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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]




Closet gays push up HIV
New research suggests fear of stigma keeps infected ‘down-low’ males underground
BY NADINE WILSON Observer reporter [email protected]
Monday, July 02, 2012

NEW data showing a 32 per cent HIV prevalency rate among men who sleep with men (MSM) in Jamaica have reignited fears that the sexual practices of this largely underground community could erode gains made over the years in curbing the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
According to Jamaica’s National HIV Strategic Plan for 2012-2017, there are an estimated 33,000 MSMs in the country, but health officials say interventions targeted at this group have mostly failed because these men fear discrimination if their sexual activities are revealed.
A survey of the MSM community in 2007 showed that as many as 56 per cent had at least one female partner in the course of that year and almost 64 per cent identified themselves as bi-sexual. Only 57 per cent had ever done an HIV test, although almost 30 per cent of them had sex with multiple male partners within the four weeks prior to the survey. Only 67 per cent reported using a condom during their last sexual encounter with their main male partner, while 62 per cent reported doing so with their female partner.
What is particularly worrying to health officials is the fact that the MSM community is, for the most part, a ‘bridge’ population which is contributing to the increasing rate of HIV seen in women.
AIDS remains a leading cause of death among Jamaicans 15-49 years, with approximately 74 per cent of all AIDS cases in the island being within that age group. There were over 300 reported AIDS deaths in 2010 and as many as 2,100 Jamaicans estimated to become newly infected each year. This, despite the country making significant inroads in reducing the number of cases over the last few years with the introduction of a public access anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment programme in 2004. AIDS cases are highest among men.
Project co-ordinator at the Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition, Ivan Cruickshank told the Jamaica Observer the country is courting disaster.
“When we look at the rates of HIV among the MSM population, if we are not able to reach them effectively with HIV prevention, we really have a serious epidemic on our hands…,” he said.
Acting director of the Ministry of Health’s National HIV/STI programme, Dr Nicola Skyers, has said that while the ministry has been interfacing with MSMs in the lower socio-economic strata of the society, getting access to MSMs in the middle and upper classes has been extremely difficult.
“We do recognise that ignoring these subsets will cause an explosion within the general population because we know that there is a bridge. Men just don’t have sex with men, they have sex with women as well, so we do recognise the risk of ignoring these particular populations,” she told the Observer.
Cruickshank explained that MSMs with affluence rarely utilised the public health-care system which would enable policy-makers to fully grasp data on the community. Most, he said, usually seek treatment at private facilities or overseas.
“There is so much to lose that a lot of persons refuse to access health care because some of the questions that might be asked [and] some of the issues that they might need to take to the health care provider are issues that would identify their sexual practices,” he said. He also noted that some of these men are also in heterosexual unions and do not want to risk their relationships with their female partners.
One male sex worker who has been offering his services to males since 2005 told the Observer that most of his clients were influential and wealthy men who had wives and children. He admitted that he did not use a condom with these men during his earlier years in the profession, and THATother male sex workers he knows still do not use them.
“When you are with these persons who are of good character in society, you don’t perceive a risk because of the position that they are in. Because this person is a manager,or so forth, you don’t perceive that they would be running around, and that sort of thing. [Because] they are protective of their families, you are willing to take your chances with that person, versus someone who is not ‘up there’ (affluent), who, in my head, is of greater risk because they might be sleeping around with any or everybody,” he said.
He said some male sex workers “are flamboyant and dress effeminately” and so they sometimes chose not to access public health care because they fear being discriminated against, although their more affluent clients were able to easily access treatment through their private doctors. Most of their clients, he confirmed, are unknown to persons monitoring HIV/AIDS intervention programmes or policy-makers.
According to the National HIV Strategic Plan, the sexual practices of 40 per cent of reported male AIDS cases in Jamaica are classified as ‘unknown’, “and may reflect under-reporting by MSMs who are unwilling to reveal their sexual practices, as well as incomplete reporting.”
This unavailability of data is a significant weakness in the surveillance system.
“The high rates of HIV infection and bisexuality among MSMs are likely to be important factors currently driving the HIV epidemic in Jamaica,” the report noted.
The new National HIV Strategic Plan, which succeeds the current plan that ends in 2012, pointed to “an urgent need to identify remedial actions” so as not to jeopordise future funding, especially from global agencies that target at-risk populations.
“Specific approaches will be developed to reach subgroups of MSM: male sex workers, adolescent MSM, PLHIV (persons living with HIV), transgender, and bisexuals in upper social classes, as well as other MSM with money, power and influence who are usually the decision makers in the sexual relationship,” the plan noted.


Shock as Zambia’s Sata humiliates George Bush
By A Correspondent

Staff Reporter | ZambiaWatchdog|In a way that has shocked and prompted the US government to investigate, Zambia’s president Michael Sata has humiliated former
US president George Bush among other things calling him a colonialist who must pay back.

