This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



MILLION DOLLAR CHICK:Hello I’m (Edited out), the model you’re currently using on your site for the (Edited)party. I would like for my photo to be removed ASAP and if you have any contact information for the person holding the event I would like that as well. Please do so ASAP. Thank you very much.

Thank You,

$1 METTY:   Hi, if you notice the picture is used as a flyer for an event and I am not using it on my site. The person paid for advertising space and I don’t know who the person is. The contact details should be on the flyer.

Thank You,



MILLION DOLLAR CHICK: Thank you but I need you to remove my photo and my photographers photo period from the site weather it is paid for or not by the person. I don’t want my image being associated with a site or event like that. I’m not bashing Jamaicans because I am one however I’d like to continue to portray a high end classy image. Several people have brought your site to my attention using my pictures. I’m also aware that on your site you have stated that if a person sees there image on your site and would like it removed you will do so. I would like to see you hold true to your word. It’s bad enough that people are making a profit off of my beauty without my consent and my own people are promoting it. Also the flyer leave no contact information other than the venue. I am perfectly capable of handling this matter legally with both your site and this venue. You should not be upholding copyrighten material on your site even if it’s for a profit. Please remove my photo and don’t place it there again without my or (Edited out) authorization. Thank you very much.



$1 METTY:  I cannot remove it as it does not belong to me. I already advised you on what to do, besides even if you are on a picture it does not mean it is your property. The picture rightly belongs to the photographer or company that took it and not yours. Your picture was not used in a post by me, I know what my disclaimer states. It states that if someone is uncomfortable with any article that is posted they have the right to ask for its removal. It is trivial ,baseless and useless for us to go back and fourth about nothing. Please have a good day and best of luck with your high class image.


MILLION DOLLAR CHICK:  Darling that image belongs to me I paid for it now if you want to get sued because you prefer to be ignorant than that’s your problem I have the screen shots to your site and I can gladly get my lawyer in contact with you. Learn how to conduct business on your tacky low budget website! You’re lawfully suppose to make sure that all the images and advertisements on your site are okay to be used. You are advertising my likeness on your crappy site and defaming my character as well as my photographer. To be honest I don’t even know why your site is in existence you make your own Jamaican people look bad. Take my image off the site immediately! I’m not going to tell you again. Also try using a professional email address as your contact information next time…after all everything on your site doesn’t have to be low budget.


$1 METTY:  Before you try to insult someone go learn some grammar and catch up on your spelling. Apparently you did poorly in school or didn’t spend the time to ingest what was needed to be digested for you to even explain yourself as a woman. You are an insult to yourself. You have the effrontery to even try to insult someone when you are what an insult looks like. Do I have your time? No . Have a wonderful night and if you continue to insult yourself be prepared to listen to echoes because as I stated before I do not have your kind of time. Do pick up a book while maintaining that high-class image. Image is nothing, education is everything. Get started today.


MILLION DOLLAR CHICK: LOL are you kidding me? Maybe you don’t know how to read correctly. I’ve insulted myself by telling you what a disgusting human you are for posting my work on your sight against my will defaming my character? LOL oh I’m sorry I’m insulting myself because I called you out on your disgusting pasa pasa website. Your site has 0% once of class and we both know that, well maybe you don’t since apparently you have judging by your “professional email address” LOL. Girl you’re a joke if I to make one video bad mouthing your site it would be over for you. If you’re unsure of who I am…since I’m the most important person ever featured on your trash box website google me and find out. So I hope you’re going to be at this trash box (Edited) event so I can see you there when I got to collect my money…maybe we can have a face to face? Who knows maybe I’ll teach you how to be high class as well lol. Oh…and apparently you do have the time look at the crap you post on your site. How about you stop bleaching your skin and wearing multicolored wigs, visiting the dancehall and having the camera man shoot up your smelly legs? Maybe then you can use the extra time to post about your country in a positive way. Have a lovely day bleach queen.  REMOVE MY PHOTO!



