This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]







Edward Asuelimen, a businessman in Kubwa, a community on the outskirts of Abuja, gave the residents of the community the shock of their lives when he was reported to have vomited two live lizards while on his hospital bed.

The businessman said he had woken up in the morning of July 16 with severe pain in his stomach. “I woke up a few minutes after 5 am. In less than two hours, I had visited the toilet four times. Then I felt excruciating pain in my stomach. It got to a point where I could hardly prepare my children for school,” he said.

He however still managed to take the children. However, halfway to the children’s school, the pain had become unbearable that he decided to get some drugs from a store along the way. But a few minutes later, Asuelimen barely managed to walk out of the store by himself. His wife who was with him then that he should seek medical attention in a hospital following his plea of, “Help me quickly, I can’t breathe.”

He was admitted at Unity Clinic and Maternity Home, which was nearby. At the hospital, Asuelimen said “The Holy Spirit pushed me to speaking in tongues… afterwards, I felt a strong urge to vomit and I did… When my wife tried to get something to clean my mouth and pack it, I saw a lizard crawling out from the vomit on the ground. The nurse that attended to me saw another one and wanted to kill it.” When he saw the lizards, the first thought that struck him was that he had been poisoned. But the pain ceased after he vomited the reptiles. The doctor told him that he had just received divine healing.

The Medical Director of Unity Clinic and Maternity, Dr. Stephen Nwaedozie, also confirmed the incident saying, “When I got to the car, I saw Edward writhing in pain. I brought him out of the vehicle and attended to him. We started praying for him. Not long afterwards, my nurses told me that he had vomited lizards… I personally burnt the lizards and poured anointing oil on them and buried the carcasses. As soon as we did that, the man recovered from the stomach pain. He is a child of God and with faith he told them to bring him to my hospital and when he came here, God delivered him. So we praise God.”


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