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Claire’s Corner ” SMARTER WAR”

Smarter WAR!

Mastering your own emotions being congenial yet cunning and democratic yet devious…. *evil smile* dwl…, Yup! if yu can’t control your own emotions how yu ago survive this cruel world that keeps throwing things at yu from all angles???
Learn to be civilized, decent and fair without giving too much of yourself cause anybady dat try to be good ALL the time is bound to fail in this world that is in abundance of the “NOT SO GOOD”. Yes huni ,there is greed ,envy, lust and hatred fighting a spiritual warfare(unseen war) and your only weapon is to charm seduce, deceive and outmanuver the competition, without them knowing it. ……cause if dem notice yu strategies it will certainly cause resentment so be careful not to be obvious .
Do not attempt to fool yuself and treat everyone the same cause firstly that is an insult. Yup! it would seem you can’t recognize “difference” so it would be like your rewarding the less skillful and suppressing those who excel.

Its great that you may think honesty is the best policy but in fact and truth its most times better to reserve your judgment. ..* as mi granny sey ANUH EVERYTING GOOD FI EAT GOOD FI TALK*

The truth is an offense but not a sin BUT does that make an “offense” better than a “sin” ??? A sin is against God and an offense is against Man but di two a dem bring “JUDGEMENT” …*God own a fire an brimstone an Man own a shot a fire an big stone* lololol ..

No one will see your honesty as completely free of some personal motivation suh jus figet dat
Let me tell you a lil bit about ‘Truth’ ….honesty is a strategy intended to convince people of how noble , good hearted an selfless you are ok,… suh yu can spear me all that lolol
Don’t play with fire!! .Look at the world as “shifting of perceptions” ,meaning :- always be able to see things through other people’s eyes .Yup! .. wat yu want fi yuself other ppl want the same , how you want to be treated , treat others , and learn to see things from every angle b4 yu open yu mouth *wink*

Emotions cloud reason
An emotional response, to a heated situation is a big mistake, that will cost you more dan di temporary satisfaction it brings you
When yu get overly emotional you cannot clearly assess a situation and respond with control
Anger is the most destructive emotion cause it has wat you would call a ripple effect ,that makes any situation less controllable and send yu opponent to a heighten state of resolve.
If its any enemy that ur trying to overcome its best to feign friendly and keep them off balance than to show anger.
Work harder on concealing your intentions from others, practice luring ppl into traps . Patience is your greatest weapon , this saves you from making foolish mistakes.

Nuh watch ppl intentions, what’s more important is the effect of their actions. Look into it …..sometimes ppl intend to do or say one thing and end up getting a different result than the one they intended , so the intent is not as important…. nuh true??? Dwl
Take nothing personal , observe ppl and muster all the calm you can find in you, that will enable u to see clearly wat the opponent is working with. Train your eye to follow the results of their actions and the circumstances. Do not be distracted by anything else . People spend a life time studying plants and animals so don’t u think it would be beneficial to study people with whom you must live and die among ??
Be a master psychologist.
You must be able to see through smoke screens an read ppls motivations from a distance, …. once yu kno wat dem up to dem cyah hurt yu….. Never discriminate as to whom you study, never trust anyone fully , watch everyone including friends and loved ones.
Disguise ur cunning wid nuff nod and smile dwl . Every move yu mek must be planned out perfectly, train yu moves to be indirect…. ok love lolol
Your power over them is determined by wat you do NOT do and wat u do NOT say .Yup!…. its not the goals u achieve that are memorable, it the price you pay to achieve them that counts . Apply this to every aspect of your life .
LIFE IS SHORT, AND OPPORTUNITIES ARE FEW , you have only so much energy to draw on , so time is precious .Never waste valuable time or mental peace of mind on the affairs of others. That’s too high a price to pay ….

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