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The New Age Movement is growing by leaps and bounds – not only in our country, but throughout the entire world. People are looking for spiritual answers to all of their problems since more and more people are finding out that material wealth and possessions are not bringing true joy, happiness and peace into their lives. This short article will be dealing with the subject of reincarnation and the Bible since reincarnation is one of their many false beliefs.

Some of you may be led by God sometime in the future to witness or to help someone out who may be heavily involved in parts of the New Age Movement. You are going to need the appropriate Scripture verses to properly defend God’s position on some of the different beliefs of the New Age Movement.

One of the major beliefs among many of the New Agers is the belief in reincarnation. Reincarnation is the belief that we have lived previous lives before the ones we are living now. Famous movie actress Shirley McClain is a big proponent of the New Age Movement and believes in the theory of reincarnation.

Some believe that we have either lived once or many other times before this life. They believe that when we die in this life, that we will again be reborn into another body and will continue to evolve until we reach some appropriate form of self-realization or self-actualization.

If any of you are ever called to witness to someone who is heavily involved in the New Age Movement, there is a very good chance they are going to ask you what the Bible has to say about reincarnation.

Here is the Scripture verse that will specifically answer this question for them:

“And as it is appointed for men to DIE ONCE, but after this the judgment …” (Hebrew 9:27)

Notice the words “to die once.” The Bible says we only get one chance on this earth to get our act together before God. The Bible says that after we die and cross over, we will all come before the throne of God for our own personal judgment. After we die, we will then all face judgment. There is no second or third chance to try and get our act together before the Lord.

The above verse also implies that after we die, that we are not reborn a second or third time. If we can only die once, then there is no way that we can be reborn a second time – because that would imply that we would have to die a second time – and the above verse specifically tells us that there is only one physical death. There thus can be no rebirth back into another physical body after we die the first time.

This one verse, in one simple sentence, completely answers the question on reincarnation. More ammunition for your arsenal should you ever need it on reincarnation and the Bible.


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