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This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]



What Is The Key To Divine Intervention?

Is God in Control of Everything That Happens?

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[This article was taken from chapter 9 of our book Don’t Blame God! A Biblical Answer to the Problem of Evil, Sin, and Suffering.]

Now then, there are only two alternatives. Either God sometimes cannot intervene on our behalf, or He will not do so. There is only one place to find the will of God, and that is in His Word. There are many places in the Bible where we can look to see that God’s will is goodness, wholeness, health, and life for everyone, especially His own family. One of the clearest sections is the four gospels — Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which chronicle some of the life of the living Word, Jesus Christ, who said he always did his Father’s will (John 5:30; 8:29). As to Jesus’ attitude toward human suffering, James Martin states:

Of all the attitudes to suffering that the Bible reflects, that of Jesus must obviously be the most important; and it is plain that he did not regard it as punishment for sin nor as “sent” by God. He regarded it as something evil, the enemy of God and inimical to fullness of life, and so He sought to remove it wherever He could. [1]

In Jesus Christ, God intervened in the course of human misery, and through His Son, He continues to do so.

Acts 10:38
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.

Did Jesus heal “all” sick people in the world? Of course not, but he did heal every single person in his world that he could.

Matthew 8:16
When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick.

Matthew 12:15
Aware of this, Jesus withdrew from that place. Many followed him, and he healed all their sick.

Jesus healed everyone who came to him for healing. But look at this next verse, in which the word “there” refers to Nazareth, where he grew up.

Matthew 13:58
And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.

Why did Jesus not alleviate as much human suffering in his own hometown as he did elsewhere? Certainly it was not because his desire to do so had diminished. Rather, as the verse states, it was because the people there did not have faith in him to do so.

The ministry of Jesus Christ established that God and His Son will intervene in your life every time they can. The basic biblical pattern is plain: whenever and wherever God and Jesus Christ can help people, they do, and whenever and wherever they don’t, they can’t. Thus it is imperative to understand, to the best of our ability, what God’s Word tells us as to when and why He and His Son can intervene to help us, and when they cannot. We will see that this is primarily a legal issue, because, as we have stated, God is by nature a legal, i.e., a righteous, God.




Jamaican arrested in NY in connection with murder (Murder Suspect Apprehended in New York)

Cumberland County Sheriff’s Homicide Detectives, members of the New York/New Jersey Regional Fugitive Task Force and the U.S. Marshall’s Office have apprehended a suspect wanted in connection with a 2009 Spring Lake, North Carolina murder.

28-year Tobijah (Toe-by-juh) Nelson is charged with accessory after the fact to the murder of a U.S. Army soldier and the injury of another soldier, who was the victim’s friend.

Investigators have appeared on numerous network affiliates in hopes of locating Nelson. Their latest was America’s Most Wanted on January 29, 2011 and witnesses confirmed seeing Nelson in the New York City area. Nelson is a Jamaican national and has been in the United States illegally.




FAYETTEVILLE — Detectives in Cumberland County are still searching for a man wanted in connection with the 2009 murder of a soldier in Spring Lake.

On March 29, 2009, 28-year Tobijah Nelson and 24-year old Demar Bryan were at the Ikola Jamaican Lounge in Spring Lake when an argument broke out outside the club between Bryan and a woman.

Authorities say 27-year-old Charles Clemens intervened by getting into a verbal argument with Bryan while defending the woman.

Bryan later shot Clemens to death while he was on the dance floor inside the club. Clemens friend, 26-year-old Arthur Mwebe was also injured.


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STORY: Man in soldier murder extradited

Bryan was arrested several months later by homicide detectives in Seabring, Florida. He had a fake ID and claimed to be relocating to the Miami area. Bryan was later extradited to Cumberland County, North Carolina and is currently in jail under no band and awaiting trail on murder charges.


Meanwhile, Nelson remains at large.

Nelson is decribed as a African American man standing 5′ 11″ tall and weighs about 175 pounds. He has black hair that he wears in a deadlock style and has brown eyes.

Anyone with information about Nelson is urged to contact the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office at (910) 323-1500.

Clements was a soldier assigned to Fort Hood, Texas. He was in Spring Lake visiting Mwebe, who was a soldier assigned to Fort Bragg. He had recently returned home from Afghanistan at the time of his death.





Eaver day mi cleannnnn….



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