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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



TB Joshua frenzy as Mutharika death falls within 60 days’ prophecy

By A Correspondent

Published: April 6, 2012


PROPHECY – 5th February to 5th April 2012

Harare(ZimEye)The president of Malawi, Bingu Wa Mutharika has finally been confirmed dead, triggering a TB Joshua frenzy across Africa based online networks as many rushed to celebrate the Nigerian church leader who 60 days before foretold the president’s death, calling him ‘a prophet indeed’.

Mutharika who once called Robert Mugabe his “elder brother”, died on Thursday shortly after suffering from cardiac arrest, doctors who spoke on condiction of anonymity confirmed.

TB Joshua frenzy as Mutharika death falls within 60 days’ prophecy
His death was kept under a shroud of secrecy as it was believed authorities were coordinating a succession that would sideswipe the legally qualifying person who is the vice president, Joyce Banda. It is believed it will be Mutharika’s brother Peter who will take over the presidency although the constitution states that only the vice president qualifies.

During a church service on the 5th February TB Joshua was heard announcing that he was seeing the death of an African president in two months:

“I’m seeing a head of state, by that I mean a president. He is not feeling well. He is very old. What is this I’m seeing…sudden death…I’m seeing the death of an old African president in two months,”

“It could be sickness being in the body for a long time but God showed me the country and the place but I’m not here to say anything like that. When it’s too close and there is nothing I can do about it, I’ll mention it clear: the place, the country and the person so that they can see what they can do to rescue him…” he was quoted.

Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe’s ZANU PF party dismissed his prophecy, and many others commented saying that he was merely playing with chance.

On Sunday 1st April, TB Joshua however would state that his prophecy was now drawing close.

He said: “I was talking about April, we should pray for the nation, this country… God loves us, you should pray for one African head of state, when I say President… again the sickness that is likely to take life; sudden death.”

His prophecy was later confirmed on Friday 6th April a day after Mutharika had died.
The date 5th April is exactly two whole months after the Nigerian church leader predicted the death of the African president.
Shortly following the news, online news sites were awash with the revelations.

One ZimEye reader labelled TB Joshua in Shona a ‘Korinte’ meaning a big respectable person.

Wrote the reader identified only as Chaps on Friday

“TB mukorinte.”

Other readers were full of indignation charging at the Nigerian Prophet:

Wrote one identified as Nehondo:

“This T.B of yours is gonna kill pple for popularity nd firm(sic). Tell me does he knw when he’s gonna die himself? He should know. Jesus knew! I tell you he’s gonna be a multi billionare with fools giving him everything they got.”

The Harare based popular preacher Noah Bishop of Life and Liberty Churches International also blasted the prophecy.

“It is unbiblical,” Pashapa said. “There is no biblical precedence to that prophecy. God’s character is not given to inciting or causing confusion, despondency, apprehension or fear in individuals or nations.

“In the Bible, when a prophet is given a message regarding an individual’s ill health, death or demise of a leader, whether it is a good leader or bad leader, the prophet is given specific instructions to approach the particular leader and speak directly in the presence of some witnesses.”

“TB Joshua has caused despondency, fear and apprehension. The prophecy is so general and open to anyone’s interpretation, it is not of God. He is very clever to make vague prophecies and has never been caught to be a false prophet.

“If he is given a prophecy from God it should be clear and it should be given directly to the leader. This guy is just a trouble causer who is causing despondency and fear.”

Other readers however congratulated the people of Malawi for the death of the president who many disliked because of his authoritarian rule.

Wrote one identified as “Jack Chikurubi”

“congratulations to people of malawi amhlophe.”

While others labelled TB Joshua one of the greatest prophets of our time, 30% of readers directed their anger on Chitungwiza based preacher Emmanuel Makandiwa who they claimed had prophesied the death of another president, a charge Makandiwa however denied saying that he did not refer to any human being but rather to poverty, sickness, and other ills in society.


TB Joshua who is renowned for making other predictions did not disclose the name of this old African president, but many Zimbabweans the following day rushed to suggest that it could be President Robert Mugabe who is currently Africa’s oldest presidential ruler.

So popular is TB Joshua that many Zimbabwean politicians including Morgan Tsvangirai and ZANU PF Womens league leader Oppah Muchinguri, have in recent months been flying to Nigeria visiting his church to be prayed for.

“TB Joshua, Tell me now!”

Shortly following his prophecy, an MDC legislator, HON Perez Hamandishe Maramwidze was seen on social networking website Facebook stating his anxiety:

“I want TB Joshua to be straight to the point! He mustn’t keep me in suspense. He must not keep my nerves on edge and stretched to the limit. He announced today that an old African President is going to die in two months’ time from today. Who is that President?, TB Joshua, Tell me now, I want to know.”

Others however have rubbished TB Joshua’s prophecy accusing anyone supporting the prophecy to be practicing witchcraft:

Said one other Zimbabwean:

“This does not need any education, common sense is enough. Anyone who listens to TB Joshua needs deliverance. That’s why I transferred the prophecy to you, cause you claimed it for someone; why not claim it for yourself? Zvawaita ndokunonzi kuroya. Long life Mugabe, those who wish him death it shall be their portion.”

