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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



Kayla Henriques confesses to fatal stab of Kamisha Richards in Facebook feud over diaper money: cops


Originally Published:Tuesday, March 1st 2011, 8:10 AM
Updated: Wednesday, March 2nd 2011, 1:18 AM

Kamisha Richard, left, was allegedly stabbed to death by her boyfriend's sister, Kayla Henriques, right, over a $20 loan for diapers.

via Facebook

Kamisha Richard, left, was allegedly stabbed to death by her boyfriend’s sister, Kayla Henriques, right, over a $20 loan for diapers.

Kayla Henriques is led from 75th Precinct stationhouse in Brooklyn on Tuesday.


Kayla Henriques is led from 75th Precinct stationhouse in Brooklyn on Tuesday.

Facebook feud over a $20 loan for diapers left an aspiring Brooklyn lawyer dead – fatally stabbed by a teen mom who turned on her life-long friend, police said.

Kayla Henriques, 18, calmly ate Chinese food after confessing to the vicious Monday night attack on Kamisha Richards – who had long treated the killer like a kid sister, sources told the Daily News.

“The world lost an angel for $20,” sobbed a distraught Nicole Colter-Henry hours after the knife was plunged into her daughter’s chest.

“It’s senseless,” she said Tuesday, tears streaming down her face. “She didn’t deserve this.”

Family and friends said Richards, 22, took the accused killer under her wing when Henriques’ mother died 15 years ago.

Last year, Richards threw a baby shower for Henriques – and she was helping plan a first birthday party in May for the suspect’s son Alex before the fatal falling-out over a package of Pampers.

A weary-looking Henriques, her hair unkempt and her hands cuffed, barked at reporters outside the 75th Precinct stationhouse when asked if she felt bad about the slaying.

“No, ’cause it was a mistake,” she snapped. “I was protecting my kids.”

Richards – who was dating Henriques’ brother Ramel – was irate after the teen asked for $20 to buy Pampers last Friday but instead spent the cash on other items.

“They had been beefing for about three days,” said Barbie, a neighbor in the Cypress Hills Houses.

The once-friendly pair traded Facebook insults over the weekend, with one of Kayla Henriques’ uncles saying the hard feelings were further fueled by ugly text messages.

“B—h man up … I’m here make a move,” read one Facebook post from Henriques, known in the neighborhood as “KK.”

In another exchange, Richards – the eventual victim – left a Sunday night message: “Kayla now u getin outa hand … I hope u having fun entertaining the world … Trust, IMA HAVE THE LAST LAUGH!!!”

Kayla Henriques offered a terse, ominous reply: “We will see.”

Police found a kitchen knife at the crime scene on Sutter Ave. in East New York. Police sources said they followed a blood trail to a neighboring building where Henriques was arrested.

“Kamisha, I miss you,” wrote Ramel Henriques, 25, on his Facebook page. “I need you baby.”

Richards, who was awaiting her Law School Admission Test results and hoped to begin law school in the fall, died at Brookdale University Hospital shortly after the stabbing.

“My daughter’s dead!” the victim’s enraged father screamed at the crime scene, where about 25 stunned relatives and friends gathered.

Richards was a graduate of John Jay College of Criminal Justice and worked security for JPMorgan Chase, relatives said. She also worked at a nursing home.

Skeptical police sources said Henriques claimed the stabbing was in self-defense after Richards came after her about 10:30 p.m. on Monday.

Richards’ mother didn’t believe that claim. She had trouble accepting her daughter was really gone.

“Her boyfriend came over Sunday night and promised that it was all just Facebook bluster – that no one would hurt my baby,” recalled the grieving mom. “Now my baby is dead.”

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Hot glue gun use ina bungle an pile….. di jacket still spile posh posh…Mi neva si no man ina dem kinda fake mink deh…. yuh brutal…das fi females!

