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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Is a dead Mugabe going to take with him the problems he created?
By Mathula Lusinga

Published: April 12, 2012


Easter holidays have come and gone and the Zimbabwean community celebrated the death and rise of Jesus Christ by trading news about Mugabe’s rumoured ill-health and even his death. Official sources in Mugabe’s office have publicly denied these rumours as a hogwash but Mugabe’s disappearance during the Easter period and the fact that Cabinet meetings have been postponed are keeping these rumours alive. Adding to the mystery was the so-called prophecy of a Nigerian self-claimed prophet, TB Joshua, who apparently foresaw the death of a Southern African President. Well to his credit Bingu Wa Mutharika, the President of Malawi, died on April 5.

As we continue with our Sunset politics in Harare, it’s now clear that we are obsessed with the death of Mugabe and we probably know reasons why. Personally I’ve been thinking about what will happen after Mugabe dies, seeing that Zimbabwean politics revolves around him. His age and ill-health are fast telling us that sooner rather than later the man will die and we should be preparing for a “life without Mugabe”. While we will certainly be out in celebration at news of his death, we need to acknowledge that it will present us with new challenges – ones that could threaten violence if not handled well, and that the country’s problems at hand could be further complicated by the succession struggles in ZANU-PF.

A glimpse of these problems!

Zimbabwe is preparing for elections and the battles between the ZANU-PF, MDCs and other political parties are intensifying. We all know of the reforms needed to make the elections credible and sadly, to date, none of these have a clear solution in sight. All hopes are being put on the SADC mediator Jacob Zuma who in reality can only apply pressure but not force implementation.

The Land issue was left in chaos because rather than returning land to local communities, farms were taken from white farmers and handed to ZANU-PF politicians who had no local history. Worse, some individuals own multiple farms – the very thing we thought was a problem with white land owners. Mugabe seems to have closed the chapter without solutions as evidenced by the government’s complete inaction on the findings of the Buka Land Commission, which concluded that there was massive greediness with senior ZANU-PF officials owning multiple farms.

Corruption is one of the biggest threats to stability in the country and there seems to be no sight of substantial reforms to address it. The rush for natural resources like diamonds is showing us an ugly face of corruption and diamonds are widely known for their contributions to conflict as was seen in countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone.

Another program to watch that threatens possible future conflict is the indigenisation program pioneered by Minister Saviour Kasukuwere, where there is no clarity as to how local people are going to benefit from the shares that are being demanded from foreign companies. Also in this process, investment funding is being thrown out the window as investors feel they will be less protected by

WEAK (begins with A )


by Dr. Rubel Shelly
Some days it’s hard to get out of bed — much less laugh. But haven’t you noticed how much better a day goes when laughter is scattered through it?

You know it’s going to be a bad day when…

–Your knees buckle but your belt won’t.
–You sink your teeth into a steak and they stay here.
–You sit down in a rocking chair and can’t make it go.
–You dim the lights for economic rather than romantic reasons.

Does your image of a holy person include a smiling face? Giggling? Belly laughter? Or is a saint someone with a stern face? Did you ever notice how many times the Psalms exhort God’s people to “rejoice in the Lord”? The Bible even says: “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Prov. 17:22).

God must have a sense of humor. Did you ever look closely at a giraffe, anteater, or duck-billed platypus? And what about a zebra? Now there’s a good case of God’s ability to do something just for the sheer fun of it.

One of the most refreshing things in human experience is a deep belly laugh. Nothing relieves stress so quickly and completely. If you have children or grandchildren, I guarantee that fifteen minutes in the floor with one of them tonight will do more to invigorate you from the day’s tensions than whining or having a stiff drink. If you don’t have children, just act silly with someone you care about for a quarter hour. It’ll do you so much good that you’ll want to make it a habit.

I once heard a fellow lament that most of the Christians he knew had faces as long as mules’ faces and looked like they had just bitten into green persimmons. What a poor recommendation of faith to unbelievers! What a miserable misrepresentation of the God who, we say, gives meaning to our lives. Without joy, what’s the meaning?

There’s a serious side to humor, all right. What you laugh at tells a lot about your character and self-image. But laughter itself shouldn’t be suspect as a waste or distraction. God shines through when people laugh.

