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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Rasbert Turner, Star Writer
A St Catherine woman is being accused of sexually molesting her teenage stepson, while he visited the house where his father lives.
The 39-year-old woman, who resides in an upscale St Catherine community, is said to have taken advantage of the 14-year-old boy during his visit.
sexual advance
It was revealed that the boy went to visit his father and during the visit the stepmom made a sexual advance towards to him.
She reportedly stripped off her clothes and proceeded to have sex with the teen. After the incident, the child is said to have made a complaint to family members and an investigation was launched.
As a result of the investigation by the Centre for Investigation of Sexual and Child Abuse, the woman was charged under the new act of 2010 with having sexually intercourse with a person under the age of 16.
She is scheduled to appear in the Spanish Town Resident Magistrate’s Court next week.


The police in Lagos State, southwest Nigeria, have arrested and arraigned a 47-year old man, Akah Nkereuwem Udoh, for allegedly impregnating his sister’s 13-year-old daughter who was living with him.

After impregnating the little girl, he offered to marry the victim at the Igando police station as a condition to settle the matter, even though the victim is the daughter of his blood sister.

The incident occurred at 31, Rauf Adebiyi Street, Igando, on the outskirts of lagos.

The Akwa Ibom state-born Udoh is now facing charges of sexually abusing the girl at the Ejigbo magistrate’s court, Lagos.

He was said to have gone to his village and promised his sister, Mrs. Blessing Bassey, that he would take one of her daughters to Lagos and send her to school, a request her sister gladly accepted.

Udoh then brought the victim to Lagos under false pretence of sending her to school and they started living together with his wife and two children at Igando, Lagos.

P.M.NEWS gathered that not quite long after he brought her to Lagos, he seduced her and started having sex with her without his wife’s knowledge.

He warned the girl not to tell anybody about it.

He reportedly returns home to have sex with the girl when his wife leaves for work.

This continued until he impregnated the girl and kept her somewhere to conceal the pregnancy.

Trouble began for Udoh when members of the victim’s family were contacted and they demanded to see the victim.

He initiatially refused to disclose where he kept the girl until state welfare officials intervened and contacted the police.

The police arrested Udoh and took him to the station where he confessed to what happened and promised to marry the pregnant girl.

The promise, however, did not deter the police from charging him to court.

Talk about having guts!
Suspected armed robbers in military uniform shot dead in Port Harcourt
Nigeria police nab 2 students over Abia State University gang rape




Names in the Bible often say something about the person:
Hadassah, Esther’s Jewish name, comes from the word for ‘myrtle’, a tree whose leaves only release their fragrance when they are crushed. Esther’s true heroism only appeared when she and her people were in terrible danger. The name ‘Esther’ means ‘hidden’: Esther’s real identity as a Jewess was hidden for many years.
Vashti means ‘sweetheart’ or ‘the beloved one’
The names Esther and Mordecai may have arisen from stories about the Persian deities Ishtar and Marduk. Ishtar (stareh, a star) was the Babylonian goddess of love and war, daughter of the moon god Sin. She was called Astarte in Canaan. Marduk was the principal male god of Babylon. Haman and Vashti may correspond to the Elamite gods Humman and Mashti.
These similarities suggest that the Book of Esther was based on a much older Babylonian story.

What the story is about

The Book of Esther was written for Diaspora Jews, (Jews who lived outside Israel), to show them how to live in exile. If they encountered bigotry and prejudice, they must act with courage and integrity. The story also explained the origin of the feast of Purim, a major Jewish feast day.

Try telling the story from the point of view of each character, one at a time. You’ll see how rich, how complex the story is.
The story was also a political satire, showing the danger of giving absolute power to a monarch who turned out to be a fool. The Persian king in the story, Ahasuerus, governed by whim rather than by wisdom, becoming the tool of anyone shrewd enough to exploit him. The lesson is clear: do not give too much power to any one person; in the long run God alone should rule us.

Christianity is often accused of causing the terrible anti-Semitism that has shamed the modern world. In fact, this story shows that anti-Semitism existed long before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

See Maps of Bible Lands for the location of this story

The story of Esther contains three different episodes:

1 Vashti was banished, and Esther became Queen (Esther 1 & 2) Queen Vashti refused to obey the orders of her husband King Ashasuerus, so he divorced her and sought a new queen. This new queen was to be the most beautiful woman in the land. A young Jewish girl, Esther, was chosen. Her uncle, Mordecai, overheard a plot against the king, and warned him through Esther.

2 Esther saved Mordecai from Haman (Esther 3-8:14)
Mordecai offended a high court official, who decided to kill not only Mordecai but all the Jews in the Persian empire. Esther pleaded with the king at two banquets she gave. Mordecai was saved from death, and Haman was punished.

3Esther saved the Jewish people of Persia (Esther 8:15-10)
Letters were sent throughout the kingdom repealing the decree of death for all Jews. There was great rejoicing, and an annual festival was celebrated to commemorate the courage of Esther and the deliverance of the Jews. This festival was called Purim.

For a short version of the story of Esther, see Bible People: Esther

Vashti banished, Esther became Queen

Jewelry excavated at Nimrud: a Queen’s jewels

Esther 1 & 2

The story of Esther began at a magnificent banquet at the court of the Persian king, Ahasuerus, usually thought to be the emperor Xerxes (486-465BC). Susa, the ancient city where the story took place, contained the winter palace of the king.

There were two separate banquets being held: one for the king, his councilors and all the men of Susa; the other given by Queen Vashti, for the women of the court and nobility. You read Herodotus’ description of the great banquets of Xerxes in Herodotus Book 7, section 116-123 or Book 9, section 82-83.

