This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


The founder and general overseer of Lord’s Delight Ministries located at No.51 Afolabi Stree, Ajangbadi in Lagos, Pastor Rita Obioma Obiakor and her husband, Pastor Paulinus Obiakor, are currently entangled in a web of accusations and counter accusations of infidelity and other behaviours unbecoming of people in their positions. gathered that the couple recently shared their sordid stories before an Ojo customary court presided over by T.A. Said, where the wife had dragged her estranged husband to. Pastor (Mrs.) Rita, who hails from Imo State, is seeking for the dissolution of their 15-year-old marriage.

She alleged that her husband and father of her four children has turned a thorn in her flesh. Here is her own side of the story: “My husband is on the verge of destroying all the works and efforts that I have put in place to establish this church over the years”.

“I got married to him when I was barely 16 years old, and he, 27 years. Then he had nothing, jobless and looking very unkept. I started doing odd jobs to make both ends meet. Precisely in 2005, the Lord called me into his vineyard to serve him and show his people the right path.

“My calling was a prophetic one, so was my ministry. Since the establishment of that ministry in our two-bedroom apartment at Amukoko, the Lord has been blessing us. But my husband was like a Judas to my ministry. He was always behaving abnormally to the members, until I made him a part of the church and also gave him a good post. Yet he wouldn’t let me be. He is always accusing me of sleeping with church members during night vigil or anointing services”.

Pastor Rita said her husband’s greed and jealousy has done much damage to the image she had laboured so much to build. The disharmony between the couple degenerated to the extent that she was forced to buy another plot of land at Shibiri, Ajangbadi, a faraway suburb, and constructed a new church, thereby abandoning the old church located at No. 1 Bakare Street, Amukoko.

She also abandoned their accommodation, as well as give up some members of the old church to her estranged husband. “I moved in with my children to a rented apartment close to the (new) church while my faithful members moved into our new church.. So I had to ban him from entering the church and having access to the members too,” she said.

The Husband, Pastor Obiakor stepped into the dock:
Giving his own side of the story the husband brought a new twist to the divorce case. The 45-year old clergy accused his wife of defiling the church by sleeping with prominent male members of the congregation in order to raise fund and establish herself financially.

The land she acquired for the new church and her new apartment, Pastor Obiakor alleged, were paid for with fund she raised from her illicit sexual affairs with male church members.

“My wife is the founder of the church, but as her husband, I am entitled to be the general overseer of the church. I had suspected my wife was frolicking with the wealthy and influential members of the church, my fears were eventually ascertained when she abandoned me and moved to her new church and apartment at Shibiri with a younger man she employed as her personal assistant known as Pastor Nwachineye,” Obiakor claimed.

Pastor Obiakor disclosed that his wife, Pastor Rita, has been impregnated by the pastor she employed. He went further to disclose that she even took the young man in question to the village and introduced him to her family members and relatives as her new husband. “That is a big sacrilege because I am still very much alive and active, so why would she take another man to replace me,” he argued.

But in spite of everything, Pastor Obiakor revealed that he still wanted her back. He admitted that his estranged wife was more like the bread winner of the family before their union ran into troubled waters. He said he is ready to forgive her of her transgressions and take her back as his wife if only she would withdraw the suit.

After listening to the pastors, T.A. Said adjourned to matter for further hearing.



Psalm 91

1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
3 Surely he will save you
from the fowler’s snare
and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
5 You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
8 You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.
9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
and you make the Most High your dwelling,
10 no harm will overtake you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
and show him my salvation. ”


I am putting up this thread because I want all of you who log on to say without fear of us being angry…if you have ever seen or experienced homophobic violence in Jamaica. How did they treat gays in your area,we need to hear all of your voices for all the world to hear (see/read)

Darktales: Talking about “Rebelution” and the tune “Do you still care” – do you think some artist in Jamaica don’t have the courage to say what they think or what they feel?

Tanya Stephens: [giggling] …

I don’t know… Well I’m a little bit away from the music industry in Jamaica. I live in the countryside and I don’t see many artists or musicians. I just see my band and myself, so I don’t know what goes on in the minds of the people. I just know that the image that is being painted of Jamaica doesn’t represent me. And it doesn’t represent many people from my community. I have a responsibility to recount what it is out there. The picture that’s being painted is that we are homophobic and that we are overly aggressive and violent towards people who have different choices from us. That’s not true. Jamaica is a nation which is made out of many and this is still true. It always has been true. Every kind of person lives in Jamaica and that’s why I have felt to do this. I don’t know about anybody artist, but the few guys who are talking crap, they don’t represent all of Jamaica.


Čĥęňǻė Łǒřđ

‎”JAMAICA has been in my head with great LOVE and absolute FEAR. The harsh reality that people like ME are persecuted, beaten, jailed, raped and murdered everyday JUST for being who they are or JUST EVEN BEING SUSPECTED OF IT. It’s what I saw too many times growing up in SPANISH TOWN and living in KINGSTON and it scared me to death. As a Jamaican i am deeply upset abt what u said abt Jamaica, and that Jamaicans who also comment on this did not realized or cared abt what was said, “all these can say its ur life and nuff love and respect” You are an international artist and when u say things like that u are bashing Jamaica as if we need anymore bashing than what we have been getting, yes Jamaica is a violent society and we are not HOMOPHOBIC WE ARE CHRISTIANS! and unlike America we dont comprise our RELIGION! yes its ur life style and what Gay ppl seem to 4get is that we dont care we just dont want u to force us to accept ur lifestyle and this is exactly what they are doing come on GAY PARADES? GAY MARRIAGES? Britain threatening cut off ties with Caribbean countries that doesnt suppose gay rights?
3 hours ago · Like · 1