So let’s try to lighten up a bit this week. Devote some energy to learning to see your life’s comedic twists and turns — even on the rottenest of days. Not one of us is going to get out of it alive anyway.








. Giving of Children
If a barren woman went to some native doctors, after laying her complaints, she would be asked to bring the following: A WHITE COCK, A GOAT, NATIVE CHALK AND BABY CARE. She would be advised to go and in her absence, the native doctor would come to us bringing these things. We would then mix certain things which are difficult to explain in writing, and which had to include HUMAN ASHES. HE WOULD USE THIS CHARM TO COOK FOOD FOR THE WOMAN etc. She would become pregnant and give birth, but IT’S NOT A NORMAL HUMAN BEING. IF THE CHILD WAS A FEMALE SHE WOULD LIVE AND EVEN GET MARRIED BUT WOULD REMAIN BARREN ALL HER LIFE. IF THE CHILD WAS A MALE HE WOULD LIVE AND EVEN BE TRAINED ONLY TO DIE SUDDENLY. THEY NEVER LIVE TO BURY THEIR PARENTS. I would like to mention here that BARRENNESS IS MOSTLY CAUSED BY DEMONS. YOU MAY SEE A WOMAN BARREN HERE ON EARTH, BUT SHE WOULD HAVE CHILDREN IN THE SEA. I therefore advise God’s children to wait on God alone because only God gives real children.


ISpy (With my two big black eyes) says:
Lady Saw mi a bus it pon yuh without warning yuh mate is pregnant fi john john and mi nah mek up no story the same one weh yuh sing bout sey yuh love…hmmmmm mi wanna see how dis play out cah john john nah hide har sleep at har yard drop har off at work a bare things.


Law enforcement source: Zimmerman will be charged
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By the CNN Wire Staff
April 11, 2012 — Updated 2015 GMT (0415 HKT)

