This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Bearing Good Fruit for the Lord

ithout question, one of the most important analogies God has given to us in His Word on the new restored relationship we now have with Him as a result of Jesus dying on the cross for all of us is the vine and branch analogy – where Jesus is the vine and we are the branches.

And not only does this analogy give us a very good visual of what we now have with the Lord, but it also gives us one more important piece of revelation – and this second piece of revelation being given to us by the Lord is what He will be expecting from each one of us once we are fully grafted back into Him. As you will see in the second sentence of this verse, God will now be expecting all of us to produce good fruit for Him.

As we have said numerous times in our other articles, once you get saved and born again through the blood that Jesus has already shed for you, God will now expect you to do something with this new reality and new life that He has now given to you. God will now want you to come and “work” for Him. And if you do, there are other verses that will tell us that God will be rewarding us according to those good works. When you put those kinds of verses next to this one special intense verse, you can tell that God is not pulling any punches.

Here is one of the most important verses in all of Scripture that each and every Christian needs to have a full and complete understanding on:

“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.

You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” (John 15:1-8)

Again, this is one of those verses that really need to be meditated on and chewed on. Notice several things:

1. The first thing Jesus is trying to show us is now that we have been saved through His shed blood, we are now to Him like branches are to a tree. In the third paragraph in this verse, Jesus is now telling us that He is the vine and we are the branches.

And once you really grab a hold of that visual and compare it to the trees that are in our natural surroundings, the first thing you will see is that the branch of the tree cannot live apart from the tree. That branch has to stay completely hooked into and grafted into that tree for it to continue to remain fully alive.

If for whatever reason the branch of the tree ever gets fully disconnected from the tree and falls to the ground, it will wither and die. And once that branch gets fully disconnected from the tree, it can never repair itself again. In other words, that branch cannot get grafted back into the tree. The branch is now permanently cut off from that tree, and from there, it will wither and die.

And again, Jesus tells us the exact same thing will occur to all of us if we do not abide in Him. Jesus says if we do not abide in Him, that this person “is cast out as a branch and is withered.” And from there, that branch is gathered up and thrown into the fire. I believe the word “fire” being used in this verse is talking about hell fire. In other words, if we are not truly abiding in Jesus like the branch is with the vine, we are going to be cast off from Him like a branch can be cut off from a tree, and from there, we will be thrown into hell.

In one simple little verse, God is giving all of us a very strong visual of what we now have in place with Him once we are born again through His Son Jesus. Jesus is now the vine, we are the branches, and God the Father is the vinedresser, and from there, God will expect all of us to continue to abide in Him and His Son Jesus.

Not only is this verse giving us a very strong visual of what we now have with God and Jesus as a result of being born again, but it is now giving us a very dire warning if we should ever want to pull away and disconnect from the Lord. God has made all of us for Himself and He will not be denied. We either graft back into Him and abide in Him, or we will become like a branch that has been cut off from a tree and from there, we will wither and die. This is an all-or-nothing proclamation being made by the Lord.

2. The second thing to pick up from this verse, and this is the part I want to key in on for the rest of this article, is what Jesus says in the second verse above. Once again, here are the exact words in this second verse:

“Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.”

Here is another very extreme verse saying the exact same thing:

“And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” (Matthew 3:10)

I do not think there is any other way to interpret these two verses other than once we are saved and born again, God is now going to expect something more from all of us with the brand new life He has now given to us – and that something more is that we start producing good fruit for Him.

What exactly is God meaning when He tells us that He wants all of us to start producing good fruit for Him? I believe the word fruit is meaning that God will want us to do good works for Him, with those good works then producing good results and good fruit for Him.

Example – if you are witnessing to another person and you end up getting them saved, then not only did you do a good work with that person by being willing to witness to them in the first place, but you also ended up producing good fruit as a result of getting them saved.

If you are discipling another newborn and they start to really grow in the grace and knowledge of God as a result of your good mentoring efforts, then again, you have just produced good fruit for the Lord.

