This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Omar Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden Son:

Sea Burial Demeaning, Killing ‘Criminal’:


Omar Bin Laden

First Posted: 05/10/11 02:29 PM ET Updated: 05/10/11 07:39 PM ET

A statement purporting to come from a son of Osama bin Laden denounced the al Qaeda leader’s killing as “criminal” and said his burial at sea had humiliated the family, an online monitoring service said.

The statement, attributed to Omar bin Laden, bin Laden’s fourth eldest son, said the al Qaeda chief’s children reserved the right to take legal action in the United States and internationally to “determine the true fate of our vanished father,” the SITE Intelligence Group said.

There was no independent confirmation of the authenticity of the letter, published on the website of Islamist ideologue Abu Walid al-Masri, although several specialists on militant propaganda said the text appeared genuine.

Omar bin Laden, who has been based in the Gulf in recent years, did not immediately respond to emailed and telephoned requests for comment.

The letter said, in part: “We hold the American President (Barack) Obama legally responsible to clarify the fate of our father, Osama bin Laden, for it is unacceptable, humanely and religiously, to dispose of a person with such importance and status among his people, by throwing his body into the sea in that way, which demeans and humiliates his family and his supporters and which challenges religious provisions and feelings of hundreds of millions of Muslims.”

The letter said the U.S. administration had offered no proof to back up its account of the mission. It alleged the goal of the raid had been to kill and not arrest, adding that afterwards the American commandos had “rushed to dispose of the body.”


Some Muslims have misgivings about how U.S. forces killed bin Laden in a raid in Pakistan on May 2 and disposed of his body in the ocean.

Questions have multiplied since the White House said the al Qaeda leader was unarmed when U.S. helicopter-borne commandos raided the villa where he was hiding in the city of Abbottabad.

Bin Laden’s swift burial at sea, in what many Muslims say was a violation of Islamic custom, has also stirred anger.

(Editing by Myra MacDonald)




Twenty-six-year-old Janice Brown* and 35-year-old Steve Williams* can laugh at themselves now that they have both moved on with their lives. However, some eight years ago, when Janice became pregnant with her first child, it was no joke.

Both are from St Catherine, Janice is unemployed and Steve is a machine operator. He claims that it is compulsory for him to have doubts about this child because he had no idea about Janice’s pregnancy and only found out about the child when he was five years old.


She said: We met back in 2002 as we were living in the same comm-unity and we were part of the same youth club, so we were first friends before we became lovers.

He said: It was a fairly good relationship, we didn’t fight or anything like that, but I was forced to see other people because her parents were very strict and she couldn’t really go anywhere.


She said: People started telling me that he was seeing other girls but I was just in denial and so I ended the relationship, knowing that I was pregnant.


He said: All this time I didn’t know what was taking place, I just know that I never used to see her around.


She said: When I was seven months pregnant I went to live with my grandfather in Clarendon and still nobody didn’t really know that I was pregnant, and I didn’t really want my parents to find out either. People who saw me couldn’t tell I was pregnant because dem probably think seh a fat mi fat and not pregnant.


Janice further explained that she moved to the country because she was very upset that Steve was seeing other girls.

He said: Everything was kept a secret all this time until I started hearing rumours here and there that it is my child and how much di child look like me. It was her mother who contacted me and told me that the child is mine and Janice did a keep it a secret all this time. So from that now I started visiting the child and him really look like me, but I want this DNA test to confirm this thing.


Steve further explained that he really wants to do the DNA test as three years ago he thought he had a little girl until the mother of his girlfriend at the time called to say that child wasn’t his. That case is still pending.


She said: My son is now seven years old and he is still not registered; but I am 100 per cent sure that it is Steve’s son because he looks like him and behaves like him, and I wasn’t sexually active with anyone else at the time.

He said: I just want to know for sure. If the DNA test says it’s my child then that would be great, because me and the child already have a relationship; but if the test says the child is not mine, I still wouldn’t abandon the child.


*Names changed









Serani Concert a Disappointment at the NORVA
Review by Cree – WIT Staff Writer


Saturday May 7th in a Lion Heart promotion, the Skip to Ma Lu Tour came to theNORVA and then to Tri-Som for an after party.
With the embarrassingly small turn out, the “tour” should have just stopped by the miniscule capacity venue Tri-Som and then it possibly could’ve been considered a packed house.

