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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



SEX: Top 10 Reasons women take back CHEATERS


No.10 She hates failure
Her love of winning not only creeps up in the boardroom, but in her relationship too. She hates the idea of falling short of a happy relationship or admitting defeat when it comes to love. So, she will try to work at the relationship — perhaps seeking counseling is an option — to ensure that the tear in the relationship gets stitched up. If her relationship were the Titanic, she’d be playing the violin till the last minute.
No.9 She’s afraid of the unknown
She’s been with him for years, building a life together and focusing on their combined futures. Thinking about letting all that go makes her queasy with fear of the unknown. She’s probably harried by concerns such as what her life will be like without him in it. Facing that uncertainty is often too scary of a prospect. She’d rather stick with the status quo because, as difficult as it might be, it’s a comfort zone.
No.8 She’s convinced he will change
Her boyfriend betrayed her, but she believes that he will change. In the stress of infidelity, many women feel that they don’t know how to piece together the image of the cheating boyfriend with the guy who used to shower them with affection and love. So they think it’s possible their boyfriends will change their cheating ways and revert to how they were before the infidelity. Of course, the relationship might have changed irrevocably, and not for their benefit.
No.7 She has low self-esteem
Brenda Stone Browder, author of On the Up and Up: A Survival Guide for Women Living with Men on the Down Low, who has also been on the receiving side of betrayal in relationships, says that women who don’t love or value themselves catch the cheater’s eye. If a woman doesn’t care about her self-worth, she’ll be quick to brush away his indiscretions, make excuses for him, and she won’t feel that she is wonderful enough to do better than him.
No.6 She’s possessive of him
Although he has hurt her deeply, she just can’t imagine being without him. But more than this, she cringes at the thought of another woman getting to have him. It might not make sense to you; you might think, “What would she want with a cheat, anyway?” but she’s so used to saying that he belongs to her, that she’s not quite ready to turn him into recycled goods for other women to enjoy. Staying with him is her way of marking — and keeping — her territory.
No.5 She has kids with him
Although it sounds naive, staying with a man for the children makes sense to the woman in question. As a mother, she has people other than herself to consider, and she might hesitate at the idea of breaking up the family by leaving her boyfriend or husband.
No.4 She has a history with him
Sharing past experiences is a powerful thing, especially for women who are known to be more sentimental. If her boyfriend is a large part of her past, she could be dragging her feet to leave because it means throwing away the construction of her relationship to date — in exchange for memories that won’t keep her warm at night.
No.3 She’s financially dependent on him
Emotions aside, not having money can cause a woman to stay in Cheat Street. How is she going to leave and start a new life on her own if she has been depending on him for financial stability? This is an issue that could keep women, both gold diggers and non- gold diggers alike, in the relationship — even if they’re not in love with their partners anymore.
No.2 She’s invested time and money
Building a relationship with someone is more than forging emotional ties; it can incorporate other financial, energy and time costs. For instance, if she has built a business with her guy, leaving the relationship could risk her venture. Likewise, having invested feelings and energy cultivating the relationship could make her hesitant to walk away with nothing. She would rather work on the current relationship than cut her losses.
No.1 She’s crazy in love
One of the most common things women say when they’re asked why they’re still in their betrayal-adorned relationship is, “But I love him.” Yes, she’s hurt and scalded by his actions, but she can’t deny that her strong feelings for him are causing her to plant her flag in the relationship and try to make things work, with Victoria Beckham as her new inspiration.


WTF AFRICA-Two sisters arrested for selling their father




Malawi police in Ntcheu on Monday evening arrested two sisters Rose James and Florida Beseni for putting on sale their biological father to a prominent businessman, Musa M’bwana, for alleged economic reasons, the Nyasa Times reported.

The sisters according to Ntcheu Police Sub-inspector, Inness Tambala, decided to sale their father to M’bwana who is reputed to be a major trader in human beings, as a reprisal for his refusal to support them.
Tambala said the father Mr. Beseni refused to share his farm land and provide monetary support to the sisters, forcing them to offer him on sale to M’bwana.
“When we got the tip, we arrested the sisters and the buyer as well,” said the Police spokesperson.
” And in interrogations the sisters confessed to have offered their biological father on sale to M’bwana who is known for buying and selling people. The deal was near completion by the time we intervened,” said Tambala to Nyasa Times.
The sisters and M’bwana are still in police custody awaiting trial.
In a related development, police in the same district have also arrested Francisco Jailos who wanted to sale his brother to M’bwana as well.
Elsewhere, Police  arrested an 18-year-old man in Mzuzu city for allegedly offering two children aged four and seven for sale in Rumphi district, northern Malawi.
Northern region police spokesperson Norah Chimwala confirmed the arrest of Rajab Phiri of Nsomba Village in Mangochi, who offered the children to Richard Nyirenda at Chinyolo in Rumphi .
“I think it was a matter of money,” Chimwala told Nyasa Times.
“He wanted K1 million but he could get  K900, 000 for both of them.”


A psalm of David.

1 Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent?
Who may live on your holy mountain?
2 The one whose walk is blameless,
who does what is righteous,
who speaks the truth from their heart;
3 whose tongue utters no slander,
who does no wrong to a neighbor,
and casts no slur on others;
4 who despises a vile person
but honors those who fear the Lord;
who keeps an oath even when it hurts,
and does not change their mind;
5 who lends money to the poor without interest;
who does not accept a bribe against the innocent.
Whoever does these things
will never be shaken.



Marcus Garvey – Be King Of Circumstances

The rise of nations and of menRecord their struggles passed and won,

But none may tell just where and when

The urge did come and thus begun.

It might have been through glorious deeds

Performed by earlier men of fame,

Whose inspiration often leads

To visions that remake a name.

A Constantine, Alexander, too,

A Hannibal and Caesar great

May change the thought of even you

And give a hero to the State.

To read the deeds of men renowned

Will make you choose a given course

That often strikes tire note profound,

Revealing thus the man of force.

The deeds we do must make the race

And force the nation to the top,

And when we gain the honour place

We forge ahead and never Stop.

Keep winning more and still some more,

And set a pace for fainter heart;

Your deeds shall spread from shore to shore,

And worlds shall know you played your part.

Though black of race you are, my friend,

Your part in life is ever here:

There’s work for you; the human trend

Calls for each one to have his share.

Go then and play your part to-day,

And think that you are king of all

Circumstances that come your way.

Before which you must never fall.


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