This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



Verbal Abuse – The Characteristics
Verbal abuse is a very common malady that attacks every human being at some point in their lives; some more than others. It can be a very devastating form of abuse when the person experiences the attacks frequently. Verbal abuse cannot be readily seen like bruises, but it causes mental and emotional harm. Characteristics identifying verbal abuse are, but not limited to:

Always referring to the opinions of others as irrelevant and wrong.
Inconsideration of a person’s feelings.
Using verbal abusiveness jokingly.
Refusing to listen to others.
Using accusations and blame to manipulate and control others.
Being judgmental and critical of others.
Belittling the concerns of others.
Consistently berates a person’s confidence.
Threatens to do physical harm.
Purposeful cancellations of appointments or agreements.
Making difficult or impossible demands on others.
Denial of perpetrating the abuse.
Causing fear in people through outbursts of rage.
Verbal Abuse – Avoiding Depression
Sometimes words are used harshly by people without realizing how hurtful the words sound. A daily barrage of hurtful words leads to depression, which is very common in an abusive situation.

Avoiding depression can be accomplished when steps are taken to dispel it. Inactivity of one’s situation breeds depression. Here are some active steps people can take to counteract the effects of depression brought on by verbal abuse.

Realize that abuse is not your fault. Abuse is never justified.
Discuss the unacceptable behavior with the abuser. Let the abuser know how much the harsh words hurt.
Discuss ways both people can change to improve the relationship.
Seek counseling: whether it is together, separately, or individually.
Surround yourself with a support system of friends, family, church group, etc.
If the verbal abuse becomes physical, personal safety is imperative. Leave the volatile situation and allow time for cooling down.
The person dealing with depression due to verbal abuse must stop blaming him or herself for the problems.
At the moment of being verbally abused, remember to:
Stay calm. Do not become agitated.
Let the abuser vent. He or she will lose steam and may realize the person refuses to become a victim of their abuse.
Do not reward the abuser by reacting to their actions with hurtful responses. Lashing out lets the abuser know they had power in affecting the person’s emotions.
Verbal Abuse – A Personal Story
I have dealt with emotional and verbal abuse from my husband, which has been very difficult. God has helped me through it by bringing Bible verses to my mind. They have helped me so much.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6).

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7).

“I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).
Following Jesus’ example has helped me the most. He suffered much more than I have. He was tried, found guilty of crimes He didn’t commit, and ultimately killed in the most humiliating, painful way. If Jesus scorned the shame of the cross, then I can scorn the shame applied to me by my husband. All the while, I treat him with respect.

God loves me and He loves you. Do you know Him? He is able to help us through our trials.





(1) The Genealogist–Do you have a family member who is always Introducing you to perfect strangers
as relatives? every family function always another new family member.. word to my mother and auntie if its
not a 2nd or 3rd Cousin we are not related.. lol

(2)The Perv/FamilyRam –What can i say about this creep he’s always on the look out for the next up
and coming young girl in the family. always making inappropriate comments rude remarks. if he make a
move at you chances are you are not the first one or the first time..

(3) The Trouble Maker/News carrier –Kinda self explanatory bringing news back and fourth latest
gossip/suss passa passa she/he inna it. most likely she/he is the cause for the whole thing in da first place.
Let’s just say the next time dem come fi beat har/him rass Don’t save her/him..

(4)The Rich and Boasty– More boasty than rich. put down everybody show off everytime them come round.
the house they grew up in is no longer good enough for them. so they can only spend a few hours. by night fall
they must be on their way home to their mansion

(5)The Sad Drunk—White Rum was his tea this morning. for some reason everybody owe him that’s is claim he
help all of us get through school. he helped you get the job you have right now. if it wasn’t for is good name where
would you be now?help you to get your Visa and now you all turn your backs on him Wow..

(6)The Slut–Yes what would the family be without her?we know how she get by, still no one seems brave enough
to confront her bout her whorish ways. is it cause she help every body with the money she make from her
endeavours? you know she never tight with cash easy fi let off the cash just like the pum pum…

(7) The Beggar–Don’t lie every family have a beggar or few lol…at any family function its fair to say they will bring nothing
guarantee.. never fail always broke check never change. them owe everybody and them mother.. there is no item too big or small
for them to borrow or beg. lend me this beg you some a that.

(8)The Provocative Dresser– Mini dress at a Church ceremony come on tone it down auntie. her perfume smell took me away
her bosom was like a pillow of rose as she buried my head between her cleavage.. i soon surfaced for air only to realize that I was  still
at our Grandfather’s funeral . and was still 8yrs young.. see you in 10yrs auntie lol…

(9)The Thief/Con man– This is where we need to be brutally honest, cause the beggar is sometime the thief in the family.
you make sure to keep a close eye on them whenever there are invited over. all valuables are put out of sight scheming
always.. some new investment they want to get u suckered into. am sure they are hiding from somebody right now..

(10)The worrier/war Monger? Quick to start a fight this can be a man or a woman. fight for the least of things hot head.
in my opinion they are the most misunderstood of all other family members. let me explain, you see they are loyal to family
they have your back weather you are wrong or right. but as loyal as the are they will kick your ass too.. lol. so most member
of the family shun them for this reason.. but i say stay on their good side keep them at a distance you will need them trust me lol.


