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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Rye Police Capture Suspect after Chase

Rye Police Capture Suspect after Chase

The police chase in Rye yesterday that caused three schools to be temporarily locked down, ended with the arrest of a suspect near Playland last night.

It started at 12:27 pm, say State Police, when a State Trooper driving north on I-95 near exit 19 spotted a man speeding in a 2011 Dodge.

The driver, with a female passenger, was reportedly going too fast and changing lanes without signalling. When the trooper turned on his sirens, the driver revved it up and escaped off Exit 20 in Rye. The Trooper then lost sight of him, according to State Police Sgt. John Antinelli.

Rye City police set up a perimeter, and began chasing the suspect on local streets.

Antinelli says the trooper later spotted the car in a driveway on Oakland Beach Ave. The passenger, “an unwilling participant,” was still in the car. It was then that school officials decided on the temporary lock down, because Rye police believed he was running in the direction of the schools.

At 6:00 pm, Rye police received a call about an individual in a wooded area on Forest Avenue near Playland Market. Rye Police arrested 31 year old Julian Brown who had five outstanding New York City warrants on assault and drug charges.

Brown was charged with unlawful fleeing and traffic offenses and handed over to the New York City Police.



Rasbert Turner, Star Writer
A 21-year-old man who allegedly sexually molested his sister was granted $150,000 bail when he appeared in the Spanish Town Resident Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday.

When the case came up for mention, his defence attorney told the court that his client is not a flight risk and would honour his obligation to the court.

He told the court that his client was young when he allegedly made the mistake and would not jeopardise the investigations in anyway.

Bail was subsequently granted on condition that the accused return for a preliminary inquiry on July 13.

The youth’s appearance in court arose from the allegation that since 2006 to this year he has constantly molested his sister who is now a teenager.

Family members got wind of the situation and reported the matter to the police.

An investigation was launched which resulted in the arrest and charge of the accused with breaches of the Child Care and Protection Act.


My Crazy Obsession: How Many Cabbage Patch Kids Are Too Many? 5,000, Right?
By Tara Ariano on March 8, 2012 2:30 PM ET

As a fan of TLC’s My Strange Addiction, I’m not entirely certain where the line is between that show and TLC’s new documentary series, My Crazy Obsession. I guess Addiction is about people who do weird things in secret, and/or that the people who love them wish they wouldn’t do, whereas everyone in Obsession is pretty cool with whatever’s going on … except the viewer. Here’s a breakdown of one of the two stories in the show’s series premiere, which aired last night.

Who Is This Now? Joe and Pat Prosey.

Why Are We Watching Them? They have collected 5,000 Cabbage Patch Kids.

How Did They Get Here? I don’t want to draw a direct line from the Proseys’ daughter’s growing up, moving away, and having a child of her own to the Proseys’ practice of treating their Cabbage Patch Kids like actual babies, except I guess I just did.

What’s the Grossest Thing We See? The Proseys take one of their doll-kids to a store to buy him a toy, playing as though he is part of the choice and making the salesperson talk to him as though he were an actual child.

What Do They Think the Problem Is? Although they live in a 900-square foot trailer home and have built a custom, climate-controlled fortress for “the kids,” and even though they’ve spent more than a million dollars [Ed.note: What???] on Cabbage Patch Kids, accoutrements, and repairs, the Proseys don’t think there is a problem.

(But What Does an Expert Think?) (No expert is consulted, so I’ll field this one: It’s messed up.)

Why Has It Apparently Taken a TV Documentary to Address This Person’s Problem? Again, it’s not a problem, in the Proseys’ view. But if I were to learn that My Crazy Obsession exists because someone who lived in their town pitched the concept specifically about them and sold it to TLC, I wouldn’t be surprised.

What Does Their Capacity for Change Seem to Be? None — in fact, their behavior is reinforced through interaction with other Cabbage Patch Kids enthusiasts, up to and including play dates during which all the adults play as though the dolls were children.

What Are the Consequences If They Don’t Act? Eventually, they’ll probably lose all the friends who think they’re maybe a little bit too into their dolls. But they won’t care. Because THEY HAVE FIVE THOUSAND KIDS.

What Have We Learned? Lars and the Real Girl wasn’t so farfetched after all.



Listening Ears

by Nancy C. Anderson

My husband, Ron, is a tax accountant, and during his busy season-January through April 15-he works from 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. without a single day off. I’ve learned to listen to his hints about what would make his life easier.

He even jokes that, for those months, I seem to turn into a magic genie. When he said, “I wish I could get my feet massaged while I’m sitting at my desk,” I zipped over to the mall and bought a deluxe foot massager (You didn’t think I was going to crawl under his desk and rub his feet did you?). When he said, “These shirts are so old, the cuffs are frayed,” I had new shirts in his closet the next day.

I’m not saying I respond everything he mentions, but I want to help him be as productive as possible. If I can make his life easier and less stressful during his “crunch time,” I benefit too. He’s grateful for my efforts, makes more money, and lives a longer happier life. Then when I have a deadline I need to meet-like for this article-he’s right there to “pay me back” by asking, “How can I help you?”

Sometimes, we women talk too much. Men generally talk less than women do and use up most of their “word quota” during the workday. So when it comes to word output, our husbands can’t keep up with us, and they quit trying. Then we complain: “You never talk to me.”

Try, as James 1:19 says, to “be quick to listen, slow to speak . . .”

Men who have had affairs often list, “My wife just doesn’t understand me” as the reason they went outside their marriage. The best way to understand our husbands is to listen to them when they do talk . . . when they speak about their childhood disappointments and triumphs, or their dreams about the future. It’s helpful to ask questions like, “What did you daydream about when you were a little boy?” or “What countries do you want to visit when we retire?” When we take the time to care about their answers, it shows that we care about them.

Just the other evening I asked Ron, “What was the first movie you ever saw in a theater?”

He thought about it for a minute, laughed aloud, and said, “Well . . . the first time I went to a theater I didn’t see the movie; I just saw the bathroom.”

I was afraid to ask, but I forged on. “What happened?”

“There was a theater a few doors down from our house in St. Louis, and one summer afternoon I went there with my friends Jimmy Joe and Skidmark.”

I laughed, “Skidmark?”

“Trust me, you don’t want to know how he got his nickname. The three of us tried to sneak into the theater because we didn’t have any money, but the manager saw us lurking near the back door and told us to leave. We were mad at him, so we decided to pay him back. So we stood on our tip toes, peeked into the open bathroom window, and threw in a stink bomb!”

Ron was laughing so hard at the memory that he had to stop to catch his breath.


JLP expels 3 members

Thursday, March 08, 2012


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THE Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) has taken steps to expel three members for breaching the party’s constitution.

The three members are Nakia Andre Nesbeth, Paul Wray Patmore and Wilbert Wellesley Whittingham, who are running as independent candidates in the upcoming local government elections.

“The party’s constitution makes it clear… that any member of the party who accepts nomination as a candidate for central or local government elections, representing any other party or as an independent candidate… shall be liable to summary expulsion from the party,” the JLP said in a news release today.

It said allegations are that Nesbeth, who became a member only three weeks ago, was nominated as an independent candidate in St Catherine North West, Linstead Division; Patmore, who became a member almost 13 weeks ago was nominated as an independent candidate in Trelawny South, Lorrimers Division; and Whittingham, who became a member almost five years ago, was nominated in St James Central, Salt Spring Division.

“The party’s secretariat has handed over all three members’ files to the disciplinary committee to speedily commence expulsion proceedings, set to be concluded by Monday, March 12,” the party said.

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