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Robbed to Riches
Part 3

The days passed, I was very hurt and could not believe that this had happened to me. Billy’s response was a denial and then basically back to business. He told me that he already told me he was no longer married and he was not going to debate. As planned I left his house the next night day I already decided that I would not take the relationship any further. Carl dropped me off and I went in to sadness but I new that no matter what I would have to shake this feeling. It was time for me to go to school and I had to prepare myself mentally and physically. Prior to this I was given a key by Billy, he said he had somewhere available and I could stay there and if I wanted my room mate could as well. He also said that Carl knew where it was and he would take me there when it was time to go back to school. I left the key because of my anger I did not bring it with me when I left his house after the “wife” situation. My aunt was trying to finish the argument she started a few days earlier but I was not interested. My mother did not really care and went about her everyday life and well my grandmother is just naturally quiet and did not say much. I avoided Carl’s phone calls because after all he was Billy’s driver. Billy called me once but I did not answer so he did not call back. Well here I am on the bus again going to school. I thought long and hard and although I was not an aristocrat or born to riches I was not going to be second to no one. That was just not going to happen I did not care who the man was. When I got in to Kingston I had a little money 400,000 dollars to be exact. Accounting was my major and well I did not just go around spending everything I had that wasn’t me. I was getting back on track and concentrating on my studies, I was thinking about Billy but I had to move on. It was almost two weeks since I had been in school and Billy did not call me.

Depression took over my thoughts and I decided that I would go home for the weekend because I was feeling hurt and needed to cheer my self up. My aunt as usual was glad to see me but I was trying to avoid her because of how I felt. I contacted Patrice and decided to visit her. If any one always had another side to a story it would be her. Patrice was looking better than usual and she was in her last month of pregnancy. When I saw Patrice the first thing she said was “Yu look good, it look like yu live a foreign, mi foreign fren”. Patrice was usually very funny I told her a lot about Billy so she could not let it past she couldn’t wait to ask she said to me “Den how yu an di prime minister a gwaan?”I responded with a low voice, “It did not work out.” Patrice had a very surprise look on her face and responded “Speak up! Mi cah hear yu, yu do wah, look mi nuh inna it wid yu look how di man tek yu up and tun yu inna first lady. And now yu wah lef di man, look yah nuh yu betta go patch it up. Plus my baby soon born an a yu one mi have so go forgive an figet.” I couldn’t do anything but laugh. I told Patrice that he had a wife and I was thinking I made a mistake. Patrice said “then how shi gone fi so long, shi gi him weh.” Because of how I felt I just did not even want to hear the word “wife”, I was happy to see that despite her circumstances her spirit was up. I gave Patrice 7,000 dollars and she turned to me and said ” Sue yu a good girl enuh, yu cah gi weh yu self to dem yah wutless man yah, look weh happen to me, furthermore yu nuh fit fi roun yah so.” With that I put my hand around her neck and I left.

My younger sisters were going to high school and I knew that times were hard so I gave my aunt some money and told her not to worry. My major was accounting and I was very good at it so I decided that when I return to Kingston I would get a part-time job. It would be difficult but I decided that I needed to step up and do what I had to. I was getting ready to go back and I was very sad because I was not able to get Billy off my mind. My aunt came to me again and this time I told her exactly what was happening. She listened and said to me that I should not allow anyone to rob me of my riches whatever they were. I thought long and hard did not know what she meant but I still had Billy on mind. With the passing of the weekend it was time for me to go back to school. I promised myself that I would do much better and not let anything get in my way. It was approximately 11:45 am and I was about to leave. My grandmother came to me and told that there was somebody outside to see me, I did not expect anyone. It was Billy. I was shocked, happy and confused. I approached him and he said “Hello Miss Sue!” “You forgot this at my house.” My tongue was tied.


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