This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Met i haven’t heard you mention anything about wada blood and the new mix up on twitter. Months ago it was babymother drama n now is wife drama. He got married to a his gf Mayda Gibson daughter of (Joe Gibbs) in February. Now there is some disturbing tweets on twitter from April a man name Serio Miller said to be wada blood mate. Serio post she was lying to everybody telling me & delroy(wada) the same thing. She say wada never pay for his daughter babysitter. I know nothing good will come for her I just feel sorry for her kids. I can write book about the dirty thing she did to me & ruin her life I still have naked pics with her. Believe none of what you heard she ain’t got shit she drive a shitty ass ford focus station wagon. Wada u ain’t shit your wife got f for olive garden. Once a hoe always a hoe!!!


The big gay lie
By Betty Ann Blaine

The report in the July 8 Sunday Observer in which outgoing Assistant Commissioner of Police Les Green spoke openly about gay-on-gay crime in Jamaica, is not only timely but also important, given the orchestrated campaign against Jamaica. And when Les Green speaks people listen.
If there is a single police officer whose name has become publicly synonymous with integrity and truth-speaking, that police officer is Les Green. That is not to say that there aren’t many more like Les Green in the Force. The fact is, however, that Les Green became the face of anti-corruption within the JCF, earning him the respect and admiration inside and outside of the police force.
In addressing the concern of the murder of gay men in Jamaica, ACP Les Green is quoted as saying, “All of those murders that I have investigated have been in relationships and are victims of gay attacks, domestic situations.” The Sunday Observer report stated that Green flatly rejected the line of reasoning being promulgated by JFLAG (Jamaica Forum For Lesbians All-Sexuals and Gays) about the violence and discrimination levelled against gays in Jamaica, admitting that all the murders of gay men he had investigated, only one was not committed by a member of the gay community. “That was Steve Harvey and that case was a robbery,” Green said.
What Les Green has divulged is what most Jamaicans already know to be a fact. Jamaicans are not violent homophobes as JFLAG and the international gay community have been advertising. What Jamaicans do not accept is the open, “in your face” displays of homosexuality in its various modalities.
For far too long the homosexual lobby has been perpetuating the big lie about Jamaica’s violent homophobia with little evidence to substantiate the claim. What the gay lobby refuses to talk about is gay-on-gay crime, especially murders, and the levels of sexual violence perpetrated against the most vulnerable in the society, including children.
The international gay lobby must be made to understand that for Jamaicans homosexuality is both a deeply cultural and a deeply spiritual matter. Jamaica is not a country where sex and sexually explicit behaviour are openly displayed or tolerated, whether it involves heterosexuals or homosexuals. You don’t see, for example, couples kissing or caressing openly in Jamaica. That is just not our culture.
Open displays of homosexuality are even more unacceptable to Jamaicans, not only because people are unaccustomed to seeing that type of public display, but Jamaicans are a Bible-believing people, and are clear about what the Good Book says about homosexuality. For most Jamaicans, God’s word is paramount, even while they admit that sin abounds in the lives of all men — whether heterosexuals or homosexuals.
From what I see and understand, and contrary to what JFLAG is promulgating, gays in Jamaica have a tremendous amount of power and latitude. I am aware that many sit in very high and powerful places and wield a lot of influence both inside and outside of the country.
But JFLAG is not satisfied with the collective and financial power that the homosexual community possesses and the advancements it has made in Jamaica in recent times. What it appears determined to achieve is the wholesale societal acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle, even if it goes against the country’s cultural norms and Christian beliefs. In order to achieve the goal of “homosexualising” the Jamaican society, the strategy, it appears, is to affect legislative change as well as to marshal powerful external governmental forces to pressure Jamaica into compliance. It is important for the homosexual community to know that as far as Jamaicans are concerned, God is more powerful than governments, even when the majority of the governed are poor and dependent as is the case of Jamaica.
It’s interesting how selective and strategic the homosexual lobby is in its information and communication campaign. One of the issues not talked about are the levels of HIV/AIDS within the MSM (Men who have sex with Men) community. Are those cases increasing, and what does that mean for the wider society? As the homosexual community expands to include not just gays and lesbians, but bisexuals, transgender, transsexual, transvestite and intersex groupings, the question must be asked, is the lifestyle good and healthy for society? It seems to me that that conversation is not only imperative, it is urgent.
For me personally, I want to reiterate my deep love for all of God’s creation regardless of sexual orientation, and it is the Word of that same God on which I stand.
What I find unacceptable, however, are the dishonest and exaggerated stories that are being bandied about to support claims of the wanton murder of homosexuals by Jamaican homophobes. It is time for Jamaicans to fully debunk the big lie, and the factual information coming from ACP Les Green should be duly noted and documented.
—Courtesy the Jamaica Observer



-FLAG: Jamaica ‘progressively tolerant’ of gays but…
Thursday, July 12, 2012

LOBBY group Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG) has responded to statements from a police expert that Jamaica is more tolerant of gays than previously thought.