Also foretold John Atta Mills election

TB Joshua is accredited for prophesying the election of Ghana’s John Atta Mills, among others.

Speaking a few weeks after he was made president following TB Joshua’s prophecy John Atta Mills said:

“I believe that the elections in Ghana have changed the minds of many people. I believe there are many people who are going to give themselves to God because of what has happened, and we will always want God’s name to be glorified…My brothers we are all the same children of God. Lets help one another. Lets hold each other’s hands and whatever happens to us lets give praise to the Almighty God. God we thank you for your glory. May your name be praised forever and ever. Amen” VIDEO:




by Steven Clark Goad
“You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (James 4:14b).

“Man, whadya say when you get that kind of news? So I went sky divin’; I went Rocky Mountain climbin’; I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Man-chu.” So go the words of a popular country song.

Not that I would select those activities, mind you, if I’d just been told I was terminal (which I am), but there is something urgent about living when we’ve just been informed we haven’t much time left in this old world.

Terri Shaivo is gone. Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II) is gone. Oscar Osburn and Steve Ford and Aggie Bra-man and Bessie Beers and J. D. and Lester and Sibyl Leah and Emily are all on the other side now. And there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, except mourn perhaps, or rejoice. For, you see, church, we are all term-inal. Not one of us gets out of this alive. My step-mom Lucy was just given two weeks. Am I being unduly morbid? I think not. Realistic would be a better word.
Stay with me. Most of us have been urged to think of what we might do differently if we knew today was our last on planet earth. Granted, it’s a sobering thought. Bull-riding would not be at the top of my list, if only in deference to the blessed bull. Yet I do believe we might “talk a little sweeter” to those we know. Mom spent her last lucid days trying to share Jesus with as many as she could. What a neat example for a teenage son.

Hmmmm. If today were my last, would I do what I did yesterday? Would that much TV consume my time? Would the newspaper and Time and Newsweek and Read-er’s Digest redden my eyes? Would I mow the lawn one last time, wash the car, get my hair cut (chuckle), tell someone off, plan summer vacation, mop the floor, empty the trash, get set up for that giant yard sale? Or would I, just maybe, be more selective with my choices?

Oh, yes! I would definitely have a last supper with some of my dearest friends. I would be sure to remind them how much they mean to me and how I loved them so. I would speak to my sons and sister and dad and Jere and Carl and God. Yes! For sure!! I’d have a serious, focused, arduous talk with the “Holy Father.” I wonder why I didn’t do that yesterday. And instead of doing a crossword or reading the comics, I just might savor the Sermon on the Mount and Stephen’s bold farewell add-ress one more time.

Life is precious. Most of us cherish it-cling to it tenaciously. A few wish they had never been born. Life is a valuable gift from God. But it pales in comparison to salvation. “I came that you might have abundant life,” said the Master. Only in him can it possibly be lived abundantly. Yet life is temporary. Eternity is forever. So how shall the living secure their hearts? One day at a time. That’s how. One step at a time, dear Savior. I cannot take any more. Moment to moment. Thus, when you speak to another, do so kindly. When you are about to do something that belies your stewardship/discipleship, chose the higher road. Relish each day in the shadow of the cross. There may be no more tomorrows. So, “love a little deeper” as that smaltzy song says.

One more try. I suppose what I am struggling to say is, be sure to live like you were dying. Jesus did.

-Steven Clark Goad


China Unexpectedly Reports Trade Surplus
By Bloomberg News – Apr 10, 2012 1:25 AM CT

China reported an unexpected trade surplus last month as import growth trailed forecasts, underscoring risks of a deeper slowdown in the world’s second- largest economy.
Inbound shipments rose 5.3 percent, the customs bureau said today, below the 9 percent median estimate in a Bloomberg News survey. Exports increased 8.9 percent from a year earlier, more than forecast, leaving a trade surplus of $5.35 billion, compared with a median projection for a $3.15 billion trade deficit.
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Containers are stacked at the Yangshan Deep Water Port in Shanghai. Photographer: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg

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April 10 (Bloomberg) — China reported an unexpected trade surplus last month as import growth trailed forecasts, underscoring risks of a deeper slowdown in the world’s second-largest economy. Inbound shipments increased 5.3 percent, the customs bureau said today, below the 9 percent median estimate in a Bloomberg News survey. Exports rose 8.9 percent from a year earlier, more than forecast, leaving a trade surplus of $5.35 billion, compared with a median projection for a $3.15 billion trade deficit. Margaret Conley reports from Shanghai on Bloomberg Television’s “First Look” with Caroline Hyde. (Source: Bloomberg)

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April 10 (Bloomberg) — Lu Ting, a Hong Kong-based economist with Bank of America Corp., talks about China’s economy and central bank monetary policy. Lu speaks with Rishaad Salamat on Bloomberg Television’s “On the Move Asia.” (Source: Bloomberg)