Having drunk too much wine, King Ahasuerus sent for the Queen to appear before the men at his banquet. She was noted for her beauty, and he wished to show her off to the men of the city.

But the Queen of the Persian Empire was chosen from among the seven most ancient and noble families of the empire, and Vashti was therefore of ancient and noble lineage.

Drunk with wine, he sent for his beautiful queen, Vashti, to appear before the men. She refused to come. Humiliated, the king banished her.

But now he was lonely, so a beauty contest was held: the loveliest girl would become his new queen.
Read Wife Disobeys Husband!

She would not have enjoyed the prospect of being paraded in front of a room full of drunken men – it was not a suitable thing for a queen to do. Men and women often dined together in ancient Persia, but as the dinner progressed and more wine was drunk, the wives left the dining area, and were replaced by concubines.

She refused to come.

On the seventh day, when the King was merry with wine, he commanded the seven eunuchs who attended him to bring Queen Vashti before the King, wearing the royal crown, in order to show the peoples and the officials her beauty; for she was fair to behold. But Queen Vashti refused to come. At this the King was enraged, and his anger burned within him.

Read Esther 1:1-22.




After calling out Bushman for comments he made about him, artiste Khago is now taking lyrical shots at Assassin.

According to Khago, Assassin has released a song titled Bun Freaky Ras which he believes is directed at him.

Khago says that it is his newly released single called Three Sum, that Assassin is counteracting.

In the song Bun Freaky Ras Assassin deejays:

‘Right now di ting a run slack,/the almshouse fi stop/How Ras a beg three sum? Mi bun freaky ras’

To this Khago replied, that he has never said he was a Rastafarian.

“Mi separate religion from music. Mi never tell nobody say mi a Rasta. Mi and nuh man never meet up a Bobo Hill. Dem a look a hype. Everybody can grow locks but a nuh every man a Rasta,” Khago told THE STAR.

Khago says he is hurt by what he describes as Assassin’s betrayal.

“The first time mi meet Assassin a bout two months ago when mi an him buck up inna airport and the flight delay and mi go sit down beside him and him a talk to me and him a say him see say dem a give me a fight in the industry and how mi fi just gwaan do the work. Him all give me him BB pin and say him want voice me pon a rhythm. Now as him hear mi song him a di first fi jump pon it,” Khago said.

jump pon it

Khago says that he feels disrespected by Assassin.

“Him a move like music police. From Kartel rub out him career, him just sit down and wait till some artiste put out a tune and him jump pon it. A nuh me make Kartel gone a jail wid Assassin book and pen,” a furious Khago said.

Since then, Khago has released a song titled Sumn Haffi Fishy Bout You which was produced by Cashflow Records. In it, Khago deejays:

‘den a wha make the boy never tek the bribe, when the World Boss box him a Shocking Vibes/ Him spread out like catty wid a licence act/ A di carbon copy of Baby Cham dat … everybody know say Sasco a pervert so the streets nah give you comfort…’

Khago further stated that when he heard Assassin’s song, he sent him a message on his Blackberry, which he says Assassin has not responded to.

“Assassin don’t have no melody. Him nuh call my name but mi a call dem name. Every year dem do dis song and call my name and try use me as guinea pig. Mi off a mute now, dem fi leave me mek mi do mi ting,” Khago said

When contacted, a member of Assassin’s management team said the artiste had no comment on the matter.


los Angeles (CNN) — Donna Summer, the “Queen of Disco” whose hits included “Hot Stuff,” “Bad Girls,” “Love to Love You Baby” and “She Works Hard for the Money,” has died, a representative said Thursday. She was 63.
There was no immediate information about the cause of death.
“Early this morning, we lost Donna Summer Sudano, a woman of many gifts, the greatest being her faith,” a family statement said. “While we grieve her passing, we are at peace celebrating her extraordinary life and her continued legacy. Words truly can’t express how much we appreciate your prayers and love for our family at this sensitive time.”
Summer first rose to fame the mid-’70s, thanks to “Love to Love You Baby.” The song, with Summer’s whispered vocals and orgasmic groans, supported by heavily synthesized backing tracks, helped define the mid-’70s disco trend and hit No. 2 in 1976. Summer followed the song with such hits as “I Feel Love,” “Last Dance” and a disco-fied version of the Richard Harris hit “MacArthur Park,” which outdid Harris’ version by hitting No. 1 on Billboard’s Hot 100 singles chart. It was Summer’s first of four chart-toppers.
2008: Donna Summer’s onstage inspiration
But with her 1979 album “Bad Girls,” Summer broke out of the disco mold as the genre, which had become renewed by the success of the “Saturday Night Fever” soundtrack, was feeling a backlash. “Bad Girls” demonstrated Summer’s vocal and stylistic range and produced two No. 1 hits, “Hot Stuff” and “Bad Girls,” as well as a Top 10 ballad, “Dim All the Lights.”
However, Summer had some trouble adjusting to the changing times. Her next album, “The Wanderer,” went for more of a rock feel. It produced a Top 10 hit in the title track but fared relatively poorly on the charts — especially after the success of “Bad Girls,” a double album that spent five weeks at No. 1.
It wasn’t until 1983’s “She Works Hard for the Money,” which became a ubiquitous video as well as a big radio hit, that Summer’s fame approached its late ’70s zenith.
“I don’t like to be categorized because I think that I am an instrument, and if you play me, I’ll make whatever particular sound is supposed to come out for that color, and so, in the overall spectrum of things, I’m just trying to be true to my, what I feel my mission is,” Summer told CNN in a 2008 interview.

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