This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Grief Process – Understanding Grief
Grief is a natural process that we experience after suffering a significant loss. While grieving is difficult and painful, it does not have to immobilize us. We can learn to be patient with ourselves and with others during periods of grief by understanding what we are going through.

What should you expect while you are coping with grief? How will you react? Do you feel tense? Remember that crying is a healthy release of tension. Keeping a “stiff upper lip” is not only difficult, but it represses your feelings, often bottling them away only to erupt at a later time and in a way you do not expect. You may also experience loss of appetite, sleeplessness, lack of concentration, and fatigue. Alcohol and drugs only mask and delay the grief process, so consider avoiding them during this time. It is also wise not to make major decisions or take on new responsibilities until your grief has subsided.

Many people experience a kaleidoscope of reactions during the process of grief. If your pain is especially intense, you may even lose interest in life itself. In order to safeguard yourself against a long period of depression as a result of grief, it is critical to discover purpose and hope outside of yourself. In time, your sense of purpose will return as the pain becomes less intense.

You may also experience guilt and find yourself asking “what if.” Learning to forgive yourself and others is an important factor in overcoming this thought cycle. Anger must be expressed and shared in a healthy and appropriate manner.

When dealing with grief, increased vulnerability is inevitable. You will find that grief creates change in almost every phase of life, including social structure. Grief redefines the past-but as it passes, it can open doors to the future.

Grief Process – Friends and Family
It is important to know that your grief process may be uncomfortable for your friends and family. Uncertain how to ease your pain and comfort you, they often don’t know what to say. If you can, let them know that it is good to talk about your loss so that they will know how you feel. If there are children around you during this time, reassure them often and express your love to them.

Grief Process – Practical Instruction
Consider the following ideas for managing the grief process:

Embrace gentleness. Your body and soul need repair.
Accept help when offered and seek help if a problem is unresolved.
Give your body rest. When possible, go to bed earlier.
Get together with friends and meet new people. Focusing on others will help you deal with the pain. Holidays and special occasions are difficult, so lean on your family and friends for support.
Be patient. If you feel depressed for awhile, it is okay.
Look for comforting activities. Learn to express your feelings, talk, write, sing, exercise, and cry. Learn more about grief recovery; a greater understanding helps us cope.
Good nutrition is important. Avoid junk food.
Grief Process – There is Hope and a Future
The grief process at the onset is difficult, but as time passes we’ll begin again to look for reasons to hope. Hope based on absolutes and an eternal future offers a comforting and motivating perspective. In the Psalms we are told, “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.”

God promises us refreshment and hope, first through salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and rose again to give us all a future in heaven. If we believe in Jesus Christ, we not only have a future here on earth but we have a future in heaven with Him. John 3:36a says, “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life.”

When we believe in Jesus Christ, grief soon turns to hope. Before long, we are greeting each day again with anticipation and eagerly awaiting our future with Him. John 10:28 says, “And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; nor shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.”

Do you believe this? Then you do not sorrow (grieve) as those who have no hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13b).




not going noooo where 5star fe lifeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!
Added 14 hours ago · Like ·
Andrea Dingdong Campbell and 3 others like this.
Jamelia Morant mek dem know the life of a wife bap bap
14 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Andrea Dingdong Campbell Maa. Every man ge bun so mite as well me stay. :). 9 years hard fe dash weh
12 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Sharlene Harris rayyyyyyy mi dnt let go a ur man dat
12 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Sharlene Harris brap brap u guys were meant to bbbbbbbbbb
12 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Sharlene Harris dem haert suppose to a beat fast wen dem si u and u man raayyyyyyyy
12 hours ago · Like
Fancyface Robinson a u sey 5star n 5star sey ding……..a wah do some sallybug………..
12 hours ago · Like

* FYI… Simone Star did loose di fight ova clock tower plaza..My linky dem seh she neva get dus out bad but there was a fight n she did deh pan di losing end .*
Mi nuh know if fi call dingdong a real fool or a real clown but its sad…MAN A GI U BUN?? ARE YOU SERIOUS?? When unno a go wise up and stop tek unno self mek spectacle? Not going nowhere when man is publicly with someone else???


Intimacy with God

Intimacy with God . . . what is it and how is it attained? There are many methods, and sometimes it seems hard to accomplish. Feeling led to approach this subject from a different angle; I decided to share what I’ve learned from my own experiences.

God created each of us with a longing for intimacy — intimacy with Him. We must, therefore, come to some understanding of what He is asking of us and what He is offering. We must come to the realization that we were created to fellowship with our Creator. We need Him and He desires us.

“God desires us?” Yes! He wants us, desires us. He gave the very best He had in His only begotten Son to redeem what Adam relinquished in the Garden. And He did it for intimacy.