George Zimmerman, left, claims he shot Trayvon Martin, right, in self-defense.
Zimmerman needs to hire new counsel quickly, a defense lawyer says
Charges could include second-degree murder or manslaughter, former state prosecutor says
Trayvon Martin was a 17-year-old Floridian who was killed February 26
Martin’s family has urged the public to remain peaceful, no matter developments
(CNN) — George Zimmerman, the Florida neighborhood watch volunteer who says he shot Trayvon Martin in self-defense, “will be (criminally) charged, if he hasn’t been charged already,” a senior law enforcement source familiar with the investigation told CNN Wednesday.
State Attorney Angela Corey said she will present new information about the case at 6 p.m. in Jacksonville.
Martin, 17, was killed February 26 as he returned to his father’s fiancee’s house in Sanford after picking up candy and an iced tea at a nearby convenience store.
The news that Zimmerman — whose whereabouts were not publicly known Wednesday — will be charged came shortly after the Rev. Al Sharpton and the Martin family attorney called for the public to remain peaceful, whatever the decision of the special prosecutor turns out to be.
“We do not condone or support in any way acts or language of violence,” Sharpton told his National Action Network’s 14th annual convention in Washington. “Trayvon Martin’s name must not be tarnished by those who are either for or against us with any reckless behavior, even verbally.”
He and Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump said Martin’s parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, have conducted themselves with dignity and set an example for others.
“Nobody can be hurting more than them,” Crump said. “Nobody can be more outraged than them.”
Corey said Tuesday she planned to release new information about the case within three days.
The special prosecutor’s announcement came the day that two lawyers who had been giving legal advice to Zimmerman, Craig Sonner and Hal Uhrig, told reporters that they had lost contact with their client and no longer represent him.
Phyllis Kotey, a former prosecutor in Florida, told CNN’s Brooke Baldwin that Corey may be considering a second-degree murder or manslaughter charge.
“You really just want to weigh the evidence even though you all have all these very public things going on,” Kotey said. “It really shouldn’t be a political decision.”
A second-degree murder charge would look at whether the shooting was done with any kind of provocation and with possible reckless disregard for the safety of another human being.
“When you look at manslaughter … you are talking about an issue of culpable negligence,” Kotey said.
“One of the things you would look at would be the issue of how Zimmerman acted,” she said, “whether there was anything unlawful about his actions, in terms of continuing to pursue, continuing to go after an individual in a lawful place… perhaps whether a gun was pulled on an individual in a lawful place.”
Brad Conway, a defense attorney in Florida, told CNN that Zimmerman needs to hire a new attorney — quickly.
“One thing is of key concern to everybody is Mr. Zimmerman’s safety,” said Conway.
The case has sparked a nationwide debate about race in America and Florida’s “stand your ground” law, which allows the use of deadly force by anyone who feels a reasonable threat of death or serious injury. Readings of the law are crucial to a prosecution, Conway said.
Thousands of protesters have descended on Sanford to demand Zimmerman’s arrest.
But, Sharpton said Wednesday, “this is not anti-anybody,” noting that white people, African-Americans, Latinos and Asian-Americans have joined what Martin supporters have described as a call for justice.
“We’re not talking about a conviction,” Crump said. “He’ll have his day in court. … All we’re asking for is an arrest.”
Fulton told the group, “for the last 44 days it has been a nightmare, and this is coming from a mother’s perspective. I have been up and down as if I was on a roller coaster, but I know without a shadow of a doubt justice will be served.”
Sonner said that he believes Zimmerman’s claim of self-defense.
“When the facts come out, it’ll show he acted in self-defense, that the police department made the proper decision in not arresting him, as there was not probable cause to make the arrest,” he said.
“Something changed around Sunday,” Sonner told CNN, “and (Zimmerman) cut off all contact and has started doing things without telling me he’s doing them.”
Attorney General Eric Holder also spoke Wednesday to the National Action Network, pledging that the Justice Department will “conduct a thorough and independent review of the evidence.”
“I know that many of you are greatly — and rightly — concerned” about Martin’s death, Holder said — “a young man whose future has been lost to the ages.”
The department’s investigation, launched three weeks ago, remains open, he said, which “prevents me from talking in detail about this matter.” Holder did note, however, that Justice Department officials had traveled to Sanford to meet with Martin’s family, community members and local authorities. The FBI is assisting, he said.
Uhrig said Tuesday that Zimmerman had, on his own, called Sean Hannity of Fox News and called Corey’s office.
“One of the things every defense attorney tells his client is, don’t talk to the prosecutors. Don’t talk to the cops. Frankly, don’t talk to anybody until we get control of the situation, and do it through counsel,” Uhrig said.
He added that he was concerned about his former client’s “emotional and physical safety” and said Zimmerman could be suffering from “post-traumatic stress.”
Sonner said Wednesday that he believes Zimmerman called Corey because “he wanted to give his side of the story to the prosecutors, and we were going to arrange for that to happen. … If he would have worked through me, I would have allowed him to make his statement.”
Zimmerman would not return phone calls so arrangements could be made for him to meet with the prosecutor, Sonner said.
Asked about potential pressure, Corey told CNN affiliate WJXT on Tuesday: “It’s not pressure. I mean, the point is, when you are seeking justice, you’ve only got one course of action, and that’s to do everything you can to find out the full truth.” That, she said, involves analyzing physical evidence, talking to witnesses,
Although details of the February 26 shooting remain murky, what is known is that Martin, an African-American, ventured out from his father’s fiancee’s home in Sanford to get a snack at a nearby convenience store.
As he walked back with a bag of Skittles and an Arizona Iced Tea, he was shot and killed by Zimmerman, who is Hispanic and who had called 911 to complain about a suspicious person in the neighborhood, according to authorities.
Authorities have said Zimmerman was not immediately charged because there were no grounds, at the outset, to disprove his account that he’d acted to protect himself.
CNN’s Martin Savidge and InSession’s Beth Karas and Aletse Mellado contributed to this report


A female police officer who is accused of chopping her female lover with a machete following claims that the complainant was having an affair with a man has been remanded in court until April 19.

Sharnalee Lindsay, who is a member of the Island Special Constabulary Force is charged with wounding with intent.

According to reports, on March 27, Lindsay and the complainant left home together and went to a location on Marcus Garvey Drive in the Corporate Area where Lindsay lured the complainant into bushes. It is further being alleged that Lindsay used a machete to chop the complainant all over her body.

In the complainants statement, she explained that she and the accused were in a very close relationship but she told the defendant that she was now with a male which angered the defendant.

The complainant’s lawyers dismissed the allegations that the females were lovers. He also argued that on the day of the incident, it was the complainant who lured his client into bushes where she and a third party, who is now on the run, attacked Lindsay.

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