This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]

Di powa a di Jamaican wine> A REAL REAL TEKIESHA

It wudda really tek a Jamaican fi move in pan one a dem Nigerian actors yah to rasss..
A girl say a she did deh wid di man n introduce dis girl to him n she tek him and now Jim Iyke a deny di sawtowt and a own up di Jamaican girl Kenturah Goodas >> TODAY NAME SAVORY SATURADAYYYYSS A YAH IT DEH. Di Nigerian dem ketch a seejah but Kenturah say she a >>>>>>>>.

Like A Fox”, a performance that won her lots of plaudits and rave reviews.

Since Keturah called last summer to make comments on the back and forth story of betrayal, of romance gone awry involving her ex-friend, Ruth Okoro, and her former husband, now actress Ini Edo’s new husband, Philips Ehigiwina, we had been planning to have an interview.

To those of you who followed the story, Keturah was right in the middle of what had been described as a love triangle involving Ruth Okoro, actor Emeka Ike and top actor Jim Iyke.

The news on the tabloid newspapers and on the internet then was that she had betrayed her close friend, Ruth Okoro, who had introduced her to her alleged male friend, Jim Iyke, and had gone ahead to supplant and take Jim Iyke from her.

The story has since been discounted, and in an interview with Jim Iyke last year, the actor vehemently denied ever having an affair with Ruth Okoro. He acknowledged that Ruth facilitated his meeting his heart-throb – Keturah Hamilton. Naturally, I wanted Keturah to tell me exactly the circumstances that led to her meeting her lover, Jim Iyke, and if there was any truth to the story that Ruth was seeing Jim Iyke, and she effectively stepped in, and took Jim away from Ruth.Nothing can be further from the truth,” Keturah started. “Ruth and Iyke never dated, and were never in any relationship. It is true that I met Jim through Ruth, and this is how that happened: Ruth had called me to say that there was a movie shoot in Maryland, and that she would love me to accompany her.

“Before this moment, I had confided in Ruth that I was in love with a particular Nollywood star – Jim Iyke. Unknown to me, Jim was part of the casts of the movie in Maryland, but Ruth didn’t tell me.What I later found out was that Ruth wanted me to hook up with the producer of the movie- and I found that pretty distasteful. When we got to Maryland, Ruth did all she could to steer me in the direction of the producer.

But I was not interested. I was also pleasantly surprised that Jim Iyke, an actor I had earlier expressed a liking to, was also in Maryland, and naturally, I gravitated toward him. Jim and I took an instant liking to one another. We went out for dinner, and I discovered that even though Jim could be very, very arrogant, that he was a softie at heart.

He bombarded me with questions-views on relationships and marriage, and few days later, he asked me to speak to his sister in Africa, and I found myself completely feeling at home with Jim. Since then, I discovered that he was the man of my dreams and we have been celebrating our romance ever since, and what a great guy he has been!

Qualities that attracted her to Jim

“Jim is the most romantic man ever, as far as I m concerned. He is also a great gentleman. Jim is not afraid to say sorry when he did me wrong. In spite of his tough boy image, he is all human and sheds tears like everyone of us does, under

– Keturah …Jim’s most romantic man

certain circumstances. Jim is a planner – very meticulous, unlike me, who is a last-minute person.

He has brought a lot of order in my life, and for that I remain very grateful. We fight like most couples, and yell at each other. I will always tell him to keep the actor side to himself; that he is my lover after all.

He would often laugh and tell me, “Don’t worry, you know daddy is not afraid to say sorry.” He makes me laugh. Jim is also exceedingly intellectual. He watches television a lot, especially, the news and commentary aspects of our politics and economy. He is a dependable person and can die for his friends.

He is a sweetheart and my meeting him has made me a better person. Above all, we have a most exciting physical relationship, a department I think is very important in any relationship.”We don’t really have a lot of cultural issues. Don’t forget that Jamaican men are very much like the Africans, and our cultural values are very much in sync with those of the Mother Continent.”

Asked to comment on the level of vitriol that has been heaped on her by some women, who thought she had stolen their prince charming, she replied, ” I don’t know why they are so angry. I got Jim because I am hot. Because I possess some unique qualities that fit into Jim’s relationship schema. If I were a fat and ugly Jamaican girl, I am sure many of them would have had no issues at all.

But because God gave me the gift of beauty, they are all jealous. A lot of African men are married to Jamaican women, and I think it’s all good. There are millions of pretty African women out there. But it’s just that Jim chose me, and that’s that. People should get used to it.”

On women who still want Jim

“You know what? I have heard women tell me to my face that in spite of the fact that I’m seeing Jim, that nothing will stop them from taking him from me. Others told me point blank that they would not only take him away from me, but also would go ahead and have his baby. You know what that does to me?

It motivates me. When they expressed all those feelings, and at the end of it all, Jim returned to my bed, it stirs something in me when we are intimate. It brings out the best in me.

To those women who have those desires on Jim, my message to them is simple: keep fantasying. Too bad I got him where you can’t reach. You don’t threaten me at all.



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