Ariel Perkins Your conscience box was full and over flowing …set your conscience free

3 hours ago · Like · 1

Čĥęňǻė Łǒřđ

U also blame the society in which u grew up in as a part of the reason why u didnt come out, but darling we are society, we make up society and people are forgetting the spiritual morals of which we were taught and that is why the world will never be better, and some of u make it seem like Jamaica is the only country that doesnt like Gay ppl what abt the Middle east some them would be killed instantly!!! i live in Jamaica and i’ve never heard that A GAY PERSON WAS RAPED, OR GAYS ARE BEING MURDERED EVERYDAY THATS THE BIGGEST LIE EVER! Gays do get beaten only because they make it obvious or do their nastiness in public and in some cases they are jail because they like to dress up as women and trick men into thinking they are and when they find out they get beaten by them and this cases happen in Clarendon once. and if the violence is so rampant in KINGSTON as you said they why dont we go to NEW KINGSTON and killed them when there roaming the streets at nites? busily screwing who they want to in cars etc…?
3 hours ago · Unlike · 5

Čĥęňǻė Łǒřđ

The Jamaicans who are on this and didnt speak out ya’ll are unpatriotic assholes! and then the whole subject of God… Hmmm yes God loves all of us doesnt he? yes we already know that part! But get to the part where he was can also be an angry God? or we forgetting the days of sodom and gomorrah? Genesis 6:3 “And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.” so enjoy ur Lifestyle as if we didnt know u were GAY ALL ALONG! U AND MAYBE U JUST DECIDED TO COME NOW FOR MAYBE IDK PUBLICITY SINCE NO ONE HAS HEARD ABT U IN YRS LEAVE JAMAICA OUT OF UR CRAP!
3 hours ago · Lik
Čĥęňǻė Łǒřđ
Čĥęňǻė Łǒřđ ‎@BrendetteAllen Exactly! i personally dont care enuh what caught my eye was what she said what jamaica and that gays are being rape and killed everyday which is not true and just making Us Jamaicans look bad but more importantly our country looks bad she’s a hypocrite sayin she loves her country and at the sametime bashing it!

Brendette Allen

‎@Chenae girl we have always known and we did not give a shit about whether shi gay or st8 and for her to be saying she never said it before bcoz she feared we would have rejected her is bullshit bcoz if that was d case we would b asking Diana Who? I hate when people try to blame all their bullshit on Jamaicans…Diana d gaydar went on a long time ago even when u tried to deceive us with shy guy. Bottom line we dont give a shit or will ever give a shit..Peter Phillips budget more try ur publicity stunt elsewhere..
34 minutes ago · Like



       ·  · 2 hours ago near New York, NY ·


yes bitches me a saddamite.unno ever stop fi think a how pple get in a this a lifestyle mumma gi me way to a big woman from me a 7 and all she did apart from food and clothes and suck me.try fi understan and help someone like condemn and hate me,and push further in a the lifestyle that was intraduce to me from me small.god now i try hard fi stap,but i cant do it when me menshan unno sexuality teck it personal.and condemn me like the whole world.jesus say he that is without a sin cast the first is like the woman of samaria.30 year old and confuse.the parent fi stap gi whey them pitney fi betterment,then only end up getting abuse.jmg if unno want do something fi help,stap lick out pan pple try reach out to help.god no luv ugly.unno can come cast the stone now

April 5, 2010 3:42 PM

i know unno cant help me i know jmg is not the way.i know jesus the only lord and savior is the first and biggest step is to acknowledge that something is wrong with my lifestyle.i am not going from man to woman,or woman to men.its all well and good to say u sin in moderation,all sin is sin whether little or big.i am just saying sometimes b4 u cast stone or sink a person down in the mud stop to think y is this person like this.its all well and good to say u cant blame ur mother for giving u away,i have passed the stage of blaming a long time ago.i have passed the stage of blaming a 45 year old care giver in st.andrew that started molesting me at 10 and then passing me on to her frends also for 8 years.presently i am in therapy to get my life back on track.all i am saying dont be too judgemental.when quoting the scripture remember the bible says luv one another not tear down each other with ur words.i have been to church i have read the scripture i know its wrong,but a scripture verse dont cause years of hurt pain and suffering to go away.dont ridicule pple who is try to hold on to a change and make a change.dont be insensitive

April 6, 2010 9:34 AM

i am raising above my prob.i now the lifestyle is not right.i aint looking any justification for the lifestyle.i am just trying to get over it and put it behind me.i think i am getting there slowly but surely.thanks for the support.some bloggers behave like u call it upon urself,but u cant knock someone for there opinion,u have to take the bad with the good.i have gone tru load of sceptisim from pple.but through it all i have learn to smile,and keep going on.sometimes we just need a less harsher critism and more support we r all gods pple.i am getting there

Yesterday brought back a lot of childhood memories for me, a lot of things suddenly began making sense and I now realize that what I am about to say is similar to the story this person posted on jmg over two years ago.
There were a group of women, and I am sure there were many others like them. These women lived in Kingston and would date men who lived abroad, the men would furnish apartments for them and returned home every few months. The thing was that these women were bisexual which would be ok if that is what they choose to do but they went into rural areas and brought home these girls who they would pass off to their neighbors as their sisters/neices. Most of the girls were of school age and would attend schools but after a while, they would be pimped to entertain the men who supported the lifestyle of these women. At one point some of these girls were taped, some of the videos were sold but these girls were underaged and their parents gave them to these women, thinking that whey were being helped. I will not name names but is there anyone out there who this happened to or heard about this as well?


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