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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Missing 5-year-old Mikayla Manasseh found
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

GREAT POND, St Ann — The family of five-year-old Mikayla Manasseh, who mysteriously disappeared from her home in Ocho Rios, St Ann, before dawn Monday, are now breathing a sigh of relief upon hearing of her safe return late last night.
Family members were busy celebrating after hearing the good news, there was both a sense of shock and disbelief as word came that the child had been found.
Reports are that the surprising discovery was made after the child was heard calling out for her mother from the back of the family residence.
Deputy Superintendent Jervis Moore, officer in charge of crime in St Ann confirmed that Mikayla was found around 11:30 p.m.
She has been taken to the hospital for medical attention.
The police have advised that the investigation into the child’s abduction are still ongoing and they will be making a statement as soon as more information is available.

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An unidentified man, in his thirties, was found dead on Sunday, at a grave site, while apparently attempting to rob a corpse in Kazaure, Jigawa State.

The man was said to be attempting to exhume the corpse, which had been buried earlier on Sunday morning, in an effort to steal some valuables said to have been buried with it.

While making the attempt, the loose earth collapsed, trapping the man as shown in the picture. He died on the spot.

He was found, hours later, dead, but onlookers said it appeared that he had struggled to free himself from the grave site, but could not.

From the injuries sustained on his head, it was apparent that he had hit his head on an object in the grave which, perhaps, made him unable to free himself.

Also, sympathisers said he might have been knocked unconscious, and so could not have been able to shout for help.

Nigerian Tribune investigations could not, however, ascertain how he was related to the corpse, or how he knew what valuables had been buried with it, as his corpse was yet to be claimed at the time of filing this report.






From a far this lady appears to be selling Gari, a popular starch in Nigeria until the police opens the bags and see that she is a weapon trafficker .


Zimbabwe’s latest way to stop HIV: Force women to have fewer baths and shave off their hair to make them less attractive

A Zimbabwean politician has said women should be forced to bathe less and shave off their hair to make them less attractive to men and help curb the spread of HIV.
Senator Morgan Femai reportedly told a conference he believed the killer disease had spread because men found it difficult to resist attractive and well-dressed women.
The politician added that new laws should be drawn up compelling women to make themselves less attractive to save men from themselves, according to a report on the New Zimbabwe website.

Shocking: A Zimbabwean politician has said women should be forced to bathe less and shave off their hair to help curb the spread of HIV. Senator Morgan Femai is in the country’s main opposition party to President Robert Mugabe, pictured
Addressing a parliamentary workshop on HIV awareness, Senator Femai compared his plan to certain Christian sects whose women he said also sometimes had clean-shaven heads.
He said: ‘What I propose is that the government should come up with a law that compels women to have their heads clean-shaven like what the Apostolic sects do.
‘They should also not bath because that is what has caused all these problems.’

How eating a full English breakfast will hit your waistline in just three hours
Senator Femai, who is a member of Zimbabwe’s main opposition party the Movement for Democratic Change, laid out his plan before other politicians last week in the country’s parliament.
Zimbabwe has suffered from a major HIV crisis in recent decades, with around 14 per cent of the population believed to be living with the sexually-transmitted disease.
Recent studies have suggested a decrease in the rate of infection.
However hundreds of thousands of Zimbabweans are still believed to be HIV positive or suffering from Aids.
Senator Femai reportedly gave his bizarre opinions on the issue as he attended a parliamentary conference on future health policy.
The politician compounded his comments by explaining his belief that moisture inside women’s bodies made them more vulnerable to the HIV virus.
He said: ‘Women have got more moisture in their organs as compared to men, so there is need to research how to deal with that moisture because it is conducive for bacteria breeding.
‘There should be a way to suck out that moisture.’
The senator’s scientifically unproven remarks today sparked outrage and disbelief in Zimbabwe.
Hundreds of concerned readers posted comments on local media websites in which they criticised his comments.
One reader, SekuruGora, wrote: ‘My heart bleeds. We are being led by blind men and women indeed.’
Another, Masimba Musodza, who described himself as a Zimbabwean expatriate living in Britain, wrote: ‘I am so ashamed to come from Zimbabwe right now.
‘In my exile, I have met thousands of British people who would fit the description of “idiot”, but this chap would match all of them put together.’
Another reader, Chiranda Mukuru, added: ‘More than 30 years since independence, and with probably the most educated population on the African continent, would we seriously have such representatives? We are in real trouble.’
Senator Femai’s reported comments make him the latest Zimbabwean politician to spark a furore by suggesting outlandish solutions to the HIV crisis.
Last year fellow MDC senator Sithembile Mlotshwa was criticised after she said scientists should invent a drug to stop married men wanting to have sex with prostitutes.
The politician later caused fresh consternation when she told parliament she believed prisoners should be given sex toys in jail to stop them engaging in homosexual sex which could increase the spread of the virus.

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