This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Whitney Houston casket photo leaker rumored to be Bobby Brown’s sister…Tina.


What would you do for $500 000?

According to gossiponthis it may well be no coincidence that Whitney Houston‘s ex husband’s husband, Bobby Brown‘s sister Tina Brown has a full inside layout feature dedicated to her courtesy of the National Enquirer which published leaked images of Whitney Houston’s casket. The feature simply titled ‘I did crack with Whitney!’ (does it get any more shocking than this?) offers an inside expose of the debauched affairs of Whitney Houston in a crack den with Tina Brown by her side on various occasions.

And there were no shortages of adventures.

The interview goes on to say that “A drug dealer had called Bobby and said, ‘Come get your wife. I’m sick of this bitch. She’s in here peep­ing out the windows and doing all kinds of s–t in the house.’”

Tina learned Whitney had been in the drug den for days giving orders to dealers and drug buyers, telling some to leave, telling others where to sit, seeing demons, thinking she was under surveillance. It became too much for the dealer. “Bobby and security had to go get her,” said Tina.

Reflects Tina: “Hey, I was using and she was paying. It was free.”

Rumored to have been paid off $500 000 by the tabloid for the insider images one can presuppose that Tina Brown will now have ample cash to indulge in her ‘hobby,’ should she be in the mood.

And what on basis does gossiponthis tie the knots that the leaker was Tina Brown (never mind the conspicuous feature done on her pursuant to the release of leaked images)?

In 2006, she leaked a series of private photos of Whitney Houston’s bathroom (allegedly) that were sent to UK tabloid The Sun, which supposedly showed that Houston had been cooking what is known as “freebase cocaine,” or in more common terms, “crack cocaine,” in her bathroom.

When later asked about her rumored crack use, Houston told Dianne Sawyer in a now-famous interview, “Crack is cheap. I make too much money to ever smoke crack. Let’s get that straight. Okay? We don’t do crack. We don’t do that. Crack is whack.”

Indeed crack is whack, but when in the mood what’s good for the goose is good for the gander…

As reported yesterday Caroline Whigham, Whigham funeral home’s director had publicly gone out to say that the photos were most likely taken on the 17th and February (the day before the funeral). How she came upon this information and the identity of the leaker (as she has asserted) has yet to be publicly revealed. Although Ms Whigham at the same time let it be known that she has let the Houston family know all the particulars but as of press is stymied that Houston family has publicly declined to exonerate the Whigham funeral home. This more than likely being to save face and humiliation that the leak had come from inside the Houston clan when Cissy, the matriarch of the Houston clan had adamantly insisted all along that it the funeral home itself that had released said images.

Time will tell if Tina Brown will accept responsibility for the leaks or whether in fact the funeral home may choose to leak the presumed identity of the leaker to the press.






God and abortion and forgiveness – Is forgiveness possible?

For many years, I thought, “God will never forgive me for the abortions.”

When I was younger, I had three pregnancies terminated. Even though I wasn’t very familiar with God at the time, I remember lying on the table, looking up, and asking God to forgive me. I didn’t understand what I was doing. For some reason, I felt that abortion was wrong, but I also felt like I had no choice. For a number of years afterwards, I went through many emotional problems and had overwhelming thoughts of suicide. My days were dark, even though I thought that I had put the abortions behind me.

I was supposed to be free, but I wasn’t!

I was stuck in my lonely world and no one knew of what I had done except one ex-boyfriend and my mother, who only knew of one of the abortions.

How could I tell anyone about this?

I felt like God couldn’t forgive me, let alone love me.

There came a point in my life where I realized I was a sinner. I had displeased God. I learned that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins. God knew everything I had done and He still stood right by my side – wanting to forgive me, make me His child, and give me hope for living.

It took me a long time to understand that I was forgiven for these abortions. One day, I sat at home alone crying to God to forgive me for having the abortions, and in my heart I heard the Lord say to me, “I forgave you the day you asked.” I felt the forgiveness of God in my heart at that moment.

It wasn’t that God needed to forgive me over and over again. I needed to forgive myself. I had been holding on to my own unforgiveness. It has taken some time to learn to forgive myself, but I know the Lord has forgiven me and He forgives all those who ask. He forgave me before I even truly believed in Him because He made me and He loves me. He is the God of the broken and the weary, not the perfect and the pure.

I know now that there is nothing that can separate me from the love of Christ. Sins, including abortion, can be forgiven.

So now I can tell others about the abortions in my past because they aren’t about how horrible I am, but about how great God’s love is and how His mercy, grace, and forgiveness are unending.

Psalm 103:11-13 says, “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him.”



Due to the high volume of videos , mp3s and announcement being sent to my email for the Jamaican music fraternity . I will open another aspect of JMG that will facilitate all new releases , announcements  for artists and upcoming artist. There will be a small fee to facilitate the upkeep of that site . Prices will begin with $10.99 for each video posted for more in depth uploads including interviews and written articles prices will be negotiated.

P.S I really cannot go lower than $10.99 so please do not try to renegotiate as the price will only be used to maintain server/data upkeep



As was stated late last week, I am in the process of putting up another website..Hosting ONLY , Jamaican music and press releases.  The fee is $10.99 for each video posted. The site will not have news , suss, or any other music but those from Jamaica. For artists, your music will not be commented on, they will be rated.There will be a poll with suggestions, at the end of each week the video that  scores the highest will be featured for free the following week. If a video or song remains consistent for three weeks the artist will get an interview  for free in which their work will be show cased. This site will only feature music for 2012 .  Please submit your videos/songs to [email protected] or[email protected]

Payments can be made via paypal to [email protected]. The new site will be up and running Monday March 12,2012


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