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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



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My Place
I had a so-called privilege life, I was very smart and intelligent but I did not know it.  You see everything I would do was never good enough for my mother.  When my report cards would come home from school I would fail mathematics, physics and biology.  However, I would get above the nineties in English, Literature, History and Spanish.  But that was not good enough, I was beaten and put down and I never had my mother on my side.  My mother was terrible and very abusive I stayed out of many things because of my low self esteem.  I had a lot of clothes and shoes but I never had a lot of support.  My father did not understand anything about school he only new how to make money. But he was a good father although he did not have any education he understood life. Once I was complaining to my father that I having problems at my school with another girl and he said to me “Not every where you go people are going to like you, and you are not going to like everybody, just respect people.” I am grateful for that statement because it has made my life much easier.
Although my other sisters went through the same thing mine was worse because I could not do math, I later found out that I could not use formulas so that hindered me from doing those kind of  subjects. I always asked my sister to put things together for me and she was pretty good at it.  Poor girl I told her you could have been an engineer and she said that is what I wanted to be but mommy never saw that.   She said that no one ever realized and she did not understand why my mother never saw that.  Misplaced people always want to see other people out of place.   Now I realize that I am creative and that family members are  my biggest fans.  I did not complete college but with my creativity I am never broke or unable to find work.  Life would get better. In my early thirties I created something that would catch the eye of an important person and just like that I was able to create my own magazine and do what other people could only dream of doing.  My mother is now my biggest fan.  I really don’t need any support from her now and now I have to give her emotional support.  She still has the mentality that only doctors and lawyers are valid people in society but she no longer brings her arguments to me.
My mother now tells me how smart and intelligent I am.  Before it was how worthless, stupid and not worthy.   It is too late I could have gone another way but by the grace of God I was able to stay within a certain line. I am so advanced now because I have adopted certain principles for myself and because of that people try there best to stab me in the back. I do not let people bother me  I pity them,as they try their best to heal themselves by hurting others.   There is a lot more to this story but I would like to share something with you. When I was about seven years old I had a driver who took us to school I asked him why was that man sweeping the streets.  He said well if he did not sweep and clean the streets the place would be stink and there would be no one to pick up the dead dogs or the garbage.  We would have all kinds of disease and a lot sick people even the doctors would be sick.   I remember that statement all my life and I have not remembered most of what my mother said.  What I want to say we all have a place and you are the one that has to find it because that is the place that you will be in all your life.. No one can find it for you.  If you do what you want to do in support of your talents you have to be paid you cannot suffer because you are in your place no one can remove you.  Teachers like pastors are not supposed to be trained they should be called from a higher power and that is not the case, most of them are out of their place.  What do you think will happen to your children if you leave them to someone who is misplaced? Fathers, please  encourage your children they are an extension of your life.  Mothers your children deserve your support and love they are stars in your crown.  So the next time the teacher calls you in for a meeting and  has given you the bad report ask them “What does my child do well?”

Written by lKing


A Brother Reaches Out


Published: Sunday | April 10, 20111 Comment

Fitzroy Townsend
Fitzroy Townsend
1 2 3 4 5 6 >

Erica Virtue, Senior Gleaner Writer

Corporal Wayne Llewellyn was always punctual, respectful and reassuring to his colleagues in Area Three of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) whom he told all was well, just hours before his murderous rampage in the tiny rural district of Three Hills in St Mary early last Thursday morning.

The cop’s rage against the family of his estranged wife Joan, the apparent target of his assault, was unleashed when he critically wounded her and snuffed out the lives of her parents, her brother and her daughter Jorjhan Flynn, leaving a thick pall of gloom over the rural community and shock from his colleagues in Area Three. Llewellyn also took his own life in the blood-curdling rampage.