A)  $50.00

B) $200.00

C) $100.00

D) You can’t believe it.




to whom may this concern my name is mr: willam’s am (Edited) lawyer l wood like for and to delete the things that was said about her on your site miss queenand have a blessed day i will be getting back to u if i dont see a change in this matter thank u and have a nice day sinecrly mr willams


Illegal Immigrants’ Underground Lives Hobble Their U.S.-Born Children, Study Says

Published: May 20, 2011

Eulogia was scared and adrift. At 25, she was poor, pregnant and an illegal immigrant. She worried about how she would pay for medical care and raise her baby, and even whether a trip to the hospital might prompt her deportation to Mexico.

Chang W. Lee/The New York Times

Giovanna Baca, a speech-language pathologist, works with Miguel Angel Arista Juarez at Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Service. It helps illegal immigrants and their children.

But when she plunged into a postpartum depression in 2003 after the birth of her daughter, the first of three children, a hospital social worker referred her and her husband to an East Harlem social service agency that has counseled them and helped them get care for their family and get the government assistance their children were eligible for as American citizens.

“I think I very am lucky,” Eulogia said in an interview this week, asking that her last name not be used because she still fears deportation. She said most illegal immigrant parents felt tremendously isolated and did not have “the confidence to ask for help.”

Indeed, a recently published study of the early development of children born to illegal immigrants in New York City suggests that most stories that begin like Eulogia’s do not end as well.

Even though the children have citizenship and live in an immigrant-friendly city that offers them a wide array of services, many are still hobbled by serious developmental and educational deficits resulting from their parents’ lives in the shadows, according to the study, whose author says it is the most comprehensive look to date at the effects of parents’ immigration status on young children.

“The undocumented are viewed in current policy debates as lawbreakers, laborers or victims — seldom as parents raising citizen children,” wrote the author, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, a Harvard education professor who has published the study as a book, “Immigrants Raising Citizens” (Russell Sage Foundation, 2011).

Professor Yoshikawa found that by the time the children of illegal immigrants reached age 2, they showed significantly lower levels of language and cognitive development than the children of legal immigrants and native-born parents.

“Millions of the youngest citizens in the United States, simply by virtue of being born to a parent with a particular legal status, have less access to the learning opportunities that are the building blocks of adult productivity,” he wrote.

The implications for the nation are potentially far-reaching and long-lasting, he said, considering that of all preschool children of illegal immigrant parents in the United States, an estimated 91 percent — four million children — are American citizens.

Poor cognitive development can lead to lower school performance, which in turn can lead to higher dropout rates, an undertrained work force and lower economic productivity. “Ignoring these children has costs for society,” Professor Yoshikawa warned.

He and his team began their research by visiting maternity wards at public hospitals around New York in 2004 and getting permission to study nearly 400 babies newly born to Chinese, Dominican and Mexican parents, as well as to native-born African American parents. The researchers, who were affiliated with the Center for Research on Culture, Development and Education at New York University, followed the children for three years.

The researchers found that poor immigrants cannot afford learning materials or stimulating programs in child care centers. Fear of deportation or ignorance about how the city works often prevents those parents from seeking help from government agencies that provide child care subsidies or food stamps.

Many illegal immigrants, particularly those belonging to newer immigrant groups, like Mexicans in New York, have smaller extended families or less-developed social networks than others, and therefore fewer people around to help raise children.

The psychological stress suffered by illegal immigrants — many of whom work long hours for low wages and live in crowded, poorly maintained apartments — can be transmitted to young children, the study says.

“Greater hardship among parents, both economic and psychological,” Professor Yoshikawa wrote, “can harm children’s learning by lowering parents’ active engagement with their children, the quantity or quality of their language or their warmth and responsiveness.”

In an interview, he pointed out that   illegal immigrants’ anxieties about seeking help — and those anxieties’ effects on children — could be even worse in places with “harsher” immigration policies.

