This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



DI METTER SEH DEM A PASS DIS LOVELY COUPLE AND SI ONE PIECE A BEATING A GWAAN… A PIECE A LASHING NORVAL A PUT ON PAN HIM OOMAN BECAUSE HIM COME KETCH HAR A DASH IT OUT PAN ( Read the following) met the man in the pic is norval. him live in runaway bay st ann but keep dance and go parties in priory. the girl is his woman name jamilia. the other night i was passing and heard norval beating jamilia and arguing with a man. him come ketch har at their home with a next man a stab out har hole. now him fling har out and she is crying for him to take her back. pity him dont know him a get bun and bread from day 1. and this dude mine her child like his. all of his friends she sex off but there is gossip that him sex her friend too



A Mexican woman is pregnant with nine babies – six girls and three boys – the country’s main broadcaster Televisa reported on Thursday night.

The woman was identified as Karla Vanessa Perez of the northeastern state of Coahuila, which borders Texas. She is currently being treated at a hospital in the state capital Saltillo, the broadcaster said in the report.

Perez, whose age was not given, had fertility treatment leading to the multiple pregnancy, it said.

State-owned news agency Notimex also reported the pregnancy, saying Perez was due to give birth on May 20.

“It’s very early to think of names for the babies,” Perez told Notimex. “First I hope that everything goes well.”

The successful delivery of nonuplets would be one of the highest multiple births ever recorded.

In 2009, a woman in California gave birth to octuplets, sparking worldwide media attention.


Someone ‘Bombed’ The Plane
Published: Monday | April 30, 2012 4 Comments
By Garth A. Rattray

I had reason to travel abroad a few weeks ago, but as soon as we buckled up, someone ‘bombed’ the plane. So traumatic was the experience that I hurriedly penned a short poem on the matter.

At first I didn’t realise it,

because it happened very fast

But the effect was devastating,

and it certainly did last

It blew up and down and


and then between my seat

It sent all my senses reeling,

from my head down to my feet

There was no way to escape it,

we were all trapped inside

The craft was encapsulated,

there was nowhere to hide

This cruel individual

must have had a very bad day.

To unleash such a conflagration

on us all, innocent prey

I saw my Saviour smiling,

this world I might depart

I feared my life was ending,

because of that terrible fart

When I eventually recovered from that silent but deadly expulsion of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, methane, and smelly hydrogen sulphide, I thought about how many Jamaicans know very little about bowel gas.

They don’t know how it gets there and what makes it troublesome for some. People blame it for pain in diverse places and some even blame ‘gas’ for their missing menses and concomitantly expanding lower abdomen.

I always have a hard time trying to explain to some patients that it is impossible for gas to travel to the head, neck, limbs or anywhere outside the gastrointestinal tract.

Some patients insist on demonstrating gas by rubbing the offending body part – like a shoulder, knee, wrist or ankle – before letting out a loud guttural or trumpeting, sometimes attenuated, crescendo or decrescendo belch. This is usually followed by a satisfied look of relief and perhaps a heaving sigh segueing into a relaxed slump.

Convinced that they have proven their point, they then ask that I rid them of the gas in their knee, for instance, which is obviously the source of their pain and discomfort.

But, if one looks closely at the victim riddled with gas, just before expelling the offending substance from their mouths, some patients take in a sharp gulp of air. This is aerophagia – the swallowing of air (of which the patient is often unaware).

Swallowed air contributes to gas within the bowels. Some gas is belched out, some is absorbed, but some goes on to be expelled through the anus. The contributors to excessive gas in the bowel are eating/drinking too fast, fizzy drinks, eating/drinking while talking, drinking while eating, and the types of foods and liquids that we take in.

Diet and composition

The amount of gas formed within us depends on our diet and composition of our personal resident colonic bacteria. They ferment unabsorbed food residues from undigested starches and sugars.

Among the gas-producing things in our diet are: cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, beans, peas, cabbage, onions, celery, carrots, milk products, eggs, cucumber, raisins, bananas, prunes, dried fruit, foods high in bran, and green salads. It’s not that these are bad for us; it’s just that we should expect a lot of gas from them.