The US Embassy in Lusaka is now compiling a report following the humiliation of their former president by Sata which took place soon after Sata met a unnamed visiting Zimbabwean minister.

A local paper, The Zambian Watchdog reported that Sata’s sudden attack on Bush could be linked to a visit by a Zimbabwean minister at State House the day before Sata attacked Bush.

Bush has been in the country on a philanthropic visit aimed at among other things, the fight against cancer.

When Bush paid a courtesy call on Sata at State House, Sata told him from nowhere that his visit was payback time for colonialists.

George Bush on his Africa visit
Before Bush arrived at State House, Sata complained to United States public affairs officer Priscilla Hernandez that he did not like being kept waiting.

Bush was about 15 minutes late as he drove from Kabwe.
“I cannot be waiting here. He Bush is former president; he is not the current president of the United States so I cannot be waiting for him. I’m not an American for me to be waiting for him, and I don’t intend to be an American,” President Sata told Hernandez as Bush’s security kept communicating with their colleagues who were with Bush on their way to State House.

“The young man is lucky that he is the first American leader to have brought money to Africa through his Millennium Challenge Account; that’s why I’m standing here. Otherwise if it was somebody else, I would have handed him over to one of my ministers to meet him.”

But Sata’s attack on Bush has not gone well with the USA.

The embassy is said to be compiling a report for submission to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Other information received by the Watchdog indicate that Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe sent one of his ministers to meet Sata on Tuesday or Wednesday morning just before Bush was scheduled to meet Sata.

The name of the minister is not yet known and what they discussed is not yet known except that the Zimbabwean minister delivered a message.

When George W. Bush visited Zambian in December 2011, President Michael sata made an impromptu visit to the border town of Livingstone where he met with Robert Mugabe.

That time Sata denied that his suddent meeting with Mugabe had anything to do with Bush’s visit. Zambian Watchdog/ Additional reporting ZimEye


Reports are that after Mighty Mike who is said to be in his early fifties, did not show up for work and calls to his phone went unanswered. Dj Amber was sent to his home ,signs that Mighty Mike was home and it was then the locksmith was called to open the door to his home. After opening the door it is said that signs of vomit could be seen, showing that the Disk Jockey was feeling ill before he had passed away. Mighty Mike is said to had suffered from Diabetes




What Does The “666” Mean?

by Wayne Blank

“Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.” (Revelation 13:16-18 RSV)
The Mysterious “666”

A tremendous amount has been written about the Bible’s one and only reference to the mysterious number “666.” Using various methods of equating numbers with letters of words or names, a wide variety of interpretations have been made. A few are reasonable guesses (e.g. Nero Caesar, Romulus, Lateinos, Vicarius Filii Dei), while numerous others are extremely unlikely.

Although it’s not entirely clear, yet, what the “666” itself means, the Bible does provide many Scriptures relating to the “beast” that the number represents:

A “new” world economic and military superpower that will represent the final prophesied revival of the ancient “Holy Roman Empire” (Daniel 2:31-45, Revelation 13:1-3, 17:9-14) (see Daniel’s Statue and Birth Of A Superpower), which has actually existed in Europe for many centuries.
A Satan-possessed human who will eventually become its absolute ruler, while claiming divine status (Revelation 13:4-6). The “beast” is a term used to describe both this human, and the great political/religious superpower that he will lead (see Emperor and The Antichrist).
A great religious leader who will support the beast. He will perform spectacular Satan-powered “miracles” that will deceive a majority of the citizens of every nation on earth into obeying and actually worshiping the “beast.” (Revelation 13:4, 7-8, 12-14) (see Emperors and Popes). Because of this worldwide deception, undeceived Christians in even the most strongly-defended countries will not escape persecution because, in most cases, it will not come from foreign invaders, but from fanatically-deceived “Christians” of their own nation. The deceived masses will think that they serving God while they are actually martyring His people (e.g. John 16:2-3, Revelation 13:7).
The right and ability to buy, sell and work (Revelation 13:17).
The personal acceptance or refusal of the “mark” of the beast (Revelation 13:16).
The time will come when there will be no doubt about who and what the “666” symbol is all about. Why? Because the end-time account of the true church is about choices that every genuine Christian then living will have to make, and the consequences of those choices.

God’s people can choose to obey Him and reject the mark of the beast, but then be persecuted by the beast and deceived humans (Revelation 13:7,10,15 and 17:6), or accept the mark of the beast and face the wrath of God that will come upon those who do so (Revelation 16:2). It will be a deliberate, knowing choice, and at that time there will be no doubt what it means.

Fact Finder: What great event will occur at the time that the “beast” is eventually defeated?
Matthew 24:30-31, Revelation 19:11-20

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