This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Jah cure and family



The Unused Power

By: Joe Beam

Ever wondered what would have already been accomplished on this earth if only a handful of people had faith equal to a grain of mustard seed? Think about it. Mountains jumping into the sea? Demons fleeing? Mulberry trees being uprooted and planted again, untouched by human hands, just because a person told it to? (See Matthew 17 and Luke 17)

Figures of speech, you say? Jesus didn’t really mean those things would happen, you explain?

Then God has news for you: It’s just that kind of thinking that has kept amazing things from happening.

The problem with immovable mountains isn’t the lack of power available, it’s looking in the wrong places. We depend so much on our own abilities—our intelligence, our money, our church—that we have no need to call down the extraordinary power of God.

That dependency on self is also why we have no choice but to deny that Jesus meant what He said in those passages that tell what unblemished faith will accomplish. We don’t tell a mountain to throw itself into the sea because we know that those things just can’t happen (Matthew 17:20). If we need a mountain moved, we form a committee, plan for years, raise the money, buy the earth moving equipment, and then struggle to move one small protrusion before the brethren get tired, bored, or just plain lose interest. Move a mountain? We can’t even level a hill before we give up and change projects. Because our experiences belie the statements of Jesus, we have no choice but to relegate them to the world of the metaphor. Surely He couldn’t have meant it for real! Those things do not happen!

And, by our own faithlessness, we ensure the truth of our beliefs. Those things don’t happen.

But the fact that they don’t happen isn’t because Jesus didn’t promise them. He did. Oh, how He did. And their lack of occurrence doesn’t in any way validate our faulty theology. Just the opposite. It proves the very thing that Jesus taught. When faith exists in a pure form it takes very little to turn the world we know upside down. When it exists not at all or in very flawed form, mountains sit stagnate and trees grow unbothered (Matthew 21:21).

Why do those things require faith? Isn’t God able to do what He wishes whether we have faith or not? After all, how many humans with great faith did He need to speak everything into creation?

No, our faith doesn’t give God power. Neither is our faith a power unto itself. Faith isn’t the generator in the dam making the power; it’s the transmission line through which the power gets to where it needs to go. The smaller the line, the less the power. The larger the line, the greater the power. Quite simply God won’t bring His power into the lives and dreams of those who won’t believe what He does when He does it. He won’t work His miracles to have us thank our lucky stars or praise the universal false god called “coincidence.” Just as Jesus wouldn’t work miracles in His home town because of their lack of faith, He won’t work wonders for us when our faith lacks just like theirs.

Want to see the impossible? Then forget about hitching your wagon to a star, dragging yourself up by your own bootstraps, or sucking it up to make it through the game. Forget about you and what you can do because as long as you lean on yourself you’ll never command mountains or trees or demons to do your bidding. But when you immerse yourself into and completely trust in His power, you will see things the world is convinced cannot happen.

Ready to use the unused power?

Surrender in faith.


Hi Met,

Your site always leaves Cayman out as if we don’t exist. So let me break the mold and ask that you please post these pics up (taken from a Round Robin event). There are always pics of Jamaica and places in the US but here’s a sneak peak of the “FASHION” (and a jus thro mi a thro dat deh word out) here in Cayman. Every time I go out to the club I feel like mi deh a Bronx zoo by the sites and the smell. These people need to just STOP IT.


Policeman arrested for stealing BlackBerry phone?

Rasbert Turner, Star Writer

An invitation on BlackBerry Messenger led to the arrest of a policeman who allegedly stole a BlackBerry from a recruit during training recently.

Jevaune Brown, a police constable of Twickenham Park, St Catherine, was remanded when he appeared in the Spanish Town Resident Magistrate’s (RM) Court yesterday.

When the case was mentioned and the allegations outlined by Detective Constable Lloyd Knight, the RM said “What,” as she listened in disbelief.

The accused told the court he had a lawyer, however, he was not present in court.

He was subsequently remanded until May 1,when the matter again will be mentioned.

friend request

The Star learnt that on December 25 last year, the complainant’s BlackBerry was stolen. The accused, who was a friend of the complainant, said he knew nothing about the phone. However, on January 26 this year, the complainant sent out a friend request. The accused responded to the request and his name and photograph came up.

Senior personnel went to the accused, held and searched him and the phone was found in his possession. The police from Spanish Town were summoned and an investigation launched.

A file was compiled and sent to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

A ruling was handed down that Brown be charged with receiving stolen property.


mark cooper you and your people want to issue threat because I asked you for my money. a really so it go inna farrin? I put my name on the line fi u go borrow money now a me haffi a Mek back the bawl fi go Jamaica fi family outing I loan u the money u cry bout baby mother a feed ur child only milk and mi help u out and this is how you wah repay me? big 48 yr old,with no purpose in life. make threats me know weh the precinct deh.


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