Here is a list of some of the things I believe God is looking for when He is talking about us producing good fruit for Him in this life. This good fruit God is looking for is going to cover many different areas of our walk with Him.

Be willing to read and study from your Bible so you can grow in the grace and knowledge of God.

Be willing to establish a strong, intimate, personal relationship with God, as this is the number one thing God is looking for from all of us.

Be willing to establish a strong prayer life with God so He can then start to answer your prayers for any specific needs you may have, along with being able to pray for others for any specific needs they may have with the Lord.

Be willing to enter into a full surrender with the Lord so He can then enter you into His perfect plan and destiny for your life. And when you start doing good works in that perfect plan and destiny for your life, then you will start producing good fruit for the Lord.

Be willing to give God a good, solid green light to enter you into a true sanctification process so He can then begin the process of molding and shaping you into the express image of His Son Jesus. This is also where the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit will be worked and meshed into the core of your personality so you can then start to become the true, sanctified saint God is calling you to become in Him.

Be willing to witness to other people so you can get them saved and born again, especially if the Holy Spirit is leading you to do so.

Be willing to disciple other believers so they too can grow in the grace and knowledge of God.

Be willing to be a good, godly spouse for your mate if you are married, and a good, godly parent for your children if you have children. These two endeavors alone will be very good works and very good fruit that you will be producing for the Lord.

Be willing to help family, friends and strangers with whatever they will need help on.

Be willing to give money to your home church and any other causes God may lead you to give to.

Be willing to be perfectly obedient to the Holy Spirit with whatever He will lead you to do on a daily basis for the Lord.

Be willing to be a part of the Great Commission Command – which is to save, heal, deliver and disciple.

Be willing to walk with any of the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit if God should ever want to manifest any of these 9 gifts to you. Do not be afraid of these gifts if God would like to manifest some of them to you from time to time, especially if they are being given to you to help someone else out.

Be willing to continue to pray for the salvation of all your close loved ones who have yet to receive Jesus as the Lord and Savior. Be willing to pray for them to the day they either get saved, or to the day they literally die and leave this life for good.

Be willing to take a strong stand for Jesus in our public arenas on hot topics such as abortion, homosexuality, same sex marriages, trying to take Jesus out of Christmas, dark side material like the Harry Potter books and videos, defending the state of Israel and the Jewish people since they are still God’s chosen people, and every major area of our public life where they are trying to take out the basics of our faith such as our schools, judicial systems, and many of our public offices.

Be willing to provide for your own, especially those of your own household, as the Bible says in 1Timothy 5:8 that if you do not do so, that you have denied the faith and that you are worse than an unbeliever.
I could go on and on, but all of the above are some of the things that God will be looking for once we have been grafted back into Him through the shed blood of His Son Jesus.

Once God has fully restored us back to Himself, you can tell by the way the above verse is being worded, that He does not want us sitting around and doing absolutely nothing for Him. In our last article titled, “Bible Verses on Faith,” we gave you one big, whopper verse showing us that our faith in God will be considered dead in His eyes if we do not back up that faith with good works. Once again, here is this verse:

“Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead … Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? … You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only … For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” (James 2:17-26)

Again, this verse is straight-in-your-face and it is all literal language being used by the Lord. He is letting all of us all know in no uncertain terms, that He wants all of us coming to work for Him once we are born again. Our faith in Him now has to be backed up with good works. And if we are willing to do good works and produce good fruit for Him with what time we still have left down here, then we will be appropriately rewarded once we enter into heaven.

Here are 5 good additional verses on the importance that we do good works for the Lord and seek to produce good fruit for Him in this life. Also notice the last three verses are God telling us that He will be rewarding us according to any good works we do for Him down here on this earth.

“Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before unknown men.” (Proverbs 22:29)

This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.” (Titus 3:8)

“… and each one will receive His own reward ACCORDING TO HIS OWN LABOR.” (1 Corinthians 3:8)

“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone ACCORDING TO HIS WORK.” (Revelation 22:12)

“… I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you ACCORDING TO YOUR WORKS.” (Revelation 2:23)
Again, all of these verses are really pointing to the extreme importance that we all do something in this life for the Lord, and that something is that we do good works for Him, and from those good works will come good fruit.

