This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Slavery is a word which immediately conjures up very specific images in our minds. When it is mentioned we tend to think of people, almost always black people; degraded, abused and bound in chains, and we tend to think of such images, and the word slavery itself, as belonging to another era. We do not see slavery as belonging to our world, not as something which is still happening today.
Yet the truth is that if William Wilberforce were alive today and he traveled to different parts of the world – not just in Africa, but also in large parts of Asia, the Middle East, South America and even parts of Europe – he would find children living in conditions and circumstances which Wilberforce would understand and which I am sure he would describe as slavery. It is believed there are nearly nine million children around the world today who are enslaved. There are international charters and covenants which try to come to a legal definition of what constitutes slavery.
In essence these documents define slavery in the modern world as a situation where a human being and their labor are owned by others, and where that person does not have the freedom to leave and is forced into a life which is exploitative, humiliating and abusive.








Prisoners Escape As Cops Stop To Buy Food
Published: Friday May 4, 2012 | 2:47 pm0 Comments
Livern Barrett, Gleaner Writer

The head of the Kingston East Police, Superintendent Arthur Brown, has confirmed that two prisoners this morning escaped from police custody.

Brown told The Gleaner a short while ago that he was not yet aware of the circumstances under which the incident occurred.

However, it is understood that the men escaped after police personnel who were transporting them stopped to buy food at a fast food restaurant in Rockfort, east Kingston.

The news of the incident came while National Security Minister Peter Bunting and the police top brass, including Commissioner Owen Ellington, were in east Kingston touring the volatile Crusher Heights community in Harbour View.


Usain Bolt in race row as Jamaicans accuse him suffering from ‘white woman complex’ due to his fashion designer girlfriend
PUBLISHED: 16:21 EST, 4 May 2012 | UPDATED: 05:22 EST, 5 May 2012
Comments (160)

His arm around her waist, sprinter Usain Bolt and his latest girlfriend are the picture of togetherness.
The world’s fastest man has been dating fashion designer Lubica Slovak for six months and the relationship is described as ‘very serious’.
A friend of 28-year-old Miss Slovak declared: ‘Love has no race – it’s a heart to heart connection.’

The kiss that sparked abuse: Sprinter Usain Bolt and Miss Slovak were subjected to a barrage of abuse after this picture was released
But 25-year-old Bolt has come in for criticism from fellow black Jamaicans unhappy that he has chosen a white partner.

Model axed from South African FHM after sparking outrage with racist tweet about ‘disrespectful kaffir’
I didn’t know it was a religion, says teenager, 16, who harassed a Pagan
One online posting said: ‘Really now Usain! Some successful black men obviously suffer from a white woman complex. You too?’, while another complained: ‘Another one of our men snatched.’
Further protests included: ‘Out of all the girls on this island you pick a snowbunny’, and: ‘These superstars will always disappoint if we depend on them to raise our racial identity.’
The sprinter nicknamed Lightning Bolt is known for his mid-race celebrations and post- victory bow-and-arrow pose.

‘Heart-to-heart connection’: World’s fastest man Usuain Bolt with designer Lubica Slovak
He is the reigning Olympic champion and world record holder over 100 and 200 metres.
He hopes to smash his own records and retain his titles in London this summer, watched by his Slovakian-born girlfriend.
Miss Slovak emigrated to Canada with her father when she was 14 and studied fashion design at the Ryerson University in Toronto.
She moved to Jamaica after she ‘fell in love’ with the island during a holiday in 2000.

Relationship under attack: Shortly after they met, Miss Slovak, pictured here with dark hair, interviewed Bolt for a feature in a Slovakian newspaper and they began dating in mid-November
Miss Slovak was introduced to Bolt last year through a mutual friend, reggae singer Tami Chynn, with whom she owns an award-winning clothing line called Anuna and a Kingston boutique.
Shortly after they met, she interviewed Bolt for a feature in a Slovakian newspaper and they began dating in mid-November.
A friend told the Mail: ‘They are very comfortable together and easy. They do quiet dinners in the country and trips to Montego Bay. They don’t really do the red carpet thing.’
Fiercely private, the couple made sure they were not seen together at functions and spent most evenings at Bolt’s gated home in a suburb of Kingston.
But when a picture of them kissing was published in the Jamaican Observer last month, they received a barrage of abuse.
The accompanying article included a controversial cartoon of a black woman with ‘local’ written on her T-shirt looking upset while Bolt runs into the arms of ‘Slovakian fashion designer’.
One reader responded: ‘They make he mingle with white girls. She just divorce him and take aways his money’, while another added: ‘I hope when he’s ready to settle down he chooses a beautiful Jamaican black woman … In the meantime have fun “responsibly”, cause some “pretty girls” just a wait fi “lock u down” for the wrong reasons.’
Others called Bolt ‘the next Tiger Woods’, referring to the mixed-race golfer and his £60million divorce settlement with Swedish former model Elin Nordegren.

