This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Still Weeping (Tivoli, A Year After)


You would think the pain would subside
But my wounds are still wide
Although there’s no evidence of this from the outside
I’m slowly dying from the inside
You would think I have forgotten that day
Although I’ve tried my mind keeps pressing replay
The shots keep echoing, cries, mayhem, disarray
Emotions running, people still dying, state of anarchy
My bed is friendly
But my nights are scary
Sleep keeps calling
But my eyes are saying don’t close me
Trauma so hard to sidestep
Like being in a thousand accidents, coma
Can’t recuperate as yet
You would think that by this time I wouldn’t be this bitter
You would think that by this time I would’ve closed that chapter
You would think that by now our lives would’ve been much greater
You would think that by now the healing process would’ve been over
No, it haven’t been that easy
Not when we’re still govern by the same agents of cruelty
Not when citizens are still being treated unfairly
Not when the faces of friends and families killed, flashes at me daily
Not when a year have passed and there’s still no justice for their brutality
Dada…. Hall A Fame


Rapture: Harold Camping issues new apocalypse date

The evangelical broadcaster who left followers crestfallen by his failed prediction that last Saturday would be Judgement Day says he miscalculated.EMP v.3.0.0.r426652_426614_1

Harold Camping said it had “dawned” on him that God would spare humanity “hell on Earth for five months” and the apocalypse would happen on 21 October.

Mr Camping said he felt “terrible” about his mistake.

But he said he could not give financial advice to those who spent their life savings in the belief the end was nigh.

Mr Camping had predicted that on 21 May, true believers would be swept up to heaven while a giant earthquake would bring destruction for those left behind.

His independent ministry, Family Radio International, spent millions of dollars on broadcasts, billboards and campaign vehicles to publicise the prediction.

Some followers donated their life savings or simply gave away their worldly possessions as the day approached.

Pedestrians walk past a banner with a message that reads "Judgement Day May 21, 2011" at a street in Manila on 21 May, 2011The predicted doomsday was publicised worldwide

Many expressed bewilderment and shock as the day came and went with no sign of the global cataclysm.

“I’ve been mocked and scoffed and cursed at,” said Jeff Hopkins, a retired TV producer in New York state who spent some of his savings customising his car to showcase Mr Camping’s warning.

“It’s like getting slapped in the face.”

‘Not accurate’Mr Camping had not been seen since Saturday until he appeared on a show on his Open Forum radio show, broadcast from Oakland, California, on Monday to give a 90-minute sometimes rambling presentation that included a question-and-answer session with reporters.

He said that when his prediction had failed to materialise he felt so terrible that he took refuge in a motel with his wife.

He said sorry for not having the dates “worked out as accurately as I could have”.

Over the weekend, he said, he had returned to the scripture and it had “dawned” on him that a “merciful and compassionate God” would spare humanity by compressing the apocalyptic destruction into a shorter time frame.

But he insisted 21 October had always been the end-point of his own chronology – or at least his own latest chronology, as a previous prophecy that the apocalypse would strike in 1994 also failed to come to pass.

Asked if he had any advice to offer those who had given away their material wealth in the belief the world was about to end, Mr Camping said they would cope.

“We just had a great recession. There’s lots of people who lost their jobs, lots of people who lost their houses… and somehow they all survived,” he said.

“We’re not in the business of giving any financial advice,” he added.

“We’re in the business of telling people maybe there is someone you can talk to, and that’s God.”




Dominique Strauss-Kahn breaks silence to IMF staff, says he’s not guilty of sexually assaulting maid

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, stepped down as head of the International Monetary Fund, in the wake of charges he attacked a hotel maid.



In his first known comments since being arrested for an alleged attack on a maid,Dominique Strauss-Kahn defiantly denied the charges and said his name will be cleared.

“I deny in the strongest possible terms the allegations which I now face,” the former-IMF chief said in a farewell e-mail to his staff. “I am confident that the truth will come out and I will be exonerated.”

The e-mail – obtained by CNN – was forwarded to the entire staff of theInternational Monetary Fund Sunday evening by its acting head John Lipsky.

Strauss-Kahn said the decision to step down from the global economic policy group was made with “profound sadness” and frustration, but he was anxious to spare the institution.

“I cannot accept that the fund – and you dear colleagues – should in any way have to share my own personal nightmare. So I had to go,” he wrote.

Strauss-Kahn, 62, was arrested May 14 on charges he tried to rape a chambermaid at a Big Apple hotel.

He resigned from the IMF last week while still in jail. He was placed under house arrest by a judge on Friday and is confined to a lower Manhattan apartment.