Do good works for the Lord, produce good fruit for the Lord, and you can then leave this life with absolutely no regrets and that you lived this life to its fullest for the Lord. And from there, God will highly and appropriately reward you for those good works and good fruit once you enter into heaven to be with Him for all of eternity.


Obeah Love Spells

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Dear CAA, Just wanted to let you know: I was a little skeptical when I ordered an Obeah spell for my husband who was looking for a new job. I really didn’t think it was going to work. Well, the spell was cast on May 24. As each day passed, I became more and more convinced it wasn’t going to work, because I kept sending out resumes for him to different jobs but no one was calling him back. Well, out of the blue a job was offered to him about ten days ago (so, under a month from the time the spell was cast) and he accepted it despite a huge counteroffer from his current job! He will begin his new job on the 15th! Well, you’ve convinced a nonbeliever! Thanks again! Christi B.
Wilmington, NC P.S. – I never told him I had ordered the spell! He still doesn’t know!

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Tensions Rise as U.S. Officials Press Pakistan for Answers

By  and 
Published: May 3, 2011

WASHINGTON — Tensions between the American and Pakistani governments intensified sharply on Tuesday as senior Obama administration officials demanded answers to how Obama bin Laden managed to hide in Pakistan, and the Pakistani government issued a defiant statement calling the raid that killed the Al Qaeda leader “an unauthorized unilateral action.”

Warrick Page for The New York Times

Commuters in Rawalpindi, northern Pakistan, read the morning newspapers on Tuesday announcing the death of Osama Bin Laden during an American raid. More Photos »


Why Did It Take So Long to Find Bin Laden?

The Iraq war diverted counterterrorism forces. The Pakistanis were obstructive. Or was it also just bad luck?

T. Mughal/European Pressphoto Agency

Marc Grossman, third from right, the administration’s special envoy, met Tuesday with senior officials in Islamabad. More Photos »

Athar Hussain/Reuters

Supporters of the banned Islamic charity Jamaat-ud-Dawa embraced after a funeral prayer for Osama bin Laden in Karachi. More Photos »

John O. Brennan, the top White House counterterrorism adviser, said there were many questions about how the sprawling compound “was able to be there for so many years with Bin Laden resident there and it didn’t come to the attention of the local authorities.”

“We need to understand what sort of support network that Bin Laden might have had in place,” Mr. Brennan said during an interview with ABC on Tuesday.

The suspicions have intensified efforts by some members of Congress to scale back American aid to Pakistan, or cut it entirely, as lawmakers described Pakistan as a duplicitous ally undeserving of the billions of dollars it receives each year from Washington.

Still, Obama administration officials and some members of Congress seemed determined to avoid the kind of break in relations that would jeopardize the counterterrorism network the C.I.A. has carefully constructed over the last few years in Pakistan, and as the administration tries to end the war in Afghanistan, a conflict where Pakistan is a necessary, if difficult, partner.

On Monday, the Obama administration’s special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan landed in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, and delivered what American officials described as a stern message to senior Pakistani military and intelligence leaders. The envoy, Marc Grossman, told them that patience in Congress was wearing thin, officials familiar with the discussions said.

Officials in Washington said they hoped to learn far more about the network that Bin Laden tapped for support by examining the trove of computer files and documents that members of the Navy Seals grabbed during Monday’s raid.

Top Pakistani officials have vehemently denied that Islamabad tried to harbor Bin Laden, and American officials said that at this point there was no hard evidence that any Pakistani officials visited the compound in Abbottabad, or had any direct contacts with Bin Laden.

Even as they pledged support for the United States’ deeply strained alliance with Pakistan, several top American officials said it was difficult to believe that Bin Laden could have spent years in a town populated by current and former Pakistani military officers — with a Pakistani military academy close by — without the complicity of some in the country’s government.

