This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]





Met this CRYSTAL she a big fool she TATOO man name PON her what don’t belong too her!!!!! Cocky sweet her soo much!!!! MET TALK UP DEH TINGS DEM



Star Hotgyal Cole
Ok I’m up now wish it was a nightmare but it wasn’t. (Sign smh). I’ve lost a few friends to physical abuse ending fatal and I’ve always said that could never be me but Last night could of been one of those nights for me, it was one of the worse nights of my entire life. I felt like I was being raped over and over again and could hardly do anything about it. I never open up about my personal problems but this had to get aired out. Imagine being in a room with someone who’s constantly inflicting pain on you for little or no reason and all you could think about is which one of us will end up in the hospital tonight…..smh I never had serious thoughts of killing someone before but last night was a night where if I saw no future in tomorrow I’d either end up in prison or wined up Dead and this is #real talk.

1 hour ago · Like
13 people like this.

Killer-lips Bailey
You ok cuz?

1 hour ago · Like

Star Hotgyal Cole
yes I’m good

1 hour ago · Like

Killer-lips Bailey

1 hour ago · Like

Killer-lips Bailey
you scare me girl

1 hour ago · Like

Star Hotgyal Cole
Trust me I was scared too…

1 hour ago · Like

Kim-Genuinelove Jamaicanspice-Wilson
hope everything works out for u babe….i can only imagine how u feel…keep strong…prayin for u

1 hour ago · Like · 1

Killer-lips Bailey
Please ,please keep safe

1 hour ago · Like · 2

Star Hotgyal Cole
Thanks I will cuz

1 hour ago · Like · 1

Roy Blackroy Bryant
Some cause harm and pain because of insecurity so they think by doing so they leave you in pain and powerless and it shouldn’t be!

1 hour ago · Like
Star Hotgyal Cole
you dn’t understand this was none of the sort….if I tell you the reason you would problem want to kill the person too just b/c of how stupid the reason is….

1 hour ago · Like

Natasha Bashment
Do wats best for u hun d devil is wrking…..

1 hour ago · Like

Ashney Delpachio
I’m glad God gave you the courage and strenght to fights yourself out the situstion. just give thanks to god. hey listen, I’m having an event sometime this year would you like to perform in my show? it going to be in miami if yes how much you charge? no date confirm yet but my promoter will call you or email you for date and time.

1 hour ago · Like

Star Hotgyal Cole
Thanks and I will inbox you

1 hour ago · Like

Ashney Delpachio
ok. thanks

1 hour ago · Like

Killer-lips Bailey
Kisses girl and nuff love

1 hour ago · Like · 1

Dale Little
you need to get out of that like now

1 hour ago · Like · 1

Jeelan NahgiveUp Howard
Hush hun so sorry to hear, when you talk up it frees you. Pray for whoever did it and let God punish them. Don’t give up your freedom or your life but look at it as an opportunity for growth and strength. I know it’s hard but with God all things are possible.

1 hour ago · Like

Kia Smith
im so sorry to hear that i hope u are okay.

1 hour ago · Like

Paul Stainless Regan
Do I have bring that thing out

49 minutes ago · Like


Chinese expats caught eating endangered Zimbabwe tortoises
Four reptile-eating Chinese nationals face deportation from Zimbabwe this week for keeping an endangered species of tortoise for their dinner table.

The rare Bell’s Hinged tortoise Photo: ALAMY
By Peter Simpson, Beijing2:49PM GMT 19 Feb 2012
The expat workers Zhang Hongyuan, Chen Caijan, Lin Guibin and Shi Jiahua obtained rare Bell’s Hinged tortoises “for personal consumption”.
When police and animal welfare officials raided the Chinese workers’ homes near Bikita, in southeastern Zimbabwe, they found the meat and skeletal remains from 40 of the at risk reptiles.
They had been dropped into boiling water while still alive in order to separate the meat from the shell, villagers living next to the Chinese workers claimed in witness statements.
A further 13 tortoises were discovered in steel drums without water or food.
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species lists the Bell’s Hinged tortoise as endangered – and local Zimbabwean wildlife officials said the number of the animals has dwindled in recent years.
What does China want from Zimbabwe? 10 Feb 2011
China to encourage better local relations in Zimbabwe 19 Jun 2011
The Zimbabwe National Society for the Protection of Cruelty to animals, ZNSPCA, said the four Chinese nationals admitted to breaking the country’s Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.
They also admitted to living and working in Zimbabwe without the correct immigration documents, said the ZNSPCA’s Ed Lance.
The tortoises, considered a delicacy in China, are among many rare animals that fetch high prices among diners.
It is estimated more than 5,000 Chinese are working and in living in Zimbabwe. The two countries have signed scores of trade agreements, most recently a lucrative diamond mining contract.
But relations between locals and the Chinese are brittle. Last year, China had to send a special delegation to the country to encourage better relations between Chinese expats and locals after reports of inhumane treatment and underpayment by the “new colonial master”.

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