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April 10 (Bloomberg) — Andy Xie, former Morgan Stanley chief Asia-Pacific economist, talks about China’s trade surplus, economy and political risk. Xie speaks on Bloomberg Television’s “InBusiness With Margaret Brennan.” (Source: Bloomberg)
Asian stocks fell amid renewed concern about growth in China, fiscal woes in Europe and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s comment that the U.S. economy was far from a full recovery. Premier Wen Jiabao may need to balance gains in external demand with a slowdown in domestic consumption in deciding whether to add monetary or fiscal stimulus.
“The sluggish import growth shows weakening domestic demand and investment growth while exports are stabilizing,” said Chang Jian, economist at Barclays Capital in Hong Kong who formerly worked for the World Bank. “Policy makers need to strike a delicate balance between preserving growth and containing inflation at this stage, yet they may tilt more toward sustaining growth in the second quarter.”
In Japan, the central bank refrained from expanding monetary easing to counter deflation, resisting pressure from lawmakers who five days ago rejected a nominee for the policy board. The Bank of Japan kept the key interest rate between zero and 0.1 percent and left its 30 trillion yen ($368 billion) asset-purchase fund and 35 trillion yen credit-lending program unchanged.
Stocks Fall
The MSCI Asia Pacific Index of stocks fell after the trade report, dropping 0.2 percent at 3:22 p.m. in Tokyo. China’s benchmark Shanghai Composite Index pared losses to trade 0.2 percent lower at 2:20 p.m. local time.
China Cosco Holdings Co. led declines for shipping companies, while Tianjin FAW Xiali Automobile Co. dropped the most in two weeks after sales slumped last month.
China reported a trade deficit of $31.5 billion in February, its first shortfall in a year and the biggest since at least 1989, as Europe’s debt crisis crimped exports and imports rebounded after a weeklong Chinese holiday.
The median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey of 29 economists was for a 7 percent gain in exports from a year earlier, after an 18.4 percent increase in February. Import growth, which compared with a 9 percent median estimate, slowed from 39.6 percent the previous month.
Iron, Steel Drop
The value of oil imports rose 26 percent in March from a year earlier to $20 billion, customs data show. Iron ore purchases fell 9.1 percent to $8.69 billion and steel product imports declined 20 percent to $1.68 billion. The value of goods imported for processing rose 2.6 percent to $33.8 billion.
“This should increase the chance of further loosening, as it reflects very weak import demand, thus weak domestic demand,” said Shen Jianguang, chief Greater China economist for Mizuho Securities Asia Ltd. in Hong Kong, who previously worked for the International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank.
Joy Yang, chief economist for Greater China at Mirae Asset Securities (HK) Ltd., said the trade surplus may delay any additional cut in the required reserves banks must hold. At the same time, a slump in imports and the domestic economy call for an interest-rate cut to support growth, a move that’s likely to happen around midyear as inflation drops, said Yang, who previously worked for the IMF.
Ensuring Growth
Speaking in southern China last week, Wen pledged to take measures including export tax rebates to ensure “steady growth” in trade this year and aid exporters hit by rising costs and weak demand, state media reported.
At the same time, the government is taking measures to stimulate imports and reduce the trade surplus that amounted to $155 billion last year. The State Council announced on March 30 cuts in import duties on some commodities and daily necessities.
China is countering a slowdown in exports to Europe by boosting sales to emerging markets. Carmakers including Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. and Chery Automobile Co. will probably boost overseas shipments by about 50 percent this year, according to a February forecast from the China Chamber of Commerce for the Import & Export of Machinery & Electronic Products.
In Japan, the central bank may be preserving its ammunition for later in the month. Companies from Morgan Stanley to Mizuho Securities are predicting an expansion of easing at the BOJ meeting on April 27, when the price outlook is expected to show a gap between the 1 percent inflation target and actual price growth.
Australia Construction
Among other reports, a gauge of Australia’s construction industry held near a four-month low in March as housing and apartment building slumped, reflecting the highest benchmark interest rates among major developed nations.
Malaysian exports climbed 14.5 percent in February from a year earlier, the fastest pace in four months, while industrial production growth accelerated to a 20-month high of 7.5 percent, exceeding analyst forecasts.
In Europe, Germany said exports unexpectedly increased for a second month in February as the trade surplus widened to 14.7 billion euros ($19.3 billion). Finland, the Netherlands, France and Sweden are among European nations scheduled to release industrial production figures today.
The yuan had its first quarterly decline since December 2009 in the first three months of 2012, sliding 0.06 percent to close at 6.2980 per dollar March 30 in Shanghai, according to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System.
Inflation rose a more-than-forecast 3.6 percent in March as gains in food prices quickened, the statistics bureau reported yesterday.
China can pursue a “moderately loose” fiscal policy as growth slows yet can’t “substantially” ease monetary policy because of inflation, Tang Min from the Counsellors’ Office of the State Council said in today’s People’s Daily, the Communist Party’s mouthpiece.
–Zheng Lifei. With assistance from Ailing Tan in Singapore, Sunil Jagtiani in New Delhi and Nerys Avery and Li Yanping in Beijing. Editors: Scott Lanman, Brendan Murray
To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Zheng Lifei in Beijing at [email protected]


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