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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Outrage as Egypt plans ‘farewell intercourse law’ so husbands can have sex with DEAD wives up to six hours after their death
PUBLISHED: 04:28 EST, 26 April 2012 | UPDATED: 10:04 EST, 27 April 2012
Comments (804)

Egyptian husbands will soon be legally allowed to have sex with their dead wives for up to six hours after their death, local media is claiming.
The controversial new law is claimed to be part of a raft of measures being introduced by the Islamist-dominated parliament.
It will also see the minimum age of marriage lowered to 14 and the ridding of women’s rights of getting education and employment.

Controversial: The ‘farewell intercourse’ law is part of a raft of measures being introduced by the Islamist-dominated parliament
Egypt’s National Council for Women is reportedly campaigning against the changes, saying that ‘marginalising and undermining the status of women would negatively affect the country’s human development’.
Dr Mervat al-Talawi, head of the NCW, wrote to the Egyptian People’s Assembly Speaker Dr Saad al-Katatni addressing her concerns.
Egyptian journalist Amro Abdul Samea reported in the al-Ahram newspaper that Talawi complained about the legislations which are being introduced under ‘alleged religious interpretations’.

The subject of a husband having sex with his dead wife arose in May 2011 when Moroccan cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari said marriage remains valid even after death.
He also said that women have the right to have sex with her dead husband, reported.
It seems the topic, which has sparked outrage, has now been picked up on by Egypt’s politicians.

Outrage: Egyptian husbands could soon have sex with their dead wives if a new law is approved (file picture)
TV anchor Jaber al-Qarmouty slammed the notion of letting a husband have sex with his wife after her death under the so-called ‘Farewell Intercourse’ draft law.
He said: ‘This is very serious. Could the panel that will draft the Egyptian constitution possibly discuss such issues? Did Abdul Samea see by his own eyes the text of the message sent by Talawi to Katatni?
‘This is unbelievable. It is a catastrophe to give the husband such a right! Has the Islamic trend reached that far? Is there really a draft law in this regard? Are there people thinking in this manner?’
Although reported in local media, there are some suggestions from within Egypt that the plans do not exist and were merely seeded by journalists loyal to ousted President Hosni Mubarak.
MailOnline has contacted the Egyptian Embassy and Consulate in London for comment on the claimed proposals, and is yet to receive a reply.
Read more:
Egypt’s women urge MPs not to pass early marriage, sex-after-death laws: report

Read more:


Met Bobbette seh Marlon buy are di car & Daffy pay fi di breast suh mi get it suh mi a dash it A Ya Suh Nice!!!


what she has to say to these young ladies especially to her biggest fan about her recent life decisions? She claim to be a role model to young girls. In fact on fb she says, and I quote from under this fb photo:

“Got to surprise one of my biggest fans for her 11th Birthday last night. It was one of the most lovely evenings. made my heart smile :) Happy birthday Jessica”

she embrace and claim to be one… in fact this is her and what she said a year ago after accepting her role model award..

Yendi Phillipps
February 6, 2011

At the Youth View Awards styled by Kerry ManWomanHome! Say hi to your 2011 Celeb Role Model awardee!! Woohoo! Life is sweet!!


Stonebridge man admits killing ex-partner in her Cricklewood home

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
5:00 PM

Ezekial Foster pleads guilty to the manslaughter of Sashana Roberts but denies murder

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Ezekiel Foster admits manslaughter but denies murder
A jilted boyfriend has admitted killing his ex-partner by stabbing her with a kitchen knife after letting himself into her Cricklewood Home.

The Old Bailey heard Ezekiel Foster stabbed 24-year-old Sashana Roberts at least 11 times with a kitchen knife before leaving her for dead in her flat on Ivy Road, on September 12 last year.

Jurors were told the young mother’s body was found dumped in a bath with her two terrified daughters, aged just three and 11 months, cowering nearby.

Foster, 43, of Twybridge Way, Stonebridge, admits carrying out the savage killing but denies murder.

Sashana was found dead in her flat in Ivy Road, Cricklewood
The former deacon of the Harlesden Pentecostal Church claims he was suffering from a mental illness which affected his ability to control his actions.

Jamaican-born Foster is accused of murdering Ms Roberts, who he allegedly beat and repeatedly threatened to kill throughout their five-year relationship, after she refused to see him.

Days before he killed Ms Roberts, he allegedly ranted to a friend that she had the name of another man tattooed on the back of her hand, and later set her status on BlackBerry messenger as ‘I love you’.

Duncan Atkinson, prosecuting, said Foster had been an ‘aggressively controlling’ partner since he began the relationship with his victim in 2005.

Jurors heard Ms Roberts, also from Jamaica, had reported Foster, known as ‘Glen’, to the police on several occasions but retracted the complaints every time.

Mr Atkinson said: “When she made a voluntary choice to escape his abusive control for good, he reacted violently.

“He is possessive and controlling of those with whom he is in a relationship – when they cross him, or seek to leave him, he reacts with violence.”

Fingerprints from the handle of a blade, found hidden behind a cabinet in the bedroom, were shown to be Foster’s, along with a small amount of blood in the flat.