Gas retained at the start of the small intestine (jejunum) causes tightening of the bowel muscles there and produces more symptoms than gas retained at the end of the large intestine (rectum), where it causes relaxation of the bowel muscles there. Some people are gas retainers – they have inherent motility problems.

Gas is not dangerous. However, excessive and/or smelly flatulence can be reduced by minimising gas-producing products, dedicating time to eating/drinking, and emptying the bowels of faeces. If that fails, individuals may want to seek medical advice.

Garth A. Rattray is a medical doctor with a family practice. Email feedback to [email protected] and [email protected].


I don’t know how dis story guh but dem seh dis a 419/internet trickery gone wrong..


A Faulty Line of Reasoning

by Rick Gamble
There’s no getting around it: the Nazis got around it. This is the story of the Maginot Line.

Bloodied and embittered after the staggering losses of the First World War, France vowed she would never again be invaded by the Germans next door.

So between 1930 and 1935, War Minister Andre Maginot oversaw construction of an interconnected series of fortifications between the two countries.

The Maginot Line stretched the whole 150 miles along the shared border with Germany, from Belgium on the west to Switzerland on the east. Spaced along the line were 50 concrete forts, all within cannon range of each other, with pillboxes interspersed among them at regular intervals. Each fort housed 1,000 soldiers and was connected to the others by a maze of tunnels through which troops and supplies could move invisibly. At the time, it was the single largest construction project in Europe’s history.

Once the wall was up, France slipped smugly into a dangerous and deceptive sense of security. Military leaders like Charles de Gaulle warned that national defence should also include a highly mobile force, but their concerns were ignored. After all, an invading army couldn’t climb the Swiss Alps, or get tanks and heavy guns through the forests of Belgium, and the Line covered everything between.

But in May 1940, as the Germans kept much of their army facing the Maginot Line as a diversion, the Nazi airforce bombed Belgium, opening a corridor so Hitler’s army could march around the western end of the Maginot Line. Tanks and heavy artillery kept to the roads while thousands of troops threaded their way through the dense, “impassable” forest. Since all the big French guns along the Line were aimed at Germany and couldn’t be turned, France soon fell.

Today, the concrete fortresses still stand — used as homes, wine cellars and night clubs — but “Maginot Line” is synonymous with narrow thinking and numbing complacency. In some quarters, that makes it an apt symbol of the church.

Let’s be clear. In the struggle between good and evil, it’s valid and necessary for the people of God to take a position and get serious about “defending the truth and sharing the Good News with others.” (Phil. 1:7) Paul says, “Stand your ground. Put on the sturdy belt of truth and the body armour of God’s righteousness.” (Eph. 6:14). But to stand doesn’t always mean to stand still.

Too often, the church surveys the enemy then digs in and cops out. We build a wall against the world and retreat behind our spiritual fortifications. Oh, we’re busy. Too busy, in fact. In the safety and security of our buildings, away from the eyes of outsiders, we amass spiritual ammunition we’ll never use. Planning and drilling take the place of praying and doing. And since we pose little threat to the forces intent on enslaving the world,they leave us alone, at least until we grow smug and complacent.

Among many, the church is so offensive precisely because it’s so defensive. Rather than taking positive action, we carp and complain about the evils out there and do nothing except ensure they don’t invade the church. We rail against abortion, but seldom support pregnancy centres; decry the plight of the poor, without leaving our fortresses of faith to lend a hand; and bemoan the mounting toll of drugs, AIDS and abuse while avoiding their victims.

The problem isn’t a lack of love, but a complacent preoccupation with the most obvious threat — a frontal assault on the church. But while our big guns are aimed in our own defence, our enemies are overrunning the political, social and moral landscape on every other front. They don’t have to go over us. They’re getting around us, and soon we’ll be overwhelmed.

Before it’s too late, we must be progressive and proactive, shrugging off our isolation and taking the fight to the enemy. We need Christians on the streets and in every circle of influence. In Matthew 16:18, Jesus calls the church to action and says not even the gates of hell will be able to stand against it. We must be the invaders. Any other line of reasoning is indefensible.

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