Questions by PORNSTAR




Now that’s teaching a kid a lesson — the wrong lesson!
Shocking video obtained exclusively by The Post shows a sticky-fingered woman using a pudgy young boy as her personal shoplifter at an Upper West Side pharmacy.
In two stills, the unidentified woman is seen using hand gestures to direct the youth to a shelf in the Always Love store on West 72nd Street near Broadway at about 7 p.m. on Jan. 15.
The boy, believed to be as young as 11, follows her criminal commands, picking up several products. He slips them into the woman’s hand as the clerk walks away to process her stolen credit card.
Just before the unwitting worker returns with the receipt, the woman shoves the stolen merchandise into her bag.
The 39-second clip begins with the woman handing the pilfered card to the cashier to buy items. The boy is seen standing beside her, looking around nervously and fidgeting.
After the clerk walks away to swipe the card, the pair start their thievery, with the woman leaving the frame and the boy grabbing something at the counter.
Moments later, the woman returns to the frame carrying a blue box and stashes it inside her duffel bag.
She then chats with the boy while nervously glancing around. Afterward, she grabs two bottles from a shelf behind her and shoves them in her bag.
Throughout the stunning video, an unidentified man in a gray skullcap and puffy black jacket can be seen lurking and acting as a lookout.
Since the three crooks are still unidentified, police do not know what their relationship is.
After leaving the drugstore, the trio went to a GameStop store on Broadway near West 84th Street and used the stolen credit card to buy a video game and game player, sources said.
Earlier that day, the crooks had gone to a Gap store on Broadway near West 67th Street, where the boy snatched a wallet from an unattended baby stroller that contained the stolen credit card later used at Always Love, the sources said.
The woman left the Gap minutes later, but soon returned with a bag and filled it with clothing, sources said.
At some point, she casually walked out of the store undetected with her male accomplice.
The crime came to light after the woman who had left the stroller unattended reported that her wallet had been stolen.
Anyone with information is urged to call CrimeStoppers at (800) 577-TIPS. All calls will be kept confidential.
A manager at the Gap declined to comment. A worker at Always Love also refused to comment. GameStop had no comment.


Bible Contradictions – A Barrier for Many Skeptics
Bible contradictions — the alleged inaccuracies and errors that fill today’s Bible translations — are a major intellectual barrier for many skeptics. It’s remarkable how many critics refer to their “list” of contradictions when they reject the Bible, but have never read the Bible itself. Of course, if the Bible does contain inaccuracies, it would show that those parts of scripture could not have come from a Divine source. However, it’s very convenient to accuse the Bible of errors and contradictions, but it’s a different matter to prove it.

Bible Contradictions – A Matter of Definition and Analysis
Bible contradictions must be analyzed under traditional rules of logic and reason. At first glance, certain scripture can appear contradictory with other scripture, but further investigation reveals something different. First, reasonable skeptics should agree on the definition of a contradiction. “The Law of Non-contradiction,” which is the basis of all logical reasoning, maintains that something cannot be “a” and “non-a” at the same time. For instance, it can’t be day and night at the same time and at the same place. Therefore, if a biblical scripture violates this Law, it has been established as a contradiction. However, based on the same Law, two statements can differ without being in contradiction.

For example, one witness in a court case might testify that he saw two people at a crime scene, Jake and Sam, while another witness may only testify to seeing Sam. These statements are not contradictory. In fact, in a court of law, these statements could be considered complementary. This is the nature of many of the alleged contradictions in the Bible. For instance, in Matthew, we read that Jesus met two blind men. In Mark and Luke, we only read about one blind man meeting Jesus. In Matthew and Mark, we read that Jesus went to pray alone three times in the Garden of Gethsemane, whereas, in Luke, we read that Jesus went alone to pray on one occasion. Under legal rules of evidence and the Law of Non-contraction, these aren’t contradictory scriptures, and yet they make all of the infamous lists.

Bible Contradictions – A Matter of Translation and Context
Some Bible contradictions appear contradictory solely because of the intricacies of Bible translation. Analysis of the original languages of the Bible (Hebrew for the Old Testament and Greek for the New Testament) can solve many apparent issues. It’s no different than any other textual review of translated material. All languages (including especially Hebrew and Greek) have special limitations and nuances that cause difficulty in translation. The historical context of the translation can also cause some misunderstanding.

For instance, the Book of Acts has two accounts of Paul’s conversion on the Road to Damascus. In Acts 9:7: “…the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.” In Acts 22:9: “…they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me” (King James Version). At first glance, these accounts seem contradictory — one says that Paul’s companions heard a voice, while the other says that no voice was heard. However, the Greek text solves the matter. “The construction of the verb ‘to hear’ (akouo) is not the same in both accounts. In Acts 9:7 it is used with the genitive, in Acts 22:9 with the accusative. The construction with the genitive simply expresses that something is being heard or that certain sounds reach the ear; nothing is indicated as to whether a person understands what he hears or not. The construction with the accusative, however, describes a hearing, which includes mental apprehension of the message spoken. From this it becomes evident that the two passages are not contradictory.” (W.F. Arndt, Does the Bible Contradict Itself? , pp. 13,14.) Therefore, Acts 22:9 doesn’t deny that Paul’s companions heard certain sounds; it simply says that they didn’t understand the sounds that they heard.

Bible Contradictions – Earnestly Investigate for Yourself
It’s utterly fascinating how many people reject God’s Word by focusing on a little list of alleged Bible contradictions. Yet, when presented with the miracle of the Bible’s structure, survival, integration, historical veracity, archaeological evidence, scientific insights, outside corroborating records, and hundreds of fulfilled prophecies (each of which far surpass any other “holy book”;), people look the other way. When viewed alongside other historical writings, the double standard in textual criticism is obvious. Remember, “God is not the author of confusion…” (1 Corinthians 14:33). If someone presents you with a supposed contradiction in the Bible, take a moment to earnestly investigate for yourself.

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