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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



Married man bombs prostitute’s apartment after she took another man home

ZIMBABWE – A Gweru man petrol bombed a room belonging to his regular prostitute after she turned him down and took home another man.

The bombing of the room resulted in the whole house being gutted by fire. Sources said the six-roomed house is occupied by commercial sex workers. It is said the lady of the night, only identified as Beauty had reportedly refused to go with her regular “catch”, identified as Jack Tsikani (33).

Acting police spokesperson for Midlands province Assistant Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko confirmed the incident, which occurred on Saturday night at House number 72 Maliwa Road in Mtapa suburb. Asst Insp Mahoko also confirmed the arrest of the suspect Tsikani but could not give further details on the matter, saying investigations were still under way.

“I can confirm that police are investigating a case in which a house in Mtapa suburb belonging to one Mr Tawanda Nyoni was gutted by fire following a brawl involving one of the tenants and her lover. Police also arrested the suspect, Jack Tsikani (33) following the incident. We are, however, yet to get full details of the matter as investigations are still under way and police are treating the case as malicious damage to property,” he said.

Sources, however, told Chronicle that on the fateful day, the suspect, Tsikani who is now in police custody, was enjoying a night out with his girlfriend-cum- commercial sex worker, Beauty, at Salacco night club in Mtapa. The two had been lured to the club by popular Harare-based comedian and musician, Freddy Manjalima, popularly known as “Kapfupi” who was performing.

“It was during that night that Beauty who is a well-known commercial sex worker later ditched Tsikani and took home another man. This did not go down well with Tsikani who followed the two lovebirds to Beauty’s lodgings at Number 72 Maliwa Road Mtapa,” said the source.

The sources said the suspect then petrol bombed Beauty’s room resulting in the whole house being gutted by fire. They said following the incident, Beauty reported the matter to the police and led them to Tsikani’s house in the same suburb where he was then arrested.

“There was more drama at Tsikani’s house when his wife ran amok and struck Beauty with an axe on the head for leading the police to their house. One of the police officers who was investigating the case was also struck on the hand by Tsikani’s wife,” said the source.

Beauty confirmed the incident and the alleged assault by Tsikani’s wife. She said she was still admitted to Gweru Provincial Hospital when she was contacted for comment yesterday.



16-year-old Amina committed suicide last Saturday after being forced to marry her rapist.

Under Moroccan law, any man who rapes a minor will be forgiven of all charges, as long as they marry their victim. Last year, Amina was walking the street when she was accosted and raped by a man who was 10 years her senior. When she finally reported the incident, their parents agreed to a marriage to protect her family honor.

After submitting to the marriage, Amina confided to her mother that she was subjected to violent beatings from her husband; her mom simply asked her to be more patient. As a final resort to escape her violent marriage, Amina injested rat poison and ended her life.

With a huge public outrage, the victim’s father, Lahcen Filali told reporters that the marriage was suggested by the court officials, “The prosecutor advised my daughter to marry, he said ‘go and make the marriage contract.”

An online petition has been formed to call an end to Article 475 of the Moroccan code which reinforces the practice of marrying rapists and their victims.




Homosexual, lesbian (gay) behavior (same sex relationships, marriage…;) is sin, and is forbidden in the Bible. The graphic word arsenokoites (from arsen, “male,” and koite, bed) describes a man who “beds” another man. Although arsenokoites is sometimes used in a wide sense referring to all homosexuality, it also had a narrower sense, referring to the one who took the active or “male” role in the homosexual relation. The one who took the passive or “female” role was called the malachos. The word malachos literally means “soft” or “soft to the touch.” Although it had other uses such as “soft clothing,” it was the standard word in the Greek language for the “passive” one in the homosexual relation.

With these terms in mind, as well as others we have encountered above, we see that the vocabulary in 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 10 is very specific: “Neither the sexually immoral (pornos) nor idolaters nor adulterers (moichos) nor male prostitutes (malachos) nor homosexual offenders (arsenokoites) nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” Homosexual behavior is also addressed by descriptive phrases, idioms, and euphemisms rather than just through the words that refer directly to it. For example, Romans 1 contains some very descriptive language.

Romans 1:24-27
(24) Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
(25) They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
(26) Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.
(27) In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

It is hard to read these verses and conclude anything other than that homosexual and lesbian relationships are wrong in God’s sight. The “natural relation” is a man and a woman. Homosexuality is also mentioned idiomatically in Jude 7: “…Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example, in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire” (NASB). “Gross immorality” is a good translation of the verb, ekporneuo, which is simply porneuo, the verb meaning, “to commit sexual immorality,” with the prefix ek, which intensifies the verb. Thus, the NASB translation of “gross immorality” is a very good one. Later in the verse, the phrase, “to go after strange flesh” is defined by Louw and Nida in their lexicon as “an idiom, literally ‘to go after strange flesh,’ to engage in unnatural sexual intercourse—‘to have homosexual intercourse.’” [1] In the Old Testament, the Law forbids homosexuality just as it forbids adultery and bestiality. “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable” (Lev. 18:22). “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable” (Lev. 20:13).