Published: Sunday | April 10, 20111 Comment

Livern Barrett, Sunday Gleaner Writer

Fearing that his younger brother’s murderous rampage in the quiet community of Three Hills, St Mary, last Thursday has driven a wedge between two closely knit families, Simeon Llewellyn reached out to his in-laws yesterday in a heart-rending attempt to start the healing process.

“We wish we could console them (relatives of the Brown family) in some way,” offered Simeon, who acted as the spokesman for some members of the Llewellyn family in their first public comments since the shocking multiple murder-suicide.

“We still consider ourselves to be your friend. We are really hoping that you can find some solace in the fact that it is not us against you, it was just something that happened at the spur of the moment and we don’t know what we could have done to prevent it,” he added when asked what he wanted to say to the Brown family.

warm moments

Simeon Llewellyn recounted some of the warm moments shared between both families during his brother’s 13-year marriage, but said some members of his family are struggling to find a way to approach their in-laws to help them cope with their loss and are considering asking their respective pastors for help.

The hesitance, he explained, is caused by the backlash from the community towards the family and, in particular, his brother.

“We would love to tell them that we are just as hurt as they are about their loss. We really, really, really, really are very upset and hurt and we feel itfor them. God knows we feel it for them, but we don’t know what to do,” said Simeon.

Police investigators believe Corporal Llewellyn sneaked in the home of his estranged wife’s parents and unleashed a barrage of bullets. The shooting ended when Llewellyn put a bullet into his head, but not before he had killed his mother-in-law, Rachel Brown, 79, her husband Voldy Brown, 73, his brother-in-law, Fitzroy Townsend, and his 16 year-old stepdaughter Jorjhan Flynn.

His wife Joan, who was also critically injured in the attack, remained hospitalised yesterday in serious condition.

Simeon painted a picture of his brother as someone who was well-liked by his family, his in-laws and his colleagues because he was very affectionate, gentle and loving. However, his one vice, according to Simeon, was that he wanted to be right all the time.

“I think this is where his problem was … he wanted everything to go right all the while. He did not like grays. It’s either black or white. It’s either right or wrong,” Simeon explained.

This, he indicated, was at the centre of Wayne Llewellyn’s marital problems as he and his wife would disagree over attempts to discipline Flynn.

all very close

Corporal Llewellyn has three children from previous relationships. When contacted yesterday, one of them, whose name is being withheld, described the incident as “very sad”, but he declined to comment further.

“She is my stepmother and the family, they were all very close to me because they have been in my life for 13 years, so there is nothing to say,” he said.

When asked about his father’s actions, he simply replied: “What can I say about my father?”

Simeon Llewellyn said he knew his brother was having marital problems, but insisted that “nobody saw this coming” and that his action, which the family is not condoning, has left them searching for answers.

“We wish he could have resolved it another way. We couldn’t agree with what he did, but what we don’t know is why it happened, and we cannot understand why he would have done something like that,” he said.

“Some people can’t even talk about it. Some people are still in shock and some people are totally confused,” he said.

Wayne Llewellyn was born and raised in Manchester as the fourth of five brothers and eight sisters between his parents. He attended Manchester High School and was a member of the Ocho Rios Seventh-day Adventist Church, in St Ann.






you live a atlanta ago tell a man weh live a jamaica what flippa have down here? my yute when flippa did a par with spragga and bruk and nuh hav no money , you did know him? you did know him when him use to wash car a waterhouse? before him get the little role inna shotta as john john that spragga give him? you did know him when dim use to play football a arnette gardens? or you just a go by hear say, or you just know him true dudus give him papers fi go link with father dosa who own rebel t a miami who was flippa boss? how you think father dosa get him money? or you hear say him have things a philly whe under him gyal name? my yute a kingston 13 me come from where that flippa come from, when him did name little flippa flin, stop hype up some bruk pocket man, like me say me nuh rich and even if me did rich me nah show off pan ppl, the worst thing is to show off and get bruk, when him get dip, me hope you same one say him nuh bruk, if father dosa a (Edited) him a flippa boss, why you think flippa have this galore a money

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