Showman: His bow and arrow style celebration has become synonymous with the world’s fastest man
Over the years, Bolt has earned a reputation as a ladies’ man and has previously been linked to British waitress Rebeckah Passley and Jamaican reality TV star Taneish ‘Lava’ Simpson.
A friend said: ‘Usain is a young man at the top of his game and did date a few women, but he has settled down now with Lubica.
‘It works because they are both successful and focused. She focuses on her designs, he focuses on his sport.
‘There is no stress in this relationship. She is a calm, very nice, industrious, busy woman. She has her own life so she isn’t demanding.’

Read more:


5 Pastors To Die In Kumasi – Witches meeting0 Comments
By admin
Posted on 16 Sep 2011 at 7:56am

FRESH reports on the supposed West African Witches Conference to be held at Bantama in Kumasi, the Ashanti regional capital, on Friday October 28, 2011 at 12 midnight, indicate that five well-known pastors would be pronounced dead not long after the meeting.

Though NEWS-ONE at the moment cannot mention the names of the pastors, the paper can report that all five have the headquarters of their churches in Kumasi. Continue reading…

The names of a couple of pastors however come to mind very easily, especially when they have the largest churches in Kumasi.

According to the invitation letter to cover the conference, the meeting would “review the January agreement to provide 2,000 human heads and the intestines of five pastors from each member country by the end of December 2011”.

It has also been gathered that the city in which the meeting would be held would be the very city from which the intestines of the five pastors would be gathered.

It also revealed that the member states include Ghana, Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Cameron and Sierra Leone.

Though it sounds incredible, other media houses have also received the invitation letter but none is yet to confirm that it would send reporters to cover the programme.

Another thing that scared our reporters was a note at the tail end of the invitation which read that: “lunch would be served to non members but members are advised to bring their own food”.

So far, the Kumasi-based pastors have remained silent over the witches’ conference to be held in their capital city.

This is not the first time witches and wizards are holding a meeting of some sort in Ghana.

It was reported in October 2007 that a global meeting of witches was underway at Juaso Nkwanta in the Ashanti Region and that the meeting was targeting thousands of lives through fatal road and other accidents.

Documents circulated to the media over the 2007 meeting said in keeping with the witches’ agenda, 1,000,154 people would be killed worldwide through road accidents, rape, murder and armed robbery.

It said that for Ghana, the organizers of the annual global congress insisted they wanted to make the meeting a memorable one and had therefore requested heavy loss of lives on the nation’s roads.

According to the document, Ashanti Region was to ‘donate’ 722 lives, Eastern Region, 119; Brong Ahafo, 103; Central, 134; and Greater Accra, 76; through an operation code-named ‘XXC-XVI-Starlight 666’.

It said delegates from countries in all five continents, including USA, India, Iran, South Africa, Spain and Nigeria, would attend the historic two-month long meeting, slated for Juaso Nkwanta in the Ashanti Region, which was to be chaired by the regional commander, one Seth Kofi Manu.

“In the first quarter of our calendar year, we are to infect 110,000 people (both married and unmarried) with HIV/AIDS through sex, 4,000 with tuberculosis, 6,000 with high blood pressure and 2,600 with blindness, while 11,000 pastors and preachers will be destroyed, 220 marriages broken, and 100,000 wombs destroyed.”

Apart from the blood of accident victims and the spread of diseases, the association is demanding that 400,000 Ghanaians be initiated into witchcraft and other Satanist organizations before next year’s meeting in Ibadan, Nigeria.

Out of the 400,000, the agenda stressed that a minimum of 280,000 of the new entrants should be students and pupils of various schools and universities.

Detailed requirements in this regard are as follows: universities – 35,000 people; other tertiary schools- 45,000 people; JSS and SSS-130,000 people; children below 8 years- 80,000.

Some of the special guests expected in the country for the meeting include Comrades Gopanatta (India), Kris Mc Anderson (USA), Uki Steward (Nigeria), Daniel Mokoena (South Africa), Mirza Ali Mohammed (Iran), Professor Kingsley Boison (Ghana), and Hooo Mamfred (Spain).

“Every means must be applied through dressing, planting of hair-making items, exchange of clothes and shoes, sex, abortion, music and their so-called Christian songs. Remember we have agents among them,” the document stressed.
This is getting serious ooo…

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