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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Therese loses job in Geneva
John Sandy tipped to take up post

By Renuka Singh

Trinidad and Tobago’s Ambassador to the United Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland, Therese Baptiste-Cornelis, has been recalled from the post.
A statement yesterday from Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Dookeran stated that her “tour of duty” will come to an end in September and “she has been recalled to headquarters”.
This was also confirmed by Minister of Communications Jamal Mohammed at yesterday’s post-Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the Prime Minister in St Clair.
Mohammed said that Baptiste-Cornelis will be meeting with Dookeran on September 3.
The Foreign Affairs Ministry statement did not refer to Baptiste-Cornelis’s much-criticised lecture which she delivered in June in Geneva on the topic of cultural diversity.
The lecture was uploaded to YouTube on June 28 and attracted a storm of criticism on social networking sites over some of Baptiste-Cornelis’s statements.
Baptiste-Cornelis, a former health minister who was removed after a Cabinet reshuffle by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, was appointed as ambassador in August last year.
Her speech was also criticised by the opposition People’s National Movement.
When the Express called Baptiste-Cornelis’s international phone number yesterday, a man answered and asked who was attempting to contact her.
Told it was the Express, he responded that Baptiste-Cornelis was “not available”.
He said he would not answer any questions about her being recalled and terminated the phone call when asked for his name.
The phone was subsequently switched off.
Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley yesterday likened her appointment to that of Reshmi Ramnarine to the post of director of the Strategic Services Agency (SSA) in 2011.
“It is in a similar vein,” Rowley said in a telephone interview yesterday shortly after the announcement. “But I am not surprised, I expected it.”
Rowley said Baptiste-Cornelis got her initial appointment as Minister of Health because she taught Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar.
“And she got the ambassadorship in the same vein. The Prime Minister has to be held accountable,” he said.
He said this was just more proof that Persad-Bissessar has made errors in appointments, saying former minister of planning Mary King was another example.
“They are reacting to sustained public outcry, which is what led to the removal,” Rowley said.
Rowley said more information was also needed on the resignations of both former commissioner of police Dwayne Gibbs and his deputy Jack Ewatski two weeks ago.
He said the Government was not answering questions on important issues, saying now even Dookeran has taken to making announcements where they cannot be questioned.
“(The) Congress of the People is doing worse, because they promised to do better. All COP has done is take the people votes and give it to the UNC,” he said.
A Government source yesterday disclosed that former minister of national security John Sandy was listed for an ambassadorship and hinted that he may replace Baptiste-Cornelis.
The source said this had been decided since the June 25 Cabinet reshuffle.



Good evening and Good morning JGM
Met mi a beg yah fi post dis yah.. some mudda’s need fi gwen different inna life mon and stop deh labba life style. Mudda Juan ago ah road and theif ah day time and sleep pon fi har John crow daughter floor ah night. Mudda Juan al a theif with har pincey inna Family Dollar Store and Walgreens. If shi nah change mi sorry fi har.

REGULAR TING___________________________

Is that a BALD PATCH on Naomi Campbell’s head? It looks like the oft-angry supermodel is the victim of hair extensions gone wrong, experts say.
Supermodel showed off her great body – and shocking hairline – on vacation in Ibiza


Naomi Campbell looked far from super this week, revealing a dramatic bald patch on her head while vacationing in Ibiza.

The supermodel, 42, looked stunning as always in a skimpy bikini, but it was hard to look at anything but her hair — or lack of it.

The normally gorgeous Campbell’s flowing mane started several inches behind her hairline, giving her a sickly appearance.


“It’s hideous, what did she do? It looks really bad! ” Beverly Hills stylist Kazumi Morton told

From the looks of it, her hair nightmare is a case of traction alopecia, a kind of temporary baldness caused by the persistent pulling of hair extensions over time.

It’s likely the result of Campbell’s decades-long use of hair extensions, which have given her a luscious, shiny head of hair throughout her modeling career.