Describing the scene, Mr Atkinson said: “She had been stabbed to her head, face, trunk, back, legs and arms.

“Wounds had penetrated both lungs, her liver, and spleen.

“Some of the stab wounds had incised ribs – demonstrating that they had been inflicted with severe force.

“The distribution of the blood, and the patterns it had made, showed that Shashana Roberts had received multiple impacts in various locations within her small flat.’

Following her death, Foster allegedly burst into tears as he rung up his daughter, saying: “I’ve done the biggest thing, the biggest mistake of my life – that Shana’s dead.’

“I killed her.”

He was arrested three days later after detectives tracked him down to a flat in southeast London.

Foster denies murder but admits manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.

The trial continues.


met corey junglist is bronx, connecticut and queens most notorious unda cover b, him an dougie platinum fight over man in a party, boogle son weh name kimarley suck him wood on video an him seh a him cuzzin, dwight gq seduce him for cloths, african man weh name abbye (Edited)for a nissan altima, him use to live a queens with him man an the man throw him out seh him (Edited)



Dead or alive, Mugabe is now useless – ZANU-PF
By Mathula Lusinga

Published: April 25, 2012


ZANU-PF high echelons have finally accepted that Mugabe is now part of their history rather than their present as the man is apparently struggling to cope with the day-to-day demands of both ruling the country and leading ZANU-PF as a party. This reality-check seems to have been kicked off by the recent rumours of Mugabe’s Easter holiday illness. Senior ZANU-PF sources are worried that Mugabe, who was publicly seen struggling to deliver his 18 April speech, cannot deliver promises that he is making in his campaign for the next elections. They point out that froth was coming out of his mouth during the speech and he continuously had to use tissue paper to wipe away saliva. They all agree he needs rest but no one has the guts to tell him to quit. This is evidenced by the

“used tissue paper to wipe away saliva”
said two successors, Emerson Mnangagwa and Joyce Mujuru, who both recently denied any interest in replacing the ailing Mugabe. However, what is visible among ZANU-PF big shots is the urgency to loot the country’s mineral resources. Sources are saying ZANU-PF is set to benefit whether Mugabe remains or dies in power.

Where does the loot go?

Nobody seems to know where the benefits from the country’s resources are being taken. Evidence suggests the Ministry of Finance is not receiving enough mineral proceeds, suggesting only a few are benefiting. This is the case regardless of the Finance Minister’s recent calls to the West to uplift targeted sanctions which affect, amongst others, Mbada Diamonds Resources which is apparently used by senior ZANU-PF and Military personnel for personal benefit. Online newspapers recently reported that either Mugabe or his former pilot, Andy Mhlanga, who is also the current chairman of Mbada Resources, are developing a multimillion property in Durban’s most upmarket area (South Africa). Estimated between R200 to R300 million, the property apparently boasts of a house, two man-made dams, an underground bunker, bullet-proof windows and a helipad. If these reports are true, this property will be one of the many properties that Zimbabweans suspect is being paid for by money from corrupt dealings. Corruption is one of the biggest threats to Zimbabwean society and it is a major motivation for people who want a change of politics in the country. Also, the property in Durban validates rumours that the South African government is allowing ZANU-PF big shots to hide Zimbabwe’s loot in their country. For the past decade there have been calls to the RSA government to stop ZANU-PF members from using their country as a haven to hide Zimbabwe’s stolen riches. However, South Africa has not imposed economic sanctions on Zimbabwean politicians and thus for them, whether or not corruption is suspected to have played a part in monies that are brought into the country by Zimbabweans, they are just dealing with an “investor”. In a nutshell, Zimbabweans need to find out more information about activities of corrupt government officials and individuals. A future new government should then create an asset forfeiture unit which will ensure money obtained through corruption returns to the country to help rebuild our economy.

Powerless MDCs?

The MDCs combined have a majority of MPs in Parliament but somehow ZANU-PF still seems to be unstoppable. The looting of resources in Marange continues unchallenged and recently the PM declared himself satisfied with operations in that area even though we all know there is no transparency. Violence remains a major threat to communities and up to now several key electoral reforms have not been met as ZANU-PF continues to resist attempts to level the political playing field. While we recognise and appreciate the progress made in some areas by the GNU, it remains worrying that if the key reforms are not met the country risks sliding back to the pre-2008 elections environment.

ZANU-PF in a fix

We should be heartened, however, by the widespread panic and confusion with in ZANU-PF as they struggle with how to handle the issue of succession after Mugabe. Recent indications suggest a bitter fight between rivals. This situation is supposedly worsened by the military’s inability to command the majority of the force to participate in the ZANU-PF succession wars. Sources say the military will find it difficult to flex its muscles in Zimbabwe’s politics should Mugabe go because there are less that 100 senior officers who subscribe to ZANU-PF’s way of doing things. The rest of the army is apparently more interested in their personal struggles to make ends meet due to low salaries and certainly not interested in being used as party machinery. So what will happen if Mugabe goes? This question should not be left to ZANU-PF alone and it is high time everyone has a say!

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