pro bono attorneys, in addition to its in-house legal staff, is dedicated solely to seeking asylum for Lesbians, Gays, Bi-sexual and Transgender (LGBT) asylum seekers.
Immigration Equality said that it has 97 additional cases filed in 2010 which are awaiting a ruling, as well as several cases filed prior to 2010.
“For too many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, the world remains a dangerous place,” said Rachel B. Tiven, the group’s executive director.
“In many cases, the clients who turn to Immigration Equality for help are literally running for their lives. They have been mistreated and beaten by authorities in their home country, disowned by their families and ostracized by society. By offering them safe haven, the United States is not only saving their lives, but benefitting from the talent, skills and service these asylees bring to our country. We are proud, and honored, to help them begin life anew here in their adopted homeland.”
Since the mid-1990s, the United States has recognised persecution due to sexual orientation and gender identity as a basis for seeking asylum.
In the past five years, Immigration Equality and its partner law firms have represented more than 500 LGBT people fleeing persecution abroad. Clients have hailed from some of the most notoriously homophobic countries in the world, including Uganda, Syria and Egypt.



Hoi Gracie….as mi seh long time yuh nat a bad looking girl …di ways dem waa tun up but yuh hoorite. Gracie why yuh cyaa eva put yuhself togedda an look outstandin? Dis krismus kulla weave ina yuh head  like a you seh stap..Mi cyaa manage yuh at alllllllllllll..whappen to black hair too reggyla? chuh… Yeah mi know dem a go open back sugah mill but dem nuh ready fi start plant up suh yuh can go park up di boots until den… kaws mi nuh know whey yuh really a guh ina dem boots deh an bangle..I woa even chat bout di capri kaws mi really an chooly nuh know whey yuh get it.. den it all look like it reversable….Spice mi caa manage yuh mi nah loi…Belt an bangles fi match…a guess yuh cudden find Tanbad fi put velcro pan di shoes cause dem bow deh whey yuh tie really nah mek it!..Well Spice a gotta run cause as yuh know is 2gran sinting sinting dis …


Coping With Loneliness – Let Down & Turned Away
Coping with loneliness is often a byproduct of facing one of life’s challenges. Your friends may not understand what it feels like to be in your situation unless they’ve been in that circumstance themselves. Perhaps they don’t comprehend your challenges and may not know how they can help you. Therefore, your closest friends may let you down or turn their backs on you. My friends did. My life challenge is chronic pain. I developed a severe arm injury and was no longer capable of working in the manner in which I had previously worked. In spite of an exhaustive job search, I lost the career that I dearly loved.

Coping With Loneliness – Devastated & Alone
As I was coping with loneliness, it was hard not to compare my fate to that of Job from the Bible, with the loss of so many things that I held dear. Like Job, I had friends that were no friends at all. In the beginning, some were like Eliphaz and offered advice with statements like, “Strengthen your faith – just trust in God!” I was trusting God. However, that answer was not specific enough to help me find the solutions I needed at that time. God’s grace is sufficient to meet all of our needs. However, that doesn’t mean that the timing or the answers will be what we expect. In retrospect, I can see that God had moved on my behalf in all of the events that took place during this deep, dark valley of my life. But at the time, I was struggling to hear God’s voice or see Him work, because the answers were not what I was seeking or expecting.

Later, Job’s friends said that he needed to examine himself and find

out where he had sinned so that he could repent of that sin. My friends did the same thing. Job’s friends weren’t specific about his sin, but mine were. They accused me of falsifying my arm symptoms and claiming fraudulent funds from my employer and the government. I wanted to ask them where they got their medical degrees? I wanted to ask them if they thought all six of my treating physicians would lie and jeopardize their licenses for me? I was very hurt that they would accuse me of lying and fraud, but mostly that they would think so little of my Christian witness. But all I could do in my defense was quote Proverbs 5:21: “For a man’s ways are in full view of the Lord, and He examines His paths.” Erroneously, the world far too often equates health and prosperity with God’s blessings; and suffering and pain with God’s judgment.

I was devastated when these friends (who had known me for over 25 years) decided they didn’t trust my honesty, integrity or Christian witness enough to stand beside me as my friends. I was deeply hurt by this rejection. And since this had been my social group, I felt very much alone.

Coping With Loneliness – The One Who Understands

As I was coping with loneliness at a very deep level, I was reading my Bible. It was there that scripture reminded me that the same thing happened to Jesus Christ in His darkest hour in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46). He was all alone. Over the next several days, every time I felt discouraged or alone, I would open my Bible and it was as if words would jump right off the pages — words that were specifically placed there to comfort me in my situation. Jesus met me in my need, at my point of pain.

I found comfort in the fact that Jesus experienced everything that we experience, and He knows exactly how we feel. He can comfort us because He’s been there too. He promises to never leave us nor forsake us. He promises to stick closer to us than a brother. He says that if we call for help, He will say, “Here am I!”


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