“Whoever put the extensions in, they put them way too close,” Morton said. “They are way too close to the scalp as well, they need to be at least a half inch away.”


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LONDON – No respect … that’s what Usain Bolt has for Carl Lewis.
The reigning 100- and 200-meter Olympic gold medalist blasted Lewis in his press conference Thursday, ripping the former U.S. champion for remarks Lewis has made about the Jamaican team and doping in track.
“I’m going to say something controversial. Carl Lewis – I have no respect for him,” Bolt said. “The things he says about the track athletes are very downgrading. I think he’s just looking for attention, because nobody really talks about him. I’ve lost all respect for him. All respect.”
[Video: Usain Bolt blasts his way into history]
Asked why he had such a negative opinion of Lewis, Bolt cited remarks by the five-time U.S. Olympian.
“All the drug stuff,”Bolt said. “For an athlete to be out of the sport and to be saying that is really upsetting.”
Earlier in the same press conference, a U.S. reporter began to ask Bolt a doping question about the Jamaican track team and erroneously referred to it as “the Jamaican drug team.” The reporter then quickly corrected himself and asked if the public could believe the Jamaicans were a clean team.
“Without a doubt,” Bolt said, gesturing to his teammates Yohan Blake and Warren Weir, who captured silver and bronze in Thursday’s 200 meters. “These guys train hard.”
At one point during the press conference – before his remarks about Lewis – Bolt was asked who he would rather be if he had the choice, Lewis or Jesse Owens. Bolt said Owens, remarking that he had a great deal of respect for the U.S. Olympic icon.

Lewis has been consistently critical with his questions about the current state of track and field as well as the dominance of the Jamaicans. Less than one month after Bolt set world records in the 100 and 200 meters in Beijing, the nine-time Olympic gold medalist didn’t hide his suspicions in an interview with London’s Daily Telegraph.
“No one is accusing anyone,” Lewis told the Telegraph. “But don’t live by a different rule and expect the same kind of respect. They [Jamaican track officials] say, ‘Oh, we’ve been great for the sport.’ No, you have not. No country has had that kind of dominance. I’m not saying they’ve done anything for certain. I don’t know. But how dare anybody feel that there shouldn’t be scrutiny, especially in our sport?
[ Related: Usain Bolt to get tryout with Manchester United after Olympics ]
“The reality is that if I were running now, and had the performances I had in my past, I would expect [doping critics] to say something. I wouldn’t even be offended at the question. So when people ask me about Bolt, I say he could be the greatest athlete of all time. But for someone to run 10.03 one year and 9.69 the next, if you don’t question that in a sport that has the reputation it has right now, you’re a fool. Period.”
Related Olympics coverag



‘I have no respect for Carl Lewis’: Usain Bolt
by: Jon Ralph and Scott Gullan From: Herald Sun August 10, 2012 9:52AM
Bolt is the first man ever to win both the 100m and 200m finals twice; shock gold for Australia’s K4-1000 kayaking team; Brittany Broben claims Aussie silver for 10m platform diving. Vision courtesy of Foxtel / Nine Network.
AN ugly war of words has broken out between sprinting’s two greatest names, after Usain Bolt lashed nine-time Olympic gold medallist Carl Lewis for suggesting his performances were helped by drugs.

Bolt launched an astonishing tirade against Lewis after his 200m final win over teammate Yohan Blake, saying he had lost all respect for Lewis.

American great Lewis, who won five sprint gold medals and four long jump golds, had inferred the drug link when he said ”time will tell” when asked to assess Bolt’s times.

Bolt had already declared his times were not drug-assisted when he was asked to compare himself to Olympic great Lewis.

”Carl Lewis, I have no respect for him,” Bolt said.

”The things he says about track athletes are very downgrading for us. I think he is looking for attention because no one talks about him. I think it was really sad when I heard the other day what he was saying. For me, I have lost all respect for him, all respect.

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