This is also questionable.
Serani, who in 2008 landed a contract to record for JVC Entertainment performed his singles ” She loves me” and “No Games” following a less than exciting performance by Bugle and Ding Dong. Clearly this “tour” wasn’t quite ready for such a large venue as the NORVA unless accompanied by a larger act. After all, who said Serani was deserving of headlining a tour…does anyone know anything other than “its its its serani playing games…”
I did appreciate having the bar to myself and plenty of dancing room, and I have never seen the entire upstairs empty. I did enjoy the deejays opening music and his mothers day tribute of Beres Hammond and I did enjoy the company that was with me. I otherwise was bored and unimpressed which was unfortunate. So my apologies to you Vicky Hype (who was poised on stage the entire time with and a cake that was never cut) for a less than exciting Birthday Party in this conflicting themed show. I don’t think we ever sang “Happy Birthday” to you, possibly because most of the four hours there was spent buying time in hopes of a larger crowd which at one time Walker acknowledged.  I did walk out with a few teenagers who stated they enjoyed themselves but were confused over the nature of the show. Was it a concert? a birthday party? a mothers day tribute? No one seemed really certain but most were glad it was over and many exited prior to its demise.
Lion Heart, we love you but ask us at WESTINDIANTIMES and we will either help you promote or give you better advice on timing and showplace.

Better Luck next time!
One Love




Members of the local church community have dismissed the prophecy put forward by an American religious group from Pennsylvania that Judgement Day is only 10 days away, and the Lord will return on May 21 followed by total destruction of the world by fire five months later on October 21.

“May 21, 2011 is the equivalent date to the date when God shut the door on Noah’s Ark, through this and much other Biblical information, we find that May 21 will be the day when God takes up into heaven his elect people. May 21 will be Judgment Day! This is the day God shuts the door of salvation on the world,” is an excerpt taken from the group’s website.

The group, eBible Fellowship, has been proclaiming God’s return worldwide on its website, ebiblefellowship.comand through advertisements including billboards, one of which can be found on Hagley Park Road in St Andrew.

At the same time, the website’s picture gallery displays that at least eight billboards have been posted islandwide all carrying the same message, Judgement Day – May 21, 2011, supported by selective verses taken from the Bible. The website states that according to their bibical calculations, the world as we know it will come to an end on the said date followed by worldwide destruction as the apocalypse will be upon us.


day of judgement

According to the group, “We know that the year 2011 is the 7,000th year from the flood. We also know that God will destroy this world in that year.” The group further explains that May 21 will be the Day of Judgement as it was on that date in 1988 AD that the church age came to an end.

“It so happens that the church age began on the day of Pentecost (May 22) in the year 33 AD. Then 1955, years later, the church age came to its conclusion on May 21, which was the day before Pentecost in 1988,” the group illustrates on their website. Additionally, the group adds that “the Bible teaches that the end of the church age would occur simultaneously with the beginning of the great tribulation.” They reason that on May 21, 1988, God finished using the churches and congregations of the world.

The Spirit of God left all churches and Satan, the man of sin, entered into the churches to rule at that point in time, the group claims.

The Bible, the group states, teaches us that this awful period of judgment upon the churches would last for 23 years. A full 23 years (8400 days exactly) would be from May 21, 1988 until May 21, 2011.

But despite the justifications given by the group to pinpoint Judgement Day, some local church members are not convinced.

Bishop Rowan Edwards, president of the Jamaica Full Gospel Assembly of Churches, emphasised that he was aware of the claim but described the prediction as untrue.

“It’s utter madness I tell you,” he explained to THE STAR.

“It’s a facade … The God that I serve sent his only begotten son and he says that no man knows the time nor the hour of his coming … the coming of the Lord is sure but nobody knows when,” he added.

Similarly, Reverend Jim Parkes of the Christ Church, in Vineyard Town maintained that he was not persuaded by the claim.

“I would be quite reluctant to accept any date given by anyone because that would not be consistent with Jesus’ words,” he told THE STAR.


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