This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



A student of Business Administration, Kwara State University, Malete, Mr. Rilwan Adeleye, escaped death by a whisker after four days in suspected ritual killers’captivity. Narrating his miraculous escape to our correspondent in Ilorin, Adeleye said on March 29, he boarded a taxi cab at Challenge Junction, Ilorin, Kwara State, en route to Taiwo Road, Ilorin. He said, “I wanted to go and withdraw some money my father had sent to me.

I stopped a taxi cab, which had two other passengers, and told the driver that I wanted to go to somewhere around Taiwo. “On our way, the driver took a wrong route. So, I challenged the man and asked him why he wanted to pass through that way. The man said he wanted to avoid the traffic hold-up. That was all I could remember.” Adeleye said he later became unconscious, only to find himself in an uncompleted building.

He added that his captors took him to a room in the building and drew his blood with a syringe. He said, “Later, when I started recovering, I could faintly remember that they took me to an uncompleted building. Then I found myself in a room. I was the only person inside.

“I noticed that someone came in and drew blood from my body with a syringe.” According to him, some of his captors came later and beat him mercilessly to the extent that he sustained a fracture in his arm. 21-year-old Adeleye said it was apparent by the anger of the ritual killers that his blood was not accepted for ritual purpose.

After much beating, he said his captors took him to a roadside and dumped him there but his friends saw him and took him home. He stated that the whole incident lasted for four days; from March 29 to April 1. He advised people to avoid “get rich quick” mentality and stop killing and maiming innocent people for rituals. Adeleye’s uncle, Mr. Aranse Oluwa, corroborated the survivor’s narration.

He stated that the family members were rattled when they did not see Adeleye, who had told them he was going to withdraw some money from bank. Oluwa said it was a relief to the family when Adeleye spoke with a family member on the phone after his release. He said they had been frantically searching for him when he did not get back home on time.

Oluwa said, “He told us three people abducted him; two in front seat of the taxi and one other person, who sat with the victim at the back seat. “His friends saw him along the road unconscious. They had to buy cold water and poured it on him to revive him before they later took him to a hospital.” Punch Nigeria




Deliverance Testimony

Posted by Mike

I invited our worship team to lead in worship, and I went in the back to drink some water. A sister came up to me (who I prayed over at a conference earlier this year) and said when I was speaking the girl that she brought for prayer started to experience extreme pain and got very agitated to the point she had to leave temporary. I told her that it was not unusual for the unclean spirits to react this way when truth is spoken about them. She then asked if I could pray over her. I told her that there was other people I had to minister first too, and if she didn’t mind waiting I would.

It was around 9:30 pm when I sat her in a chair next to me, and asked this 19 year old girl where she fellowshipped at and how long she has been a believer. She said she’s been a believer for 3 years and came over from another island to dorm at our local University for school. She then told what she was experiencing physical pain when I was speaking and got very agitated. She needed prayer because she been struggling with “stuff” and have a hard time reading the bible and going to church. I told her that I was going to invite the Holy Spirit to come and to reveal whatever needs to be revealed. Within maybe 5-10 seconds in my prayer she started to demonically react. I then started to sever all communications between the spirits, and forbade them to draw strength from each other. I started to break curses over her, and then she started to fall from her chair to the floor. I then brought her up to the alter area where there was carpet and continued as she lied down. Through the process, these were the spirits that were identified and casted out:

I won’t get into the specifics, but during this process, I was sworn at, mocked and hit once on my arm. I was told, ” I hate you, and you’re gonna get it!” I was told “Let’s make a deal!’ Of course, I told the spirit the only deal we’ll make is your departure to the feet of Jesus! Her speech was hindered. Bear in mind, the demons were commanded to not to harm anyone and to obey my commands. They continued to resist, but this I know is normal. They cause the sister to comatose several times, but through experience you command and pursue. As per my posts, I’m a supporter in identifying the spirits and their stronghold. Do I do this with every spirit? No, only the ones that I sense I need to. Death was the strongman over Murder and Suicide. Death came in when she attempted suicide because she felt she was alone and no one cared about her. This was spoken thru her by the spirit in a very raspy and low voice. I then commanded Death to go down and the sister to come back up. I had her renounce Death, Murder and Suicide, and ask the Lord for forgiveness. I then casted the spirits out. I then called up the next spirit and Deception came up. What was the stronghold? Under command, Deception said she feels God does not love her. If He did he wouldn’t have allowed her to go thru what she has been going thru. (What a deception!) I commanded Deception to go back down and brought the sister back up and asked her if she doubted God and his love because of what God has allowed her to go thru. She asked me how did I know? I told her that God loves her and He thru the power of the Holy Spirit is revealing information that will set her free. I told her the Adversary has deceived her in allowing her to believe that God allowed things to happened to her because He does not love her. I told her that God do love her and that is why He has brought her here tonight. I then led her thru a prayer of repentance and renouncement and asked the Lord for his forgiveness. Deception was then casted out. Fear came in when she came to the University with no friends, no one to talk to, new environment, knowing no one. Fear was then casted out. Guilt was then identified. After commanding the spirit of Guilt to tell me how he entered in, he told me she stole gum from a store when she was 12. When I brought the sister back up, I asked her if she stole gum from a store when she was 12. She said Yes! and how did I know? Again I reminded her of God’s love. She said she remembered the incident and the name of the store, and how she felt so guilty of doing such a crime. The next and last spirit was Hatred. He challenged me and refuse to reveal his name. Thru experience when this happens, I then seek after how he entered in. The spirit then told me when she was nine, her friends and relatives at a party made fun of her for the way she was dressed. At that point she hated everyone! I caught that and commanded the spirit to speak truth and tell me if you’re Hatred. The demon did confirm he was Hatred. I again brought the sister back up and asked her if she went to a party when she was 9 and her friends and relatives made fun of her because of the way she was dressed? She said, ” How did you know that, yes it is true!” I led her in forgiving those who made fun at her at the party and asked the Lord for his forgiveness for harboring hatred. Hatred was then casted out!

There were many obstacles during the evening, for those of you who minister in this area, you know what I’m talking about. After the last spirit was casted out you could literally see the change in her physical appearance, especially her countenance! You could literally see the joy. There was such a dramatic change! This took a total of approx 3 hrs. It was completed at 12:30 am. After I asked the Lord to fill her the Holy Spirit, she said she felt light and that she knew oppression has lifted. Throughout the ordeal, she wrenched in pain because of the hindrance the demons were causing. She then had no pain at the end! I told her to come back as a follow-up. I always want to ensure all spirits have been casted out!







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