Hi there ladyyyyyy…. there is a valley in the miggle ady feellllllllllll


Second Coming Of Christ

Second Coming of Christ – No One Knows When
The Second Coming of Christ is plagued by many false teachings. Prediction books have even been written picking the exact day of Jesus’ return. These books may sell many copies, but they mislead their readers. There’s one guarantee: As soon as someone predicts the day or time of Jesus Christ’s second coming, that prediction is wrong. Why? Simply, only God the Father knows when it will be — Jesus doesn’t even know. Jesus told His disciples:

“No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” “Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with the hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.” “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” (Matthew 24:36, 40 & 42)

Second Coming of Christ – Signs for Keeping Watch
We could just shrug our shoulders and casually wait for the Second Coming of Christ. However, Jesus wants us to “keep watch.” A great way to keep watch is to know what the Bible reveals about upcoming events and compare those to what we see happening today. There are nearly 100 biblical passages discussing the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The key events can be summarized with the acrostic: S – E – C – O – N – D.

S…Sudden. As we saw above, no one but the Father knows when. However, we do know it will take place “as lightning.” Matthew 24:27 says, “For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.”

E…Essential. One of the foundations of the Christian faith is Jesus’ second coming. It is spoken of by Jesus and many others in the Bible. Jesus will physically come again for all His believers and for His final judgment. Unfortunately, some Christian cults teach that Christ “secretly” returned already. As you read what the Bible says about the Second Coming of Jesus, it will be obvious that it hasn’t happened yet.

C…Christ’s Final Judgment. The Bible declares that Jesus will be the final judge of the world (John 5:22, Acts 10:42 and 2Timothy 4:1). Some of the additional verses describing the second coming, resurrection of the dead, millennium, and final judgment are located in Acts 17:31, 1Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 and Hebrews 10:27.

O…Obvious. There are over 6 billion people on the planet. God only knows what percentage are truly Christians, but let’s use a conservative number like 10%. If this is true, over 600,000,000 people will vanish from the earth simultaneously according to Matthew 24:40. There will be no mistaking when Christ comes back for His Church!

N…No One Knows When. In Matthew 24:36, Jesus said only God the Father knows when. God is outside time. God already knows every prediction regarding Jesus’ return that has ever been or will ever be made. Since Jesus said that no one knows about that day but the Father, NO ONE KNOWS!

Second Coming of Christ – The “D” is for “Doubters”
As we get closer and closer to the Second Coming of Christ, there will be increasing and widespread doubt about whether Jesus even existed. People will also start wondering if God really exists and believers will leave the Christian faith (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, 1 Timothy 4:1-2, and 2 Peter 2:1-3). Do you think we’re already seeing these signs?


A fight that started on Facebook ended in bloodshed when a 22-year-old was stabbed to death in a Brooklyn housing project after an argument over $20 she lent her boyfriend’s sister for diapers, authorities said.

Kamisha Richards was attacked Monday at 10:35 p.m. near her home at the Cypress Hills Houses on Sutter Ave. in East New York, police said.

She was stabbed once in the chest, police said.

Richards was taken to Brookdale Hospital, where she was pronounced dead a short time later.

Police later caught the suspect Kayla Henriques, 18, who is the mother of an 11-month-old boy and lives in the same housing complex as the victim.

Kamisha Richards

Kamisha Richards

On Sunday night, Richards and Henriques had gotten into a heated war-of-words on Facebook.

In one message, Richards wrote: “I don’t give a f–k. … U know ya sister so its not just ova $20 its the principle so don’t make it seem like I’m goin n 4 $20 she kno wat she did and she real f–ked up … this aint the 1st time she did dum sh-t…F–K THESE NOSY PPL!!!!

In response, Henriques threatened Richards.

“Dnt try to expose me mama but I’m not tha type to thug it ova facebook see u wen u get frm wrk,” she wrote.

Henriques was arrested this morning and has been charged with second-degree murder.

A friend of both women said Henriques always needed help.

“The day before yesterday she came to me looking for some pampers,” she said. “She was always low on stuff. Kamisha used to help out with the baby and used to baby-sit. She was even helping to plan the baby’s birthday party in May.”

The friend, who did not want to be named, also said Richards “didn’t like people who took advantage of her.

“The whole thing stated when she loaned her $20 for pampers.”

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LET THE CONTROVERSY BEGINNN…unno nuh badda wid di extra malicious comments dem now thanks


If is even a mop with skirt dem seh dis bwaay yah will hit it…Buy ticket from ooman  fi guh England yuh name it. Stew peas sawtout  baller bouncer Annabelle, Jessica and whole heep a groupie whey dun him pocket pan di low. Stew peas do not have a right up ooman cause all now him cyaa fi di life of him find him right fit!

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