This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


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In light of the events that have happened ie. passing, blaming, finger pointing, denial and sainthood. I want to take the time to focus on helping a few people turn their lives around.

-The life expectancy of a person who has not been diagnosed in 2011 is 4.5 years.

-If there was/is a rumor going around that someone has AIDS, do not take the person’s word that this isn’t true, get tested and let them do a test as well!

– Get tested, it will increase the years of your life

I won’t call any names but I will say a few things about what I have heard.

The person who passed away recently, was said to have AID rumors as far back as 7 years ago when the deceased was living in Jamaica for a short period of time. Upon hearing the rumors the deceased was in fear of taking the AIDS test. The series of events that took place after made me believe that somehow this person knew that they had but a short time to live

-The individual was receiving welfare full benifits

-Never worked

-Never had children

The U.S government does not give full benifits to anyone that is able to work and does not have children, they will give you benifits but you will be encouraged to work for them or seek employment. If you are terminally ill they will provide for you fully and provide shelter where necessary.

– The individual was said to have told friends that the frequent out of town trips were to gamble, some said it was to pick up other members of the opposite sex

-We now know that it was medical attention that was sought out of town

-Rumor escalated in their home town around 2006 and because of the ”over-healthy” size of the individual, people believed when their response to the rumor was that it was a lie.

-The last six months of the individuals life was riddled with pneumona, sores and conversion but it was unfair that the real truth didn’t surface.

-The person slept with a lot of men in and out of town, as if there was an intent on infecting other people because it is highly unlikely that it was only 7 months this person lived after being diagnosed. GET TESTED, STOP TRADING PARTNERS, USE CONDOMS!
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Claire and Marlene you know mi a wonder if food tun poison now..A PIZU? UNNO LOOK BAD MAN A WHA A SUK UNNO WHEY SUH? HEF A DI PILL UNNO A TEK CEASE AN DESIST!



Hi Met,
I live close to Hartford but closely follow the dancehall scene in the UK cause over poppishows closer to home just don’t swag right. For the past couple months I’ve seen a young woman (looks early 30’s/late 20’s) who goes by the name “Pretty Sweets” and I must say, I admire her style. She isn’t always dressed modestly, but Met, even when her boobs are outside, the girl still look good! She has a pretty face, nice body, and she seems really confident. I’m wondering about this chick and if anybody have her “file”. I am  not trying to mess with anyone’s reputation, but I just really admire her swag and am hoping the story matches the look.
BTW, I am woman, not a perv or anything, but I give props where it is due, and on the surface, this girl deserve nuff props!


JAMAICA’S leading beauty experts say affluent professional women are among Jamaicans who bleach their skin, putting to rest the assumption that it was only people from the country’s inner-cities who are engaged in the controversial practice.

“People think it’s only in the ghetto and downtown, but you have lawyers, doctors and everyone (doing it) because they want to be fair. It is the thing for Jamaicans, Caribbean nationals and Africans,” said Jencare Skin Farm’s principal, Jennifer Samuda, who disapproved of the practice.


Jennifer Samuda, principal of Jencare Skin Farm and former Observer Business Leader nominee, speaking at yesterday’s Observer Monday Exchange. Beside her is Roxanne Shields, owner of Roxanne’s.



Samuda was among eight beauty experts who participated in yesterday’s weekly Observer Monday Exchange at the newspaper’s Beechwood Avenue head office in Kingston 5. A former Observer Business Leader nominee, Samuda, who established an international cosmetic empire and spa complex, said that skin bleaching is prevalent uptown, based on client examination.

“I get these people hourly,” she told reporters and editors, as she expressed concern about a doctor who has been bleaching her skin. “I have already asked the doctor, operating for 20 years, ‘what happened?’ Because when she takes off her make-up she is lighter than the (white) paper in front of you. She bleached from toe to head.”

At the same time, Marie Hall-Smith, director of The Face Place, said that clients have been requesting treatments to “brighten” their face when they really mean “lighten”.

“There is something in our psyche or culture and I don’t know what it is,” she said, adding that a client would perpetually bleach despite the damage done.

“We will repair her skin with all kinds of boosters. But they come back in a month’s time with the same thing. I had to tell a woman that you need help here,” she said, pointing to her head, suggesting that persons like that client were in need of counselling.

Earlier this month, popular entertainer Vybz Kartel defended his skin bleaching while delivering a lecture at the University of the West Indies. He maintained that he lightened his skin to highlight his tattoos, rather than to reflect any sort of black self-hatred. His skin-lightening has ignited a firestorm locally and throughout the Diaspora. Initially, the entertainer claimed in an interview that the use of cake soap (laundry detergent) resulted in his noticeably lighter complexion.

Blue Power Group Limited, which manufactures cake soap detergent, stated that it was approached by one of Kartel’s producers to use the company equipment for a video shoot. The company agreed on condition that “they must tell people that the blue soap that we make will have no effect on bleaching the skin”, chairman Dr Dhiru Tanna said.

Read more:


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