In a statement yesterday Dane Lewis, executive director, the lobby group said in fact Jamaicans were “progressively tolerant”, and the country “has made some progress, albeit not uniformly as a society, in respecting the humanity, dignity and equality of LGBT persons”.
However, the group said, JFLAG is under no illusion that the sentiments expressed by persons like Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller, who had a “mature approach on the issue, in contrast to the confident bigotry displayed by her predecessor”, represent the view of the majority.
“We are still comfortable, as a nation, in expressing bigoted positions towards a community that wants no more than to love those adult persons who love them in return, free from the spectre of harassment, victimisation and persecution,” J-FLAG said.
“Admirable public statements and pockets of increased tolerance towards the LGBT community should not negate the reality of the discrimination and violence being experienced,” the group added. “J-FLAG receives almost daily calls, emails and walk-in reports of persons being kicked out of their homes, physically assaulted, raped and verbally abused because of who they are.”
The group had especially harsh words for Les Green, former assistant commissioner of police who last week rubbished a common claim by the gay community and international rights groups that homosexuals in Jamaica are victims of wanton murder, mob-mauling and marginalisation, and columnist Betty Ann Blaine, who said “when Les Green speaks people listen” in her column The Big Gay Lie.
The former Scotland Yard detective said his findings showed that the majority of gay killings are carried out by members of the gay community.
Blaine, for her part, said the gay community appears determined to achieve the wholesale societal acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle, even if it goes against the country’s cultural norms and Christian beliefs
“The truth is that there needs to be a deeper analysis of these murder cases of persons in “relationships and domestic situations” from the usual resignation to ‘crime of passion’ label,” J-FLAG said.
“If a gay man is murdered in his home with no visible sign of forced entry it does not automatically mean his lover killed him. And even so, it must be thoroughly investigated and the perpetrator brought to justice nonetheless. Our willingness to park in this position and move no further is most startling… so many of us resign ourselves to a fallacy that gays are jealous and out to kill themselves.”
The group said Jamaica certainly has a vibrant thriving homosexual community, “no one denies this, but Jamaica has a far way to go in normalising its relationship with those of its citizens who find themselves being counted among the ‘other’.”


Mi say Met a Nuh only newyorker’s wear fake shoes connecticut sasha conceited and dis other gal inna dem too. victoria beckham a wear the real shit sasha the real one is not open toes.dwl,LOL.


Hi Met ,
This is the first time I’m emailing you , I’m a regular on your site and first off I have to say ….. I so love it …. The pics I have attached caught my eye the other day when I was on Nick Foto Works looking through recent party pics , The Toronto dance hall people have been on your site before and so has (Kirk) or as many know him as Go Out Kirk …. you know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words , well these pics have so much going on and I just want the Toronto people to come talk the tings So everyone says Kirk always a look woman at every party even though him wife Kay Goudas never let him go out by himself , she deh a every party right side a him , BTW Met , I didn’t know how to crop out the girl in the photo who was actually posing for the picture , as the background with Kirk and some girl is what caught my eye LOL ….. pic # 1 , Kirk a laugh with someone but you can’t see a who , pic # 2 hand holding a gwan and you can clearly see who he was smiling and chatting to …. pic # 3 wife notice how wife (Kay) a blank stare down smaddy LOL at Kay’s face …. looks like Kay fi drop the Goodas from her name , or should I say Goodas fi who ???? LMAO !


Bruce Golding declared a state of emergency and sent the security forces into Tivoli Gardens in 2010 supposedly to capture Dudus Coke. Coke walked out of Tivoli and ended up in a government-owned guest house in St. Ann. The security forces nevertheless went on to kill 73 to 200 people. Golding must be held to account for the role he played in these deaths. Just as Mubarak was sentenced to life in prison for not stopping the massacre in Egypt.

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