Lesbianism is not specifically mentioned by name in the Bible for a good reason: the name is a late invention. Both the terms “homosexual” and “lesbian” were coined in the 19th century by theorists who were describing people’s emotional and sexual interest for others of the same sex. “Lesbian” was chosen because of Sappho, perhaps the greatest female Greek lyric poet (c. 630-570 BC) who was interested in other women and lived on the island of Lesbos, and from the island of Lesbos itself, because it was known as a center of Greek culture, pleasure and licentiousness. As we saw in the verses just quoted above in Romans, however, the sexual attraction of a woman for another woman instead of a man is not natural and not godly.


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(CNN) — George Zimmerman was released from jail on Friday, one day after a Florida judge set bail at $1 million.
Judge Kenneth R. Lester Jr. found that Zimmerman’s deceit over cash holdings at his first bond hearing in April was not enough to hold him without bail. However, he also said he believed the suspect may have been planning to flee the country to avoid prosecution in the killing of Florida teen Trayvon Martin.
Zimmerman had to post 10% of the $1 million — or $100,000 — to meet the requirement for release.
He wore a white dress shirt under a gray suit as he walked out of jail and into a waiting SUV.
“We are confident and comfortable that George will be safe,” Zimmerman’s attorney, Don West, told CNN outside the jail following his client’s release.
Zimmerman out on bond
“We were hoping the bail would be considerably less than what it was. And we will take the judge’s comments to heart, but we don’t necessarily agree with them and we will decide what is next,” he said.
Investigator: Zimmerman missed opportunities to defuse situation
An initial bond of $150,000 was revoked last month after Lester learned that Zimmerman and his wife, Shellie, had failed to disclose more than $150,000 in donations from the public.
The judge’s order Thursday said that the new $1 million bail order was not a punishment but an amount that assured the court that Zimmerman would not abscond.
In his ruling, Lester wrote about the first bond hearing and noted an undisclosed second passport kept in Zimmerman’s safe deposit box.
“Notably, together with the passport, the money only had to be hidden for a short time for him to leave the country if the defendant made a quick decision to flee,” the judge said. “It is entirely reasonable for this court to find that, but for the requirement that he be placed on electronic monitoring, the defendant and his wife would have fled the United States with at least $130,000 of other people’s money.”
Lester wrote the defendant’s plans to flee were “thwarted.”
Timeline of events in Trayvon Martin case
Zimmerman, 28, is charged with second-degree murder in Martin’s February 26 shooting death. Under Florida law, second-degree murder is a bondable offense.
Speaking to reporters in New Orleans before Zimmerman left jail, Martin’s parents said they are struggling, but have faith all will end well.
“As we said from the beginning, we have strong faith in God,” said Tracy Martin, Trayvon’s father. “And we’ll continue to lean on God and ask Him to give us the strength and continue to give us the faith in the justice system, and justice will prevail.”
Judge Lester imposed new restrictions on Zimmerman that he did not face when he was out on bond the first time.
Zimmerman must report to officials every two days, cannot open or maintain a bank account and cannot be on the property of an airport. He also cannot apply for or obtain a passport.
He must abide by a curfew from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., and like before, will be monitored electronically.
Zimmerman, a Sanford neighborhood watch volunteer, acknowledged fatally shooting the unarmed Martin after calling police to report a suspicious person. Zimmerman, who is white and Hispanic, said Martin attacked him.
George Zimmerman: Trayvon Martin threatened my life
CNN’s John Couwels contributed to this report.


Jamaicans tolerant of gays — Les Green

Jamaica Observer

Friday, July 06, 2012


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OUTGOING Assistant Commissioner of police Les Green, says despite claims by gay lobby group Jamaica Forum for Lesbians All Sexuals and Gays, (JFLAG) that gays are being persecuted and subjected to mob beatings, Jamaicans are actually tolerant of gays.

In an exclusive exit interview with the Jamaica Observer Green said he had worked closely with JFLAG and found that most gays who were victims of murder were killed by other gays.

“There isn’t that sort of backlash that some people say. I think we are much more tolerant. I think Jamaica is far more tolerant than the public hype,” Green said.

See your Sunday Observer on July 8 for the full story!

Read more:—Les-Green#ixzz1ztBG31Mj

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