Strauss-Kahn – who was a top contender to be France‘s next president – had run the IMF since 2007.

“What the institution has achieved in the last three and a half years is the fruit of your thinking, your work, your conviction,” he said. “Thank you, good luck for the future and au revoir.”

Strauss-Kahn’s long-suffering heiress wife, Anne Sinclair, put down $1 million to bail her husband out and will have to pony up at least $200,000-a-month to cover security costs his court-ordered home confinement.



Jamaican government minister and Member of Parliament James Robertson has released a statement about the cancellation of his and his wife’s United States of America visas.

See the statement he released below. James Robertson- file photoyes

On Friday May 20, 2011 the government of the United States of America cancelled the visas of my wife Charlene and me.

We readily acknowledge that as a sovereign nation it is the prerogative of the US government to issue and revoke visas.

However, no details have been provided as to the basis for the cancellations although we are of the view that this could have resulted from the uncorroborated statements forwarded to various departments of the U.S. government in support of a failed application for political asylum. The allegations made in those statements have been, and remain, wholly rejected.

We have dispatched our U.S. based attorney to Washington D.C. to seek audience with the relevant officials in an effort to ascertain the basis for the cancellations.

All appropriate channels will be utilized and we are confident that once given the opportunity and due process, that this matter will be resolved.


Psalm 21

For the director of music. A psalm of David.
1 The king rejoices in your strength, LORD.
How great is his joy in the victories you give!

2 You have granted him his heart’s desire
and have not withheld the request of his lips.[b]
3 You came to greet him with rich blessings
and placed a crown of pure gold on his head.
4 He asked you for life, and you gave it to him—
length of days, for ever and ever.
5 Through the victories you gave, his glory is great;
you have bestowed on him splendor and majesty.
6 Surely you have granted him unending blessings
and made him glad with the joy of your presence.
7 For the king trusts in the LORD;
through the unfailing love of the Most High
he will not be shaken.

8 Your hand will lay hold on all your enemies;
your right hand will seize your foes.
9 When you appear for battle,
you will burn them up as in a blazing furnace.
The LORD will swallow them up in his wrath,
and his fire will consume them.
10 You will destroy their descendants from the earth,
their posterity from mankind.
11 Though they plot evil against you
and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed.
12 You will make them turn their backs
when you aim at them with drawn bow.

13 Be exalted in your strength, LORD;
we will sing and praise your might.


Le’la-Simone Bennett Mi nuh understand something… Unnu expect fi throw SUBLIMINAL statuses @ my sis & she suppose love it up like she a gal unda unnu! & then unnu act like unnu nah walk & chat fi look innocent… Mi nuh wah nobody send nuh message tuh mi! Why unnu neva come talk tuh me directly b4 unnu start chat mi sister ova $$$?! Some friendship a waste a time.

1 hour ago via BlackBerry · Like

Blondi Billionairemag Billions and 5 others like this.

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Le’la-Simone Bennett Dem too bright… Through mi sister owe dem, it deh all ova! But Blossom different from me cause dem woulda chat till hell boil ova, dem dun a chat already or dem woulda affi com beat mi fi it! & look pon di crobate weh dem a chat mi sister wid… One big man clown!!!

49 minutes ago · Like

Blondi Billionairemag Billions express you self you still hell of a lady in my book

48 minutes ago · Like · 1

Wendy Godfavorsme Ellis IT’S SAD…..:=(PPL ARE UNPREDICTABLE….

47 minutes ago · Like · 1

Le’la-Simone Bennett Thanks Blondie, I admire you as well!

44 minutes ago · Like

Le’la-Simone Bennett Wendy they are very unpredictable! Today dem a smile wid yuh, tomorrow dem a done yuh!

43 minutes ago · Like · 2

Trudi Murray Mi dun wid nuffa dem lang tyme. Yuh tink ah likkle tyme dem cum ah mi front door fi borrow mi money & tun round trace mi?! Lol… Mi tek sleep mark death yah!

39 minutes ago · Like


37 minutes ago · Like

Le’la-Simone Bennett & you know what’s bad? When you retaliate ppl sey you always inna cuss cuss & mixup! But when you don’t answer yuh hear she a fraid yuh fraid a di ppl cause dem have yuh secret. Well I have no secret!!! Suh mi ago sey weh mi feel fi sey when mi wah fi say it!! As long as I’m not dis respecting nobody children or mother, mi nah whole mi mouth pon nothing else!

31 minutes ago · Like · 1


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