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rumor has it Marcel run wey, and Coureen cannot find him..mi hear she try kill her self cause her pitney them now is fatherless.and she don’t have a soul fi help her and she out to loose di house a bloomfield cause she cannot find work because she has felony charges and might go to jail.What a piece of mixup.(Edited) and him run weh left harr cause him thief did ton load a fowl from his job and Section 8 find out a government dollars a pay them mortgage thats in his name. and them want back di money. hiheeeeeeee! but truth be told why don’t she go check him many many other women he has one of them must be aiding and bedding the fugitive. what a catastrophe and disgrace.DUTTY BITCH COUREEN WHERE IS YOUR MAN AT? OLD SOUR (Edited) GAL THAT HYPE AND (Edited). YOU DESERVE FI SUFFER FI WHEY YOU AND YOU (Edited) HOLE FAMILY DO TO THE BABY MOTHER FACE. the gal soon have to go back to selling her p*** and sucking h** and licking b*** to get buy couture clothing.
48 Responses to MARCEL GONE OO
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