Intimacy never involves just one person. As the old adage goes, “It takes two to tango.” God has gone to great lengths to dance with mankind. From the time He walked with Adam in Eden to this day, His desire hasn’t abated or changed.

So passionate was His desire after Adam and Eve sinned, He worked intensely throughout time to bring humanity back to a place of intimate communion. He gave the ultimate Gift so He might walk with us in the garden of our lives (John 3:16). From the midst of the Garden, the Lord called out to Adam. Today He is calling out our names, waiting to share His heart with us, waiting to hear our hearts expressed to Him.

Now that we better understand God’s desires for intimacy, let’s consider what it entails. What does it mean? Is it hard to attain? I submit to you it is not a difficult endeavor. All it requires is our relentless pursuit of an abiding and growing relationship with God.

The biggest hindrance to communion with God is our perception of who He is. Basing our perception of God’s character on the ungodly actions or attitudes of others will skew our understanding of His nature. Often circumstances in our lives prevent us from drawing near. Yet David says in Psalm 27:10: “Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.” In other words, regardless of who abandons us, betrays us, or hurts us, the Lord is ready, willing and able to embrace us.

God states throughout His Word that He is our strong tower, our refuge, our hiding place — to name only a few. He is our security, although most times we tend to find security in our position, our wealth, even our friends and family. Somehow we think if we become intimate with God, we will lose our security. In fact, just the opposite happens. We meet God, and He infuses all areas of our lives, enhancing each one with His presence, power, and transformation — seating us in a secure place in Him.

So how do we do this? We go to God and cling to Him with the realization we are doing what we were created to do, and He will not turn us away (Luke 11:9). God tells us He never shows partiality to anyone (Job 34:19). He gave so that all should live abundantly in His presence.

You cannot know someone you don’t spend time with. Intimacy develops as a result of close contact with someone over a period of time. Trust is built, confidence grows, and hearts change, becoming endeared to one another. Did you ever think about the fact that He is already waiting for you? What an awesome thought: The “Creator” of all that is or ever will be is waiting to talk with you and me.

But you say, “You don’t know my schedule.” Yes I do. I’m just like you. But life is built of many little moments. The little moments are where you start. You can start by simply saying, “I love You, Jesus.”

What would happen if you went through your day, repeating, “Jesus loves me” and did this over a period of a week? Your heart would change. The first step of intimacy would take place: speaking, sharing.

You could quote scriptures or tell Him, “I love You.” These moments will add up, and your whole life will be consumed with thoughts of Him.

This is what I mean by being simple: If you struggle with a certain area in your life and need to know God’s thoughts on the matter, find a Scripture befitting the need and do the same exercise. You see, not only does God want to have long times of communion with us, but He wants to spill over throughout our day. Before you know it, your desires change, and you find yourself continually in a place of communion — going to Him first, longing for Him, and needing Him in a way that moments are not enough.

When you long to experience deeper times with Him, put on an instrumental CD while relaxing, even while driving or working. Intimacy isn’t always about being verbal. Deep relationship with God can be built by sitting quietly with Him, reflecting on His goodness and love.

When thinking about Him isn’t enough, speak to Him in a conversational tone. After all, Jesus walked as a man and built relationships in the same way we do today. If you spend time in the Word, He will begin to speak those thoughts back to your heart, giving you guidance and encouragement. The more you read and know, the more there is for you to hear in your time with Him.

“Hearing?” you say. Yes, this is the second part of intimacy: listening and hearing. When He speaks back to your heart, “I love you no matter what.” It would be good to have a notebook in which to write down the words and thoughts He impresses on you. These reminders will come in handy during dry times. He tells us to put Him in remembrance of His Word, and that includes what He speaks to our hearts.

Remember, He desires to hear about every thought, desire, and dream. In the Bible, David told God he was angry. Did God know David was angry? Of course. Yet He wanted David to tell Him. This enabled David to hear God’s heart and release his anger to someone who understood without taking it out on others. He chose to remember the faithfulness of God in His life and act upon it.

There is nothing you cannot say to God. There is nothing in your heart or thoughts He wants you to hold back from Him. He doesn’t want you to burden yourself with some yoke He longs to bear (Matthew 11:28-29). Consider this: Nothing ever takes God by surprise. He is aware of every aspect of our lives (Hebrews 4:13). Yet, He still loves us and desires us with an everlasting love.

Take a leap of faith, and pour out your heart to the Lover of your soul. Position yourself to listen, and He will speak. The seeds of intimacy will grow abundantly.


Older Women, Younger Men, Is There Really A Future?