Senator Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who is chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, acknowledged that she had no evidence that Pakistan’s government knew where Bin Laden was hiding, but said the government had much to answer for.

“If they didn’t know, why didn’t they know? Why didn’t they pay more attention to it? Was it just benign indifference, or was it indifference with a motive,” she said.

A civilian official in the Pakistani government said he did not know if the Pakistani spy agency, the Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence, helped Bin Laden hide or was simply unaware of his presence in Abbottabad. Either way, he said, the successful American raid was an international humiliation for the agency.

“I’m not denying the possibility,” the official said, referring to the ISI sheltering Bin Laden. “At worst, it’s that. At best, it’s total incompetence.”

He said he hoped the raid would lead Pakistanis — particularly military and ISI leaders — to recognize the deep credibility problem their county now faces internationally.

In his meetings in Islamabad, Mr. Grossman told Pakistani leaders they needed to take steps to stanch the tide of anger in Washington about Pakistan’s behavior, according to Obama administration officials familiar with the meetings.

In public, Mr. Grossman was more diplomatic, telling reporters in Islamabad on Tuesday that the United States was committed to its alliance with Pakistan and that Pakistan was “determined to curb terrorism.”

A senior Pakistani general on Tuesday repeated his government’s formal denials that the military or the ISI knew of Bin Laden’s location. Instead, he acknowledged a major intelligence lapse by the Pakistani police and security forces.

“To me, it’s a big embarrassment that the bastard was in this compound near the academy,” said the Pakistani officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “Clearly, the U.S. had better intelligence than we did about what was inside that compound.”

The general said Pakistan and the United States had cooperated in other counterterrorism operations in the Abbottabad area in recent weeks, notably a C.I.A. tip that led to Pakistan’s recent arrest of Umar Patek, one of the main Indonesian suspects in the 2002 Bali bombing.

The Pakistani government statement went further, saying that the ISI had “been sharing information with C.I.A. and other friendly intelligence agencies” about the Bin Laden compound since 2009.

Several American officials said they were puzzled about the statement, pointing out that the C.I.A. did not know about the compound until last August.

The raid has fueled anti-Pakistan sentiment in Congress, yet it is unclear — perhaps even unlikely — that there would be enough support to cut aid to Pakistan.

Speaker John A. Boehner, who just returned from a congressional visit to Pakistan and Afghanistan, said that any discussion about cutting aid or decreasing engagement with Pakistan in the aftermath of the Bin Laden strike was premature and that he would strongly oppose any such move.

“We both benefit from having a strong bilateral relationship, and I think we need to use this moment to strengthen the ties between our two countries,” Mr. Boehner told reporters. “This is not a time to back away from Pakistan.”

Senator Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat and majority leader, also expressed reluctance about limiting aid to Pakistan, saying the country has been an anti-terror partner of the United States. “They’ve lost thousands and thousands of their soldiers fighting terrorists,” he said. “Now, this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have more oversight, and I’m willing to do that.”

In Brussels on Tuesday, the national intelligence officer for South Asia, Neil H. Joeck, spoke about Pakistan at a closed meeting of ambassadors to NATO. According to people present for his presentation, which was based on a December 2010 National Intelligence Estimate on Pakistan, Mr. Joeck said American officials had little expectation that the Pakistani government would mount a serious campaign to wipe out Al Qaeda or Taliban safe havens in the most contested border areas of the country.

“He said there were simply too many ongoing suspicions of the U.S.,” said one foreign official.

Steven Lee Myers reported from Washington, and Jane Perlez from Islamabad, Pakistan. Reporting was contributed by Mark Mazzetti, Carl Hulse, Eric Schmitt and David E. Sanger from Washington, and David Rohde in New York




It has been known for a long time that Pakistan treats sects in their society different various enmities and  cells are treated with different cautions by the government. With Bin Laden only living 50 miles from Islamabad in a town that was inhabited by retired army officers. It is quite possible that not only the Pakistani government knew where he lived, but quite a few residents as well. It suited the government of Pakistan not to inform the U.S of Bin Laden’s where abouts .

