Psalm 21
1Our LORD, your mighty power
makes the king glad,
and he celebrates victories
that you have given him.
2You did what he wanted most
and never told him “No.”
3You truly blessed the king,
and you placed on him
a crown of finest gold.
4He asked to live a long time,
and you promised him life
that never ends.
5The king is highly honored.
You have let him win victories
that have made him famous.
6You have given him blessings
that will last forever,
and you have made him glad
by being so near to him.
7LORD Most High,
the king trusts you,
and your kindness
keeps him from defeat.
8With your mighty arm, LORD,
you will strike down
all of your hateful enemies.
9They will be destroyed by fire
once you are here,
and because of your anger,
flames will swallow them.
10You will wipe their families
from the earth,
and they will disappear.
11All their plans to harm you
will come to nothing.
12You will make them run away
by shooting your arrows
at their faces.
13Show your strength, LORD,
so that we may sing
and praise your power.
– Leah Tavares-Finson’s boyfriend ”Dog Paw/Gully God” wanted along with 14 men for crimes committed in Eastern Jamaica(CAN SMADDY CONFIRM IF LEAH PREGNANT OR NOT PLEASE)
– D.J Zebra convicted of rape and buggery of a 14 yr old
– Jamaicans for Justice are backing Ian Johnson in his claims against James Robertson who has been under investigation for years
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