This century has really brought us a few surprises, from teenagers growing up too soon to many males and females proudly exiting the closet. Older women dating younger men seems to be the status quo among elites and minorities. While some of the pros are :-  passionate sex, a chance to reclaim youth some what. It leaves us to wonder :-

– Are the older women looking for a life long commitment?

-What really goes on in the minds of these younger men?

-Should women really invest emotionally in these relationships?

-How many years is considered too old?

-Why does it seem as if these young men move on after a while and leave these older women torn?

It boggles the mind as to why women would risk so much in these relationships , only to gain so little. Is it really worth it?

What are the REAL PROS to these relationships?

Have you ever been in such a realationship, if so how has it been?



Yeah yeah…. we get tha point…… F we…. di whole a we… but yuh belly need di tea!! BODDDD…Pamputae mi nah look pan yuh at this time..Pinky yuh a nuh 27 yet and yuh belly stay suh?…A cudduh pregnant yuh pregnant kaw fi di munts whey yuh wudda be …a nayble wud be in sight…unless a twin!… Pinke dat belly need di 30 day cleansing…cause it jus a rise an rise an a nuh bread..What a belly! Hair side jell dung and di track a seh si mi yah mi bold like di mate____________________ ….Pinky yuh an yuh track a twin ….unno dry eye a like…Mi nah lie mi fraid a unno finga nail…ouch…does it hurt when you wipe??


Sweet Nectar

“However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

There are beauties of My glory, yet untapped, that I am going to show you. I am opening them before your very eyes, enabling sight into a realm not seen before.

You are My butterfly — no longer held captive in a cocoon, no longer hidden away. It is time to fly with freedom under the protection of My mighty wings as you rise to see the face of your God, whose very essence flows with goodness and glory. Awakening is here. Love is awakened, My beloved, swinging wide the doors of opportunity, favor, and honor. I am returning hundredfold all that has been stolen while you slept. Can you see the clouds of promise gather? I can.

I see you like the graceful, colorful, butterflies drinking pollen from the beautiful flowers of My creation. Fluttering, floating without care, causing amazement as you move from place to place with elegance and grace. You are full of beauty and strength. All those who discounted you will see you in a new light as I bring about the promised redemption of your calling. Those who cursed you will rise and call you blessed, considering it a privilege to know you.

I have removed reproach from the deep places of your heart. The things you thought and used as excuses, allowing them to bind you in a cocoon of sleep, I have removed. Now, I am removing the reproach of men, granting you favor with God and man. What I am doing now, no one can argue with. I remove and break away all words and judgments of men and even family. In the process, I bring a work of humbleness to their lives, thereby, freeing them at the same time. What is done for you ultimately becomes their freedom.

I have taken the crooked staff the enemy used to reach out and wrap around your neck, pulling you back into the places of darkness, and turned it into a sword of the Spirit. As you remain faithful to Me, I deny him any power over you. My grace is sufficient, and My love gives lift to your graceful, yet powerful, wings, enabling you to soar above all that was. I restore the years the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25). The time of recompense has come for I have been jealous for you, My beloved.

As you rise and fly in the current of My mighty wings, you will have sight into My realm of goodness and glory. I have called you to collect pollen and take it from place to place. The deposits you share will make it possible for gardens to bloom in the lives of others.

Without pollen, without the deposits of My goodness, many would stay in their bound up cocoons way past the necessary time. The right amount of time produces one like you, while excessive time destroys hope. As you dispense the sweet pollen of My nectar into the lives of others, self-reproach will be removed, and I will remove the reproach of men upon their lives.

Drink continually from the nectar of communion with Me that you may come in and go out of My presence with the necessary pollen to produce in like kind. Comfort, as you have been comforted, My butterfly.

Lord, I agree with You and stretch my wings. The very essence of who You made me to be is awakening like the rising of the dawn. This is a new day, and I embrace it. I give You all my excuses. I lay aside every hindrance. I receive restoration of all things stolen from me. Keep my heart ever close to You. Let me feel the movement of Your wind beneath my wings as I fly into my purpose and destiny.

The reproach of men has fallen away, and Your favor is upon me this day — each and every day of my life. I will take the sweetness deposited in me, sharing it with those who are still sleeping. Fill me, enable me, comfort me, and I will do likewise (2 Corinthians 1:4). I am Your beautiful butterfly.

Reflect and Journal

  • As you read this love letter, what do the words freedom and awakening mean to you?
  • Reflect on what it means to have the Lord’s sight, to see above the circumstance.
  • What areas of reproach need to fall away from your life, enabling you to fly? Forgive all the reproaches of men and confess if you have walked in reproach toward anyone.
  • Reflect on being His butterfly and the grace that entails.

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