If the Pakistanis admit to any involvement (which they did not have) then the various terror cells there would turn their attention to government institutions rather than trying to get at the U.S  Embassy or the British. So this suits them perfectly ie.   America has clearly stated that they did not inform the Pakistanis at all, because they did not trust them.
The political environment in Pakistan  is made up of army leadership, intelligence agency leadership and some senior civil servants, and they run Pakistan, whether through so-called democratic governments or military governments, and those people have connections with extremists, because it suits their interests so now it is easier to understand why they were not involved.   They will not say anything about this, the U.S will not get any answers and the U.S cannot afford to pull out with their aid, so the Pakistani government has nothing to lose, they will just bide their time until this blows over. Their obvious uneasy relationship will only be  a bit uneasier but there will still be a relationship between both countries because both are mutual beneficiaries . Bin Laden’s killing is said to be only a political symbol that will help President Obama build up his credentials and wont change Islamic radicals in their pursuit as Bin Laden has already achieved what he set out to achieve which was to globalize Islam .
It was said that Bin Laden cowardly used one of his wives as a human shield but in Pakistan it is being said that she herself acted as a shield to protect him.  It was highly unlikely that Bin Laden would have lived in a cave, as he did have kidney disease and was treated at home by his wife who was a nurse . Dialysis machine and functioning equipment all under the million dollar roof…………Met signing out…


Rodney performs for Western Consciousness

Simon Morgan

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


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He was neither cross , angry nor miserable, instead it was a mature Rodney Price, his Bounty Killer persona left somewhere outside the venue, who entertained at Paradise Park, Westmoreland for the 2011 staging of Western Consciousness early Sunday morning.

It was a man transformed, except for his trademark full black outfit.


The artiste of the night Bounty Killer in performance. (Photos: Gregory Bennett)



“A long time me a sing good songs but it’s like them like when me get cross, angry and miserable,” Price stated to the hundreds of screaming, whistle blowing fans. Churning out hits such as Down ina the ghetto, Poor People Fed Up, Mi Caan Believe Mi Eyes, Living Dangerously, Sufferer, Ready fi dem, and Stronger.

Breaking from his breathtaking performance Price encourged parents to send their children to not only regular school, but Sunday school as well, stating that children should be accessible to the Almighty, a well as have a solid education. After delivering a host of other conscious hits Price exited the stage near 5:00am after a performance that will be on the lips of many days or even weeks.

Even Beenie Man who climaxed the show had to congratulate Price for his strong performance making mention that both he (Beenie Man) and Bounty Killer had performed for free.

Another headliner of the night was Tanya Stephens. Stephens who says that she was celebrating the ‘un-celibacy’ of Rastas spitted out the lyrics to singles including as Take Him Back, You Nuh Ready Fi Dis Yet, After You, and Ninja Bike. Declaring her love for men, the versatile lyricist also delivered Its a Pity and These Streets saying that there is no truth to the rumour that she dislikes men.

The ‘Fire Burning’ rasta as expected was in a no nonsense mood as he ‘bun a fire’ on homosexuals and rapists. Throughout his 15-minute stay on stage Lutan spit lyrics to singles including Justice, Healthy Lifestyle and Africa.

D’Angel, Turbulence, Freddie McGregor, and Hero was also well received by the Western Consciousness audience. Other performers included the Dubtonic Kru, Harry Toddler and Hezron to name a few.

The show in his 23rd staging promoted by Worrel King lived up to its name except for a few minor problems including a long delay in the wee hours of Sunday morning as a band change was to be. The Sane band also provided excellent backing services and the MCs for the night were DJ Linkage of Linkage Radio in New York and Denise ‘Ises’ Miller.

Read more:




Kedisha Francis
There comes a time wen ppl life change I’m so enjoing motherhood n taking haters off my mind so wid all dats said let me say dis dutty stinkingsherlock ppl come offa me n mi son mek him live him nuh reach no where yet n unno deh pon him mek him live unno need fi find something fi duh






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