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Man guilty of raping elderlyMan guilty of raping elderlMan guilty of raping elderly

The man who raped a 69-year-old woman last year was found guilty by a jury in the St Catherine Circuit Court on Tuesday.

He is Sylvester ‘Sill’ Coke a 34-year-old labourer of Bog Walk, St Catherine.

Coke was found guilty after the jury retired for over an hour and returned a unanimous decision.

The Crown had led evidence that on April 5, last year, at 4 a.m., the complainant, who lived alone, was at home when she reportedly went outside to use her toilet. When she returned to her house, the accused was inside and attacked her. He held her down on the bed and sexually assaulted her and forced her to perform oral sex on him.

After her ordeal, the senior citizen made a report to the Bog Walk police in St Catherine, and an investigation was launched.

Coke was held later that morning and was charged with rape and indecent assault by Detective Sergeant Leroy Guy.

He is scheduled to be sentenced on May 26.


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