Eulogia, the East Harlem mother, said she was brought to the United States by her parents when she was 11 and lived in a succession of cramped apartments in New York. She helped her parents sell flowers on the street to make ends meet. Though she graduated from high school, she remained an illegal immigrant, and imagined that her own children would live the same kind of existence.

Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Service — a community-based organization in East Harlem that provides counseling and other assistance to poor people, especially immigrants — helped Eulogia and her husband get food stamps and enroll in the federal Women, Infants and Children assistance program. Her eldest daughter, now 7, receives after-school tutoring at the center, while her second child, a 2-year-old boy, is getting speech therapy. And the family has secured better housing.

In his book, Professor Yoshikawa extols the work of groups like Family Health Service.

“By bringing these families out of the shadows and providing them with access to better work conditions and learning opportunities,” he wrote, “we can ensure that the nation’s most vulnerable young citizens have an equal chance to succeed in their early development, later schooling and adulthood.”




…………………. 5 MONTHS




As ‘Judgement Day’ approaches …Jamaicans rush to get baptised

With the prophesied second coming of the Lord less than 24 hours away, at least one reverend has admitted that he has been contacted by ‘unsaved persons’ expressing interest in baptism.

Reverend W A Blair of the New Testament Church of God explained that as the May 21 deadline draws closer, he has received an increase in calls from persons desirous of baptism. “I have had an increase in calls yesterday and today (Wednesday and Thursday) from persons expressing interest in baptism but I have advised them not to panic,” Blair said.

A surprised Blair has never experienced such an expressed interest of unsaved persons to become Christians before. “It is unscriptual and it is not right for the people to be frightened … the panic now is unparalleled because I have never seen it like this before … I am amazed that the frenzy has been taken up by so many people,” said Blair who points out that while the calls have increased he has not seen an increase in the attendance of unsaved persons to church.


not biblical

He is not convinced that ‘Judgement Day’ will arrive on the given date but maintained “The coming is extremely near,” as represented by signs outlined in the Bible. “It is not biblical and therefore it is not real,” he added. “Whose report do you believe, the word of the Lord Jesus Christ or the man who is prophesying?”.

At the same time, THE WEEKEND STAR has received unconfirmed reports that a church in rural Jamaica baptised 1000 persons in a single night earlier this week. THE WEEKEND STAR also visited the streets of the Corporate Area to garner the views of unsaved persons.

“No. I don’t believe nothing, it is said in the Bible no one knows the hour or night God is coming,” one woman said. A man explained that ” Hell no, God alone know wen him a go come fi him world yah,”.

The prophecy was put forward by an American religious group from Pennsylvania that announced Judgement Day to be May 21 followed by total destruction of the world by fire five months later on October 21.

According to Harold Camping, president of Christian radio network Family Stations Inc, on May 21, 2011 two events will occur. A great earthquake will occur, the Bible describes it as “such as was not since men were upon the Earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.” This earthquake will be so powerful it will throw open all graves. The remains of all the believers who have ever lived will be instantly transformed into glorified spiritual bodies to be forever with God.


unsaved people

On the other hand, the bodies of all unsaved people will be thrown out upon the ground to be shamed.

The inhabitants who survive the earthquake will exist in a world of horror and chaos beyond description. Each day people will die until October 21, 2011 when God will completely destroy the Earth and its surviving inhabitants, Family Station Inc said on its website”.

Bishop Rowan Edwards, president of the Jamaica Full Gospel Assembly of Churches, described the prediction as untrue. “It’s utter madness I tell you,” he said. “It’s a facade … The God that I serve sent his only begotten son and he says that no man knows the time nor the hour of His coming … the coming of the Lord is sure but nobody knows when.”

Similarly, Reverend Jim Parkes of the Christ Church in Vineyard Town is not persuaded. “I would be quite reluctant to accept any date given by anyone because that would not be consistent